Hardware advice please!
I recently installed a V5 on my "diablo" rig but I am a bit disappointed in the stock drivers. I know about voodoofiles.com but there are so many third party drivers I dont know which to choose. If anyone here is using a V5 and can suggest some better drivers Id be grateful.


I've been using on a v5-5500 for quite some time, despite the fact that it desperately needs replacing. Voodoofiles.com's 3rd party drivers section has kept me up and running since 3dfx closed shop. Your best bet is to sift through the list and look for v5 packages specific to your card version.

There's a couple sets of drivers that come bundled with 3dfx Underground software, and I've had good experiences with those. I'm drawing a blank on the name, I think it's Max/CuneyT or something, but his drivers are good too.
Call HCGoodbye(gl,hf,dd)

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