Unique and Set Paladin Shields
I remember reading on the Arreat Summit that some Unique (or maybe the set) Paladin shields got auto-mods.

So, do the Herald Of Zakarum, Dragonscale or Alma Negra potentially get auto-mods? How about Griswold's Shield?

If so, does that go for the other class specific unique and set items as well?
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
Set and unique items do not get checked for having automods. Some of the items can seem like they have automods (i.e. Titan's Revenge) but that is is just a matter that some of the attributes that are assigned are the same as if the had an automod on it.
The AS did once say the Griswold shield had automods. However, I reported this as bug and it has been fixed. It really just has 45% resist all. A lot of the unique/set class-specific items have similar automod-looking bonuses, but they don't actually get automods. Similarly, many unique/set items have staffmod-looking bonuses, but they don't actually get staffmods.

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