Useful info and two questions.

I found this over at the Basin in the Hardcore Strategy Room:

GaiaCaT Posted: Feb 16, 2004 - 11:57 PM

"There's an entry in Registry Database you can alter.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Blizzard Entertainment/Diablo II
AllowHardcore (DWORD), Value = 0

Change it to 1 and you can create HC characters right away oO

Or if it's not there, create it.

Worked for me on HC Ladder, without going through the hazzle of playing SC ~~ "

This is useful if one does a re-install and subsequently deletes one's characters. In that case one must, annoyingly, play a softcore character through Normal before one can create a hardcore character.

Question 1.

How does one implement the -act5 switch? I tried adding it to the target line of the properties of my Diablo icon, but Windows suggested that was invalid.

Question 2.

Where is the break even for defense vs. resistance?

I have a Duskeep helm for my level 49 Rogue sidekick with a defense of 45 and +15 to all resistances. I can, occassionally, shop helmets she can wear with defenses in the ~200 range. Which is more important? And roughly when does higher defense become more important than the resistance adders?

Edit: I figured out #1. Just add the -act5 after the closing quote mark.
e.g. "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -act5
"Nothing unreal exists."
-- Kiri-kin-tha
ZatarRufus,Feb 18 2004, 12:32 AM Wrote:Question 2.

Where is the break even for defense vs. resistance?

I have a Duskeep helm for my level 49 Rogue sidekick with a defense of 45 and +15 to all resistances. I can, occassionally, shop helmets she can wear with defenses in the ~200 range. Which is more important? And roughly when does higher defense become more important than the resistance adders?
Unless you're playing a Defense orientated build like a Defiant or an Iron Barb, resistance is always a better choice than more defense.

... in my opinion.
I second this opinion (for the most part). The deadliest monsters in the game (exluding Frenzytaurs [Lister and Company use Smite, which ignores your defense anyway]) use elemental damage, such as Gloams and Balrogs. So unless it is 1% resist on a 10 defense helm, vs. 0% resist on a 500 defense helm (and for some characters, not even then...), I'd go with resists. Unless a Salvation paladin with a Guardian Angel. The reason this is is because Character Level and Monster level are just as important (I think, they may be more important), and monsters in Hell have such a high AR, that unless you are a max defense character, it doesn't do much.
Obi2Kenobi,Feb 17 2004, 09:56 PM Wrote:... The reason this is is because Character Level and Monster level are just as important (I think, they may be more important), and monsters in Hell have such a high AR, that unless you are a max defense character, it doesn't do much.
Is this specifically stated for a character wearing the helmet or for the merc? My Barbarian has max resists (and enough charms and items to have max in hell mode) so I'm not considering this helm for myself. I have this weird idea that I must take my given Rouge (Aliza, wouldn't you guess) though the end. She lasts about 5 seconds with NM Diablo which is why I was wondering if a higher defense helm would be better.
"Nothing unreal exists."
-- Kiri-kin-tha
Defence generally is only worthwhile if you specialize in it. It also suffers from diminishing returns (quite badly, although this is somewhat "hidden."). While resistances also suffer the same "diminishing" returns, it is much more noticable with defence.

Example: my current avenger uses maxed holy shield and several very high defence pieces of equipment to acchieve a defence over 10 000, giving normal monsters about a 20% chance to hit him. With my merc's defiance aura active, my AC jumps up to about 14k, and my to be hit chance drops to about 16, 17%. Very little difference. With an increase of 40%, my to be hit chance drops by 3 or 4 percent. Conversely, when I switch to resist fire and boost my merc's fire resistance from 75% to 85%, he lasts MUCH longer against venom lords.

Essentially, it's only worth investing in more defence if
a) you already have maxed resistances;
B) you can increase your defence AND keep or increase your resistances.

In short, concentrate on resists, not defence. But if you can add more defence without sacrificing resists (and without other factors, such as slowing your run/walk from heavy armor), then do so.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
Blizzard in their wisdom left some diabolically useful auras off of the act 2 mercs. Imagine being able to have a merc with sanctuary or conviction. B)
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The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein

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