Leap Attack Malfunction
While playing my concentration/warcries/maul barbarian John_Henry, my leap attack skill stopped working entirely.

The circumstances: (1.10 final, single-player) My equipment settings are (on main) two-handed maul, concentration on left, leap attack on right (on alternate) a pair of one-handed sounding (+2 warcries) weapons with various warcries on right-click. Normally in combat I switch to the +warcries setup, hit enemies with Battle Cry, then switch to the big hammer and concentrate them, staying on walk and using leap-attack rather than run to move rapidly when necessary... But in a nightmare false tomb a boss pack of stun-knockback enemies (those big guys that tip backwards when you hit them, can't remember the name) and apparitions surrounded me and I couldn't leap away... after some fighting and losing my merc, i managed to break away alive, but my leap attack still didn't work--i simply pointed in the direction of the right-click and nothing happened, similar to clicking on an unreachable area of the map. No sound, no mana cost. Switching leap-attack to left button, changing acts, changing equipment, going to town, dying and respawning, etc, didn't do anything--I had to completely exit D2 and restart it before my leap-attack would work again. attempting to leap-attack in town got me "not in town" as usual. The button was not red-shaded like when I had insufficent mana.

This has never happened before to me; has it happened to anyone else with Leap Attack or other skills? Is there a way to fix it without losing your game in progress?

-- frink
I've had this happen once in realm ladder play. The only fix I found was to leave and then re-enter the game. Not much of an option for you in single player though.

I believe (but I may be wrong) that it occurs when you are hit (and are put into hit recovery/block) just as you try to use Leap/Leap Attack.

I have never heard of any solution except exiting the game.
Quote:stun-knockback enemies (those big guys that tip backwards when you hit them, can't remember the name)

Blunderbores. Or some type of them.
I get the feeling that the game is still waiting for the barb to finish the Leap Attack animation b4 allowing the skill to be "castable" again.
-- Ryan
Between GW2, AirMech, Firefall and Torchlight 2, who has time for gaming? Smile
Like it's been said, the only way to fix this is to leave and come back. However, this bug is not common enough in my opinion to be a reason to not use the skill, I have a level 84 ladder patriarch who has never encountered this bug.
I've died a few times because my Leap Attack suddenly stopped working. It may not be enough to stop you from using the skill entirely, but it might be a good idea to keep Leap hotkeyed for escape purposes.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
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This has happened to me multiple times while playing on my zon and using Lightning Furyor my Pally and Charge. It seems that it only happens to me in Chaos Sanctuary or Worldstone Keep. I play on USEast and all i need to do is exit the game and reenter (even if it is the same game). I don't know why this happens, good luck finding out
I am nothing. Nothing is perfect, therefore I am perfect. Only god is perfect, therefore I am god.

I Take Pride in Knowing I wasted 10 Seconds of Your Life With My Signature.
Does it to me whenever and wherever. But that's the only way to fix it.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Happened to me too, against the Minions of Destruction. My Booyaka-Barb (THANK YOU Swarmalicious!) got knocked around a lot, then refused to jump and died. You would think that he would learn from such an unpleasant experience, but upon his next run-in with Lister and Friends (corpse retrieval) he still stubbornly refused to leave the ground (and no, I obviously hadn't figured out the problem yet). I attributed it to a severe case of Combat High Anxiety™, cureable only by killing Nurse Diesel (go Mel Brooks!).

I was quite disappointed to find out it's a mere bug.



"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
I wonder if this is related to another glitch that occurs when a character is knocked back by monsters.

My character, regardless of class, will sooner or later get knocked back. The blunderbore monsters do it, vipers do it, and minions of destruction do it. Once this has occurred, my character will "skip over" a chest, urn, stash, or other object I attempt to use. By "skip over" I mean he/she walks/runs up to the object like normal, but then magically appears on the other side of the object before actually using it. In some Act 2 crypts, this can lead to a character becoming stuck between the object (pile of refuse) and the corner the object sits in. The only way to eliminate the glitch it is to leave the game and re-enter (online), though once you get knocked back again you'll have to repeat the process.

This started with patch 1.10 and still occurs in patch 1.11B, so I'm wondering if Leap Attack is still bugged.
Quote:While playing my concentration/warcries/maul barbarian John_Henry, my leap attack skill stopped working entirely.

The circumstances: (1.10 final, single-player) My equipment settings are (on main) two-handed maul, concentration on left, leap attack on right (on alternate) a pair of one-handed sounding (+2 warcries) weapons with various warcries on right-click. Normally in combat I switch to the +warcries setup, hit enemies with Battle Cry, then switch to the big hammer and concentrate them, staying on walk and using leap-attack rather than run to move rapidly when necessary... But in a nightmare false tomb a boss pack of stun-knockback enemies (those big guys that tip backwards when you hit them, can't remember the name) and apparitions surrounded me and I couldn't leap away... after some fighting and losing my merc, i managed to break away alive, but my leap attack still didn't work--i simply pointed in the direction of the right-click and nothing happened, similar to clicking on an unreachable area of the map. No sound, no mana cost. Switching leap-attack to left button, changing acts, changing equipment, going to town, dying and respawning, etc, didn't do anything--I had to completely exit D2 and restart it before my leap-attack would work again. attempting to leap-attack in town got me "not in town" as usual. The button was not red-shaded like when I had insufficent mana.

This has never happened before to me; has it happened to anyone else with Leap Attack or other skills? Is there a way to fix it without losing your game in progress?

-- frink
yep this has happened with my barb many times its amazingly annoying because my barb centers on leap attack so im screwed when it happens
it doesnt matter what you are equipped
i think that it happens when you can surrounded, but i know for a fact that if a vertical jump attack occurs, you can no longer use your leap attack unless you quick the game

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