Smite Inquisitor
Well, do u know than a holy fire chippadin, with open wounds, is called for some Inquisitor ( blood and fire, i suppose ). I have the goal to make a smiter in 1.10, coupled with other skills, because i read is difficult make a decent smiter now.

I have more than standard stuff... yesterday i find my first 1.10 GF and plan trade it for a WF, only have not a WT , no need too much. Iwant tell, items are not problem, have good mules EXCEPT Runes.

My idea is use the skills, and max in the order listed:

20 holy fire
20 smite
20 holyshield
20 fanatism or the need for max speed

20 resist fire ( maxed at last, off course !!! )

if i use some one point wonders, and prerequistes ( 2 zeal, 1 charge, etc ) i think with 90 points i am full, and the 20 last for the holyfire if i can go too high.

My main idea is use zeal in left button, smite in right, and use items and merc to dispose the fire inmunes.

Items i have and ready for use:

Dracul Grasp Gloves for leech in smites.
Unique shield with 50 Open Wounds not remember shield ( need upgrade )
Metalgrid Amulet for resistances and fit the theme
WizardSpike for smite , resistences and ultraquickly zeal ( shaeled )
Unique armor sharktooth, i can use or give to the merc ( a barb with upgraded ripsaw i think )

I have a baranar and a lightsabre , maybe have as a second weapon switch for inmunes. Not like the vengeance skill.

Main aura, fanatism. No party friendly, but possibly have a good salvation for party friendly.

What is the cap for OW ?
What weapon use w8ing wizardspike?

I think the barb merc is the more theme fitting. Any suggestion abaout inbmunes, stuff or something?

Quote:What is the cap for OW ?


Some points about your build:
- You can only have either fanaticism or holy fire active at a given time. That means that while you're using holy fire, any points in fanaticism aren't doing anything, and while you're using fanaticism, any points in holy fire aren't doing anything.

- If you intend to have zeal on one button and smite on the other, all points in auras are being wasted.

- Holy fire doesn't work with smite.

- An unsynergized level 20 holy fire will add just 111-123 fire damage to your attack. This is next to nothing.
Oops, you are right,

My idea is holyfire with zeal, and fanatism with smite.

But if the damage is too low, i need think other =( I try with zonfire first.

A inquisitor with holy freeze not fit theme =/
Holy fire can get impressive, but not with just a level 20 investment.

If you have level 20 holy fire with a level 20 resist fire synergy, that'd be 510-565 damage. Quite a bit better than the unsynergized one.

+all skills, +offensive auras and +fire skills would all help to increase this a bit. Even a modest +5 skills would boost this to 800-855 damage. If you had +10 skills, it'd be 1200-1255 damage.

Also, it appears that holy fire does get fire mastery applied twice when in mêlée, like with enchant. So if you had Dragonscale and four perfect fire Facets, the +35% would really end up being +82% in mêlée. If you went for a Dragonscale and eight Facets, it'd be +55%, or +140% in mêlée (but you'd be sacrificing a lot of possibilities in the helm and armour slots). A demon limb for enchant charges would also work well with this, both stylistically and since enchant would give the AR that holy fire doesn't provide and since it would benefit from the Facets just as much as holy fire would.

Alternately, a good holy fire could be great fun with exploding arrows from Kuko Shakaku or Demon Machine. All the fire damage would carry over onto the explosion. Ranged attacks don't benefit from mastery, so you wouldn't be getting the double mastery multiplication here. OTOH, applying your holy fire to everything in the area and not needing a to-hit check for the first explosion is nice, and you can hit targets multiple times if you hit them with the actual arrow as well, or if you pierce and have overlapping explosions.

So I'm not saying that holy fire is useless. It could really be a lot of fun. I'm just saying that you can't just invest 20 points in holy fire, leave it unsynergized for most of the game, and ignore equipment that'd boost it, and still expect to defeat all the non-fire-immunes with it.

You could.. set the building on fire.. with Trangs..

Here is a question while we are on the whole fire thing....does the fire damage from holy fire and other fire sources carry over to thrown potion explosions? Because if they do you could be the Evil Midnight Bomber paladin. With dragonscale and facets you could deliver as much as 1/10th the damage of a fireball sorc!
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.
No. The only way to increase the damage of a throwing potion is to reduce the enemy's resistance. Nothing else will affect it.
Well, i want too make a immolation Zon, have a Kuko and i know exist a unique bow qith open wounds and is upgradeable.

Maybe i can make a "inquisitor Zon" =)

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