Here's an interesting and hard flash game. The idea is to take turns with the computer to take away a number of pearls. You win by leaving only one parl on the guy's hand. Can you beat this game?
The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good
They said to play it louder than Hell
We promised that we would
When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie
The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die

- Manowar
that's tough! Very addicting too! Thanks for the link! :)
There's a certain trick to solving these puzzles. Once you know what it is, winning is guarenteed, at least in the three variations provided on the website.

There's a math paper on this somewhere on the web. :)
Not particularly addicting to me. Not because it lacks some entertainment but because I hate having to finish off a game I obvoulsy lost, then listen to his laugh for 10 seconds before it registers "new" being clicked. -_-
I remember getting this game down playing Ninja Turtles on the Gameboy. :)
It's an old game called Nim with some fancy graphics. I like playing against people I know, because I can try to psyche them out.
A plague of exploding high-fives.
But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
Reminds me of a drinking game, where If you are the last one to drink from a jug, then the second to last person has to skull.

This is all second hand of course ;)
Quote:then the second to last person has to skull.

Could you enlighten me as to what skulling is?
Ofcourse the fact that the person who goes first can always win if they know what to do is not at all important <_<
~~To drink without pause until finished

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