What's up with AB
It's lunch here and my daily visit to the Amazon Basin is currently meeting with the dreaded

Quote:The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Any news?

Amazon Basin Moderator
AB Reveler Leader

East Realm

"Buzzards gotta eat - same as worms" (spit)
It seems the server is down. You are not the only one with this problem. :)
Proud Member of the Amazon Basin
Greetings to all of you Lurker Lounge Members!
Well, I'm getting the same thing. I don't know for certain what the cause is, but over the past few days, a lot of people (myself included) have been getting a "DNS error" resulting in the page not being found. At the time, the explanation from the technical team was that some of the DNS servers which connect our page to the web are not routing properly. In other words, the breakdown *could* (emphasize *could*) be between AB and the rest of us, not at AB's site itself.

Please stand by, I'll update if I learn more.

edit: from another thread, here's Flick's word on the previous diagnosis, which is *possibly* the same problem we are having now:

Quote:The problem is with the Basin's secondary and tertiary DNS servers. It looks like some ISPs don't want to talk to our primary DNS server (which is working just fine), which is why you're getting that message.

AllWeasel and NLX are investigating what we can do about it. For now, there's nothing to be done but curse the vagaries of internet routing.

I'm getting the shakes. What am I supposed to do at work all day without the AB forums to read :unsure: Someone please advise! ;)
ok, that's definately weird O_o
I miss my randothoughts thread...

Good thing there's also a WoW page at the LL B)

PS: would this also explain why my AB mail isn't working?
:lol: My thoughts exactly Numsay ! :lol:

Enigma's Dru Noctem site must be connected also ..... :o Or I'm extra unlucky .....
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
That probably also explain why TPJ didn't come here to tell us since he didn't get the error himself.
Proud Member of the Amazon Basin
Greetings to all of you Lurker Lounge Members!
I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms. :unsure:

*needs his AB fix*
I'm subscribed to so many forums and topics over there, I get about forty e-mai notifications every day. My last notification e-mail was from this morning around 5:00 GMT. I'm guessing that means it pooped out sometime this morning :blink:

Looks like the LL has some visitors for a while :)
Kartoffelsalat,Apr 13 2004, 03:16 PM Wrote:My last notification e-mail was from this morning around 5:00 GMT.  I'm guessing that means it pooped out sometime this morning.
Short story? Our host installed an extra 512MB of RAM last night and fuxx0red the server in the process.

I've opened multiple trouble tickets and placed numerous calls. I've fired off a politley 'angry' letter to them in hopes of getting this resolved. Their response so far?

"We won't charge you to put a new drive in the server so you can try to restore the data yourself."

Sorry. Not good enough.
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
Well till the server gets fixed i guess the AB will just flood into the lounge :D

I compleatly agree, I go crazy when there isn't AB posts to go threw even if I have already read them 5 times.

Slightly OT: Do most AB members have identical user ID's on LL?

Edit: durring a break I had between classes today I got into AB and made a reply, I beleive the Screen said there was 8 other active users.

Edit: New to the lounge. Lurked for a while here till I joined the AB. Other than the small technical diferance is there anything I should do diferent at the LL than I do at the AB? Thankz
EvilShadow,Apr 13 2004, 07:53 PM Wrote:Slightly OT: Do most AB members have identical user ID's on LL?
Most do save a few exceptions. For example I'm Drake over the AB forums but since there is another Drake here I'm Drak'tzul.

TPJ: That means it's not only a few of us who aren't able to access the AB, everybody can't then?

You have very good reasons to be mad TPJ, especially with such an arrogant response from them. <_<
Proud Member of the Amazon Basin
Greetings to all of you Lurker Lounge Members!
hello lurker lounge.

just checking in.

hey brianc84 - keep your chin up lad.

/me wonders:
hmmmm. i wonder how long it will be before spear of light comes merrily down the pike and reads this . . .
[Image: hlinready02gt1.gif]
<span style="color:tan">h j u k i<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
<span style="color:goldenrod">amazon basin member
the amazon basin
<span style="color:green">___________________________
EvilShadow,Apr 13 2004, 02:53 PM Wrote:Other than the small technical diferance is there anything I should do diferent at the LL than I do at the AB?&nbsp; Thankz
There are many similarities between the two sites. Politeness and other basinly attributes work well at the LL. The only thing I could point out as a major difference, is the LL is less tolerant about improper English usage and spelling. 1337 sp34k and typical chat shortcuts are not appreciated.

Overall, the LL prefers to have a few quality posts rather than be flooded with a large quantity of inferior dribble.

"Nothing unreal exists."
-- Kiri-kin-tha
*sigh* it is

muffins for all!
There, there.

*Breaks out the cookies*

Now, have a cookie and relax, your friendly Lurking neighbours will take care of you while the plumber fixes your home.
ZatarRufus,Apr 13 2004, 06:53 PM Wrote:Overall, the LL prefers to have a few quality posts rather than be flooded with a large quantity of inferior dribble.
So the AB is filled with inferior dribble?

TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
TPJ,Apr 14 2004, 12:25 AM Wrote:So the AB is filled with inferior dribble?

Hm, given the context of the phrase I can see why you followed to that conclussion, but I think that what Zatar meant to give was a bottom line of the Lurker Lounge posting habits, which incidentally seem to be quite close to that of the Basin as many people have pointed out already.

I wouldn't dare saying he could have used better wording being a non-native English speaker myself though :)

EDIT: Nonsensical typo <_<
TPJ,Apr 13 2004, 11:25 PM Wrote:So the AB is filled with inferior dribble?


we only have one word association topic going at a time!


meh, *chomps a cookie*

(grumble grumble)
muffins for all!

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