Exp bonus from Ondal's Wisdom - a question
Does it apply to party experience as well, or just your own kills? Anyone know? How about the Annihilus bonus?
Only for yourself. The +addxp items are sumed up with the shrine exp bonus (if you happen to have one). This is pretty much at the end of the whole exp calculation.
I thought he was asking "does it apply only to exp from monsters I myself kill, or does it also increase the experience I get from monsters party members kill (via the shared experience system)?". It looks to me like your reply might be "party members do not get this bonus experience" and there might be miscommunication. But I could be misreading it as well. :)

OK Experience is cut in several parts. (Thx to Foxbat for the 1.09B Offset and to pmpch for the partyBonus info)

1) PART I Monster Birth

Levels.txt Monstats.txt and Monlvl.txt are used to compute Base Expérience.

Then The "Players X" bonus

2) PART 2 Monster Death
Party bonus

Sharing the Xp
Each member gains
Exp=ExpGroupe*CLVL/(Sum of the CLVL)

3) PART III Personnal Bonus / malus


MLVL Versus CLVL(2 cases Player CLVL<25 and Player clvl>=25)

CLVL-MLVL    Coef(Hexa)    %Exp
0-5 ............................ 100 ....................... 100
6  .................................CF ......................... 81
7  ...............................  9F ......................... 62
8  .................................6E ......................... 43
9  .................................3D ......................... 24
10+ .............................. D  ..........................5
MLVL-CLVL    Coef(Hexa)    %Exp
0-5  ...........................100  ........................100
6  ...............................E1  ..........................88
7    .............................AE    ........................68
8  ...............................5C  ..........................36
9  ..............................26  ............................15
10+ ............................ 5  ............................2

CLVL-MLVL    Coef(Hexa)    %Exp
0-5 ............................ 100 ....................... 100
6 ................................ CF .......................... 81
7   .............................. 9F   ........................ 62
8 ................................ 6E .......................... 43
9  ................................3D .......................... 24
10+  .............................D  ...........................5
MLVL-CLVL      %Exp
>0  (CLVL/MLVL)*100

High CLVL Malus
ExpRatio Cf Experience.txt
Ok, I'm none too good at math...gimme the straight dope. ^_^ Does it apply to only your kills or party exp as well? I think the answer kinda got lost along the way...
myrdinn's reply would indicate that yes, it applies to experience gained from kills from party members.

Three brownie points to myrdinn also for using the word "malus" to mean the opposite of "bonus" - I've no idea if it is actually used in English in that context any more, but it damned well ought to be. ;-)
You don't know what you're talking about.
A somewhat related question:

When do mercenaries get experience?

Based on my observations, they get experience points when your character kills a monster directly, and they get more when they kill something themselves.

If you kill indirectly by having a minion (skeleton, valkyrie, etc) do the damage, or if a party member kills a monster, it seems your merc gets nothing. Is that true?
Mercenaries get 3 the amount of experience when they get the kill than when you do. However, their experience is capped at 1/64 the amount of experience from current level to the next level per kill. (if they have 1000 exp and just leveled, and the next level needs 2000 exp, then they would get 125/8 points of exp [rounded, not sure which way...])

Also, part members killing don't give your merc exp. Not sure about minions, but I think that they would share exp.
YES Kill done by your minion gives Your merc XP.

BTW (Merc) Exp required for level MLVL=X (D2common.11084)--> MLVLx((MLVL+1)²)x"Exp/lvl"
"exp/lvl" -->column M(using excel) =Exp/lvl in Hireling.txt

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