D'you know the number of Els you need to make Zod?
16677181699666569 El Runes to transmute to Zod!

So, what monsters/areas can drop Zod? Hell mode only, most likely?
The actual number is 14,281,868,906,496.
And don't forget the various types of gems needed once you start transmuting Thuls.
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
and the fact that past shael (?) you'll have to be on a ladder character, where you're unlikely to have 24 or so characters worth of runes & gems to drop onto a transmuter for your zod.

did that number factor in that the later ones are 2 runes, not 3?

I'm going to believe adeyke's number before the original posters. The original posters number is divisible by 3 and not 2, so no, his must not have taken the two runes at higher levels into account! ;)

:unsure: Oops, yeah, I forgot that when you reach Pul, you only need 2 to transmute... :unsure:

Sorry, bout that... I left my D2 CD in school, so I was looking for stuff to do, like reading PsiCop (Walkiry's thing), and making stupid posts like this, I was banned from TV, and I need a new soccer ball... :(

Anyway, to keep it on topic, does anyone know what areas can give you Zod?

Add-on: And I double-checked adeyke's number, it's correct... :unsure: :unsure:
To give some perspective: the number adeyke gives is more than the number of kilometers in a light year.

(1.4 x 10^13 in one case and 9.4 x 10^12 in the other)

Happy rune hunting!

In that case, forget the runes... :D
Hi ogot,

Please don't post here if you would conisider your post to be a "stupid post". Please DO post here if you would consider your post to be intelligent or at least thought-provoking. We're looking for quality here, not quantity.

One advantage, if you're trying to waste time, is that well written and thought-provoking posts generally take longer to compose, so they can help you kill more time. ;)

Why can't we all just get along

Oh sorry... Can you delete the post anyway so that my shame is lessened? :unsure: :unsure:

Edit: I don't want to get banned, I learn a lot of things here... :(
Don't worry about it. Most people who get banned are people who've demonstrated that they do not want to learn or contribute. If you take some time to read thought the FAQ, Rules, and etiquette links up top, I'm sure you'll do just fine. :)

Oh, and don't forget to get a new soccer ball! :)

Why can't we all just get along

Oh okay, I'll do both today! :D
Quote:The actual number is 14,281,868,906,496.

To put another perspective on this number, if one El rune dropped every second, it would take over 450,000 years of continuous, non-stop play to amass this number of runes. :blink:

Quote:Anyway, to keep it on topic, does anyone know what areas can give you Zod?

Zod's can only be found in Hell difficulty. All of the higher-level areas in Hell contain monsters which could potentially drop a Zod, but the odds in pretty much all cases are astronomically low.

According to ATMA's drop calculator, the earliest place you could expect to see a Zod drop is from a random boss in the Den of Evil, but the odds are less than 1 in 11,000,000. The first regular (i.e. non-boss, minion, or champ) monsters which could drop a Zod are Skeletons and Hungry Dead in the Crypt and Mausoleum, but their odds are less than 1 in 61,000,000.

The best odds of a Zod are from Diablo or Baal's first (quest reward) drop, at 1 in 2,987,183. After that, Hephasto and Nihlathak are the best bets, followed by Diablo or Baal non-quest reward drops. If these monsters aren't your cup of tea, any of the Act V Superuniques or seal bosses in the Chaos Sanctuary have the next best odds of giving you a Zod. Interestingly enough, Coldworm the Burrower in Act II, random Fetish bosses in the Spider Forest, and random Flayer bosses in the Flayer Jungle and Flayer Dungeon have the same odds of dropping a Zod as the Act V Superuniques do.

After these monsters, the odds drop by an order of magnitude. Regular monsters with the best odds of a Zod drop are Black Souls, Burning Souls, Dark Shapes, Doom Casters, Ghosts, Gloams, Specters, Storm Casters, Stranglers, and Wraiths in various areas of Acts III, IV, and V. Interestingly, these regular monsters actually have better odds of dropping a Zod than any of Baal's minions.

Hope this information helps you out and lends at least a bit of value to this thread. Happy hunting!

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Someday they, too, shall
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