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04-23-2004, 12:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2010, 12:51 AM by Mavfin.)
I thought it's patch time again, so I've now written my own, rebalanced 1.10 MOD for Diablo II "Lod":D
The MOD also includes the recipes of my previously written Item Generation Cube MOD, so that you don't need to use the game table in textmode anymore.
Quote from the ReadMe file:
This MOD hasn't been named "LoD Classic Style MOD" because it modifies especially the classic, non-expansion Diablo II portion of "Lord of Destruction", but because it restores for the most part the expansion's early "classic" look and feel, especially in Act 5 of the game. In addition to that, the monster and item generation have been completely revised and rebalanced, and the gameplay set to a difficulty level that is playable by all kinds of players from beginners to pro's and all character classes/character builds in "Single-Player" and "TCP/IP Multiplayer" mode.
When the officially last patch for Diablo II "LoD", the patch 1.10, was released last year, it caused a lot discussions. Many people absolutely liked the biggest game patch ever in Blizzard's history because it was feature-wise almost an expansion of the expansion package, but at least the same number of people had controversial feelings. There were on the one hand the new game features and many new, even more powerful items, but the game difficulty, on the other hand, had increased so much that the game was often unplayable in "Hell" difficulty for solo- or single-players (even for seasoned ones). Such an increase in difficulty might make sense for party-based multiplayer gaming, and the game is actually - more or less good - playable this way, but it's an annoyance for single-players because the game's best experience gains and items are available only in "Hell" difficulty.
Reason for the steep difficulty increase in the end-game are first of all the significantly, partly dramatically increased monster and champion/boss monster stats (damage, hitpoints, defense, resistances etc) and their faster movement and AI (Artificial Intelligence) speed. The synergy of these changes alone already create a massive increase in difficulty because you now have normal and champion/boss monsters that can do more damage on top of better physical stats on top of faster movement and AI speed. The second reason for the steep difficulty increase comes with a new feature introduced in patch 1.10: the randomization of monsters in Act 5. Monsters in these areas are now selected from pools of melee and ranged attackers which contain improved versions of the original Act 5 creatures and improved versions of creatures found in all earlier acts (Act 1 to 4). Because only some monster types, usually three, are selected at random from a rather large pool of ten monster types per area, imbalances in combined monster power are practically inevitable. The previous patch 1.09 didn't have this balance problem because the monsters were chosen from a fixed set of types.
The monster types chosen for the randomization of monsters in Act 5 are furthermore a matter of taste. In the original 1.10 patch, you can now find, for example, Fetishes together with Mummys, Gloams, Scarabs and Skeleton Mages in the Worldstone Keep levels. The programmers certainly wanted to showcase proudly as many new game features as possible, but this resembles more a rather wild creature show with no attention to graphic design rules and concepts:)There is actually just a handful of non-Act5 creatures that would fit design-wise into the cold highlands, ice caves and dungeons of Act 5, and these are the Brutes (which are from the same monster family as the Act 5 Snow Yetis), the Vultures, the Goatmen, the Bat Demons, the Arachs or the ClawVipers. While the "Deja Vu"-effect created by the extensive Act 5 monster randomization in the original 1.10 patch is indeed quite funny, this effect has already been taken care of in a better fashion in Baal's Throne Room where Baal casts four boss packs which are unique representatives of each previous act: "Colenzo the Annihilator" (Act 1), "Achmel the Cursed" (Act 2), "Bartuc the Bloody" (Act 3) and "Ventar the Unholy" (Act 4). This "Deja Vu" creature show by Baal is very well designed, but it loses its uniqueness in the original 1.10 patch because the whole Act 5 is quasi a "Deja Vu" show there.
Last but not least, the quality of the rare item generation and the drop rates of high runes could still be better, at least for Single-Player. Rare items still spawn with too low or useless affixes in the higher game difficulties, and high runes (like VEX and better) are still much too rare. It makes no sense to provide over a dozen new, cool rune words when most (single-) players will never find the required runes anyway.
The "LoD Classic Style MOD" now tries to combine the best of patch 1.09 and 1.10, with a focus on Single-Player. If you liked patch 1.09, but wish that it would be a bit harder to play and offer more randomness, features and items, then you will certainly like this MOD. In addition to the original 1.10 patch features, a couple of extras have been created. These include, among other things, the spawning of the so-called "Diablo Clone" and thus access to the "Annihilus" charm, and the spawning of ten additional, original superunique boss monsters. Also included as extra are all recipes of the "Cube MOD" for Diablo II "LoD" 1.10 (see the D2X110_CubeMOD_ReadMe.txt file for more information) which allows you to create almost all game items directly on your character using the Horadric Cube. These recipes are intended to test out game items, but not to help you cheat your characters through the "LoD Classic Style MOD". You should play your characters through this MOD from scratch using the items you'll find, so show some self-discipline and use the "Cube MOD" wisely:)
Comments and critique about this MOD are always welcome, because they help to improve the MOD in future updates. Post your comments/critique in the thread of the web site where you've downloaded this MOD.
Have Fun!
You can find the complete ReadMe file with more infos and installation instructions in the ZIP archive of the MOD:
nobbie's "1.10 LoD Classic Style MOD"
(Download size is about 2 MB)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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04-23-2004, 08:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2004, 10:42 AM by nobbie.)
Following is a list of all changes and features in this MOD. Check them out and try one of the pre-made characters, that will answer many questions :) Note that most changes affect both the Expansion and Non-Expansion games, so the classic Diablo II portion of "LoD" has improved as well.
Quote:Monster Changes
- Reduced the Hitpoints of all Monsters by 15% in Nightmare and Hell difficulty
1) the Hitpoints of Baal and his Clone have been corrected to 25% in Hell difficulty
2) the Hitpoints of the 3 Ancient Barbarians on Mount Arreat have been corrected to 25% in Hell difficulty
3) the Hitpoints of the "Diablo Clone" have been reduced by 90% in all difficulties (but he's still tough enough ;))
- Reduced the Damages (physical and elemental) of all Monsters by 15% in Nightmare and Hell difficulty
1) the Lightning Damage of the Wisp class monsters has been reduced by 30% in Hell difficulty
2) the Lightning Damage of the Bighead class monsters has been reduced by 25% in Hell difficulty
3) the Missile skill levels of the Abyss/Oblivion Knight monsters have been reduced to level 1 (= patch 1.09 value)
4) the Inferno skill levels of the Megademon class monsters have been reduced by about 40-50%
5) the Corpse Explosion range variable of Nihlathak has been reduced by 33%
6) the "Extra Fire" Damage of the (High-)Council class monsters has been reduced by 50% in Nightmare and Hell difficulty
- Reduced the Movement (not the AI!) Speeds of all Monsters by 15% in all difficulties
- Increased the "Drain" values of all Monsters in Nightmare and Hell difficulty as follows:
0 -> 10 (Skeletons, Swarms, Wisps etc)
20 -> 33 (Baal + Baal Clone)
33 -> 50
50 -> 66
1) a higher "Drain" value means that you can better leech life and mana off this monster
(Drain 0 = no leech possible, Drain 100 = 100% leech)
2) all monsters that were previously unleechable (Drain = 0), i.e. Skeletons, Swarms or Wisps, now offer 10% leech
3) the "Diablo Clone" has still his original Drain value (15% leech), so beware when you fight him! :)
- Reduced the Monster Density in all areas by 15% in Nightmare and Hell difficulty
The following areas still have their original Monster Density:
Kurast Levels 1- 4
Bloody Foothills
Halls Of Pain
- Reduced the number of Champion/Boss Monsters in all areas by 15% in Hell difficulty
1) the Throne Room in Act 5 spawns only 2 to 3 Bosses/Champions in Hell difficulty
2) the Halls Of Pain in Act 5 spawns 6 to 8 Bosses/Champions in Hell difficulty
- Added the following new "Treasure" Areas in Hell difficulty:
The Crypt (Act 1)
Temple Entrance ("Pindleskin Area" in Act 5)
Halls Of Pain (Act 5)
Frozen Tundra (Act 5)
The above "treasure" areas have their area level set to 85 in Hell, and 65 in Act 5 in Nightmare difficulty
- The "Diablo Clone" now spawns in the 3 Hell Pits of the Act 5 Highlands in all difficulties:
Abaddon (Frigid Highlands)
Pit Of Acheron (Arreat Plateau)
Infernal Pit (Frozen Tundra)
1) these 3 Pit areas have their Monster Densities lowered, so that only 1 to 2 "Diablo Clones" can spawn here
2) only the "Diablo Clone" can spawn here, all previously resident monsters have been removed
- The Superunique Monsters "Thresh Socket" and "Sharptooth Slayer" can now be found again in their original locations
- Significantly boosted the Druid's Spirits and Vines, and his Ravens
"Oak Sage", "Heart Of Wolverine" and "Spirit Of Barbs" have their stats changed as follows:
Immune to Physical and Poison Damage in all difficulties
40% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage in Normal difficulty
60% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage in Nightmare difficulty
80% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage in Hell difficulty
Damage Regen is set to 10
"Poison Creeper", "Carrion Vine" and "Solar Creeper" have their stats changed as follows:
Immune to Poison Damage in all difficulties
50% resistant to Physical Damage in Normal difficulty
60% resistant to Physical Damage in Nightmare difficulty
70% resistant to Physical Damage in Hell difficulty
20% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage in Normal difficulty
40% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage in Nightmare difficulty
60% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning and Cold Damage in Hell difficulty
"Poison Creeper" Damage Regen is set to 10
"Carrion Vine" and "Solar Creeper" Damage Regen is set to 15
Ravens have their stats changed as follows:
50% resistant to Physical Damage in all difficulties
20% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning, Cold and Poison Damage in Nightmare difficulty
40% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning, Cold and Poison Damage in Hell difficulty
Hitpoints have been doubled in all difficulties
- Increased the Physical Damage Resistance of the Assassin's "Shadow Warrior" and "Shadow Master" by 25%
- Removed the "wild", uncontrolled Monster Randomization in Act 5
1) although the distribution is no more random, the fixed monster pool per area contains more different monster types
2) in addition to the original Act 5 monsters, a couple of new, non-Act5 monsters have been added to the mix
Item Changes
- Significantly improved all Magical Affix Chances across the board
1) this modification affects only the CHANCES on better affixes, not the affix itself
2) the further you advance in the game, the better is your chance on good affixes now
- Disabled the spawning of more or less "useless" Affixes, like many of the Charged Affixes
- Significantly improved the Rune Drop Propabilities and Rune Qualities across the board
1) lower quality and common Runes for various Horadric Cube recipes drop much more frequently now
2) high Runes (like VEX and better) are no more wishful thinking :)
- Improved the Rune Drops of the "Countess" (in Act 1) as follows:
Normal difficulty: up to KO (rune 18)
Nightmare difficulty: up to IST (rune 24)
Hell difficulty: up to BER (rune 30)
- Significantly improved the Gem Drop Propabilities
Lower quality Gems (chipped, flawed, normal) for various Horadric Cube recipes drop much more frequently now
- Improved the Magical Item Drop Propabilities across the board for all Monsters, incl. Boss and Act Boss Monsters
The propabilities for Act Bosses are now the same as the "Quest Drop" propabilities during the first kill
- Improved the Normal Item Drop Propabilities across the board
- All Item Types have now an equal chance to be dropped, incl. Wands, Staves and Class-Items
- All "Automagic" Mods have now an equal chance to appear on a Class-Item
- Significantly reduced the Repair Costs for "Superior" type normal Armors and Weapons
This price reduction is especially important for superior Rune Word items which were previously way too costly
- Improved the Set Item Rarity
Higher quality set items like the "Tal Rasha's Adjudication" Amulet drop more often now
- Improved the Unique Item Rarity
Higher quality unique items like the "Stormlash" Scourge drop more often now (compared to uniques of the same type)
- Unique Items are no more divided into "Normal" and "Uber" quality
- Enabled all Ladder-Only Uniques
- Enabled the unique "Constricting Ring" (mainly for testing purposes with the "Cube MOD")
- Disabled the "Fullsetgeneric", "Monsterset" and "Fade" states for all Expansion Sets
1) the "Monsterset" state on the "Trang-Oul's Avatar" Necro set severely limits the casting speed of the Necromancer
2) the Valkyrie-type aura that is added via the "Fullsetgeneric" state to the in-game character looked too UGLY :)
3) the (black) "Natalya's Odium" Assassin set looks better without the semi-transparent "Fade" state :)
- Restored the Item "Color Shift" Values to patch 1.09 state because they made most items look just plain UGLY in 1.10! :)
The single exception of this modification is Sacred Armor which looked all quite good, i.e. the blue "Tyrael's Might"
Gameplay And Miscellaneous Other Changes
- Significantly reduced the Experience Penalties as follows:
From Level 1 to 80: 100.0 % Experience
From Level 81 to 85: 87.5 % Experience
From Level 86 to 90: 75.0 % Experience
From Level 91 to 95: 62.5 % Experience
From Level 96 to 99: 50.0 % Experience
No more endless stupid "Baal Runs" required for level 99 :)
- Reduced the Death Experience Penalties as follows:
In Nightmare difficulty to 3%
In Hell difficulty to 5%
- Significantly increased the Gambling Chances as follows:
For Set items: 15 times better chance
For Unique items: 15 times better chance
- Added the following very useful Normal Item Socketing Recipes (for use with the "LoD Classic Style MOD"):
Any Normal Weapon + PUL Rune + Chipped Skull -> Add 1 socket to Weapon
Any Normal Armor + PUL Rune + Chipped Skull -> Add 1 socket to Armor
Any Normal Weapon + PUL Rune + Flawed Skull -> Add 2 sockets to Weapon
Any Normal Armor + PUL Rune + Flawed Skull -> Add 2 sockets to Armor
Any Normal Weapon + PUL Rune + Skull -> Add 3 sockets to Weapon
Any Normal Armor + PUL Rune + Skull -> Add 3 sockets to Armor
Any Normal Weapon + PUL Rune + Flawless Skull -> Add 4 sockets to Weapon
Any Normal Armor + PUL Rune + Flawless Skull -> Add 4 sockets to Armor
Any Normal Weapon + PUL Rune + Perfect Skull -> Add 5 sockets to Weapon
Any Normal Armor + PUL Rune + Perfect Skull -> Add max. (4) sockets to Armor
Any Normal Weapon + PUL Rune + 2 Perfect Skulls -> Add max. (6) sockets to Weapon
Any Normal Armor + PUL Rune + 2 Perfect Skulls -> Add max. (4) sockets to Armor
Miscellaneous Extras
- The "Diablo Clone" now spawns in the 3 Hell Pits of the Act 5 Highlands in all difficulties:
Abaddon (Frigid Highlands)
Pit Of Acheron (Arreat Plateau)
Infernal Pit (Frozen Tundra)
When killed, the "Diablo Clone" has a 100% chance to drop the "Annihilus" charm in all difficulties.
- Added the "Korlic's Hew" unique Great Poleaxe as new game item
1) This item only exists in this MOD and will vanish if you should load your game character into the original 1.10 game
2) Foreign language strings for this new item exist in German and French, the rest is displayed in English
- Added the "Tyrael's Blessing" Elite Set from an elaborate "Year 2004 April Fools" hoax as new set :)
1) This set only exists in this MOD and will vanish if you should load your game character into the original 1.10 game
2) Foreign language strings for this new set exist in German and French, the rest is displayed in English
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the aura stats description for aura-enhanced items that caused a crash in the German version
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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Did some updates to the MOD:
- The Diablo Clone has now the same hitpoints as the Original
- A German translation of the MOD ReadMe.txt has been added
The download link is in my signature :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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I've been trying this mod out. I like it so far. Actually found my very first Ohm since purchasing LoD! It dropped in WK2 Hell, appropriately. Overall I'm pleased with all the features that I've been able to see so far. I've gotta go try the Diablo Clone now. I've never seen him on Realm games, oddly enough, so it'll be nice to finally take him on, and in a lag-free environment too. :)
Thanks for sharing your work.
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You're welcome, Smoketest :) Download the updated MOD now, because there was a bug in the first release.
M$ Excel changed due to similar named program variables some parameter entries while saving the Skills.txt game table, so that for example the Necro's Amplify Damage curse couldn't work anymore. This has been fixed.
Download the updated/fixed MOD now here:
nobbie's "1.10 LoD Classic Style MOD"
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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Wow, this sounds interesting. I'm going to give it a try.
Are you ever going to convert this mod to mac format?? it would be lovely if you did. I tried it, and was sadly unable to get it to work. If it is patched for mac, please give instructions of how to enable it.
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04-25-2004, 07:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2004, 07:49 PM by Jakes-Element.)
I just have i few questions for this MOD...
1.If you start a new Character Offline and Lvling it up will your MOd still work for this Character
2.This is not really a question i just want to compliment on the Cube Item changing I get a Kick out of it lol :D
USWEST ----Rojo-Caliente >>ladder<<
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I forgot one thing to ask on my last post (*Hits himself in head*)
How do you get Diablo Clone to Spawn on a Offline character?
USWEST ----Rojo-Caliente >>ladder<<
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04-25-2004, 10:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2004, 10:47 PM by FoxBat.)
Go into your D2 directory, backup the file "Diablo II Patch" if you are using OS9, or "Diablo II Patch (Carbon)" for OSX. Then drop the nobbie's MPQ from the zip file into your d2 dir, rename it to the name of the file you just backed up, and you should be good to go. Same way you play almost any mod on mac.
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This sounds like THE AWESOME, and I'm going to be playing it a lot.
Otherwise, though, I think it would be awesome for a similar mod to be created, except taking the "classic" thing a bit farther. Like, back to the time before spell timers and immunities, so that you could realistically make a fire-only sorceress, for example, or so that every paladin in existence doesn't have to invest in Vengeance or Holy Shock to get through the physical immunes. This especially applies to the Sorceress, in my opinion, because it could bring it back to when you could spam the living hell out of your spells, because they were weaker and some times required it.
Of course, all that is just my efforts of getting my horribly under-powered Paladin, Piotyr, past anything outside of Act One Hell Difficulty, because there are so many physical immunes my Vengeance can't take them all. And partially because I read too many of Sirian's old reports of single-element sorceresses, and think it would be cool to make a sorceress that only uses fire as a challenge to get through the resistant monsters, instead of a huge horribly handicapping wall to bust through when I get to a fire immune or two.
Yeah... I'm done.
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nobbie,Apr 25 2004, 01:22 PM Wrote:M$ Excel changed due to similar named program variables some parameter entries while saving the Skills.txt game table, so that for example the Necro's Amplify Damage curse couldn't work anymore. This has been fixed.
It happens to the best ;)
Welcome to the modding community, noobie.
Fed up with BNet? :P
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Quote:Ravens have their stats changed as follows:
50% resistant to Physical Damage in all difficulties
20% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning, Cold and Poison Damage in Nightmare difficulty
40% resistant to Magic, Fire, Lightning, Cold and Poison Damage in Hell difficulty
Hitpoints have been doubled in all difficulties
I thought ravens coun't be targeted at all. This is a change in 1.10 that they need resists?
-- CH
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I likes the sound of this. But I just wishes me internet at home would work; it hasn't since I downloaded 1.10.
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Quote: I just have i few questions for this MOD...
1.If you start a new Character Offline and Lvling it up will your MOd still work for this Character
Quote:How do you get Diablo Clone to Spawn on a Offline character?
You can make him spawnable with a flag in Monstats.txt. Set "isSpawn" to 1, and "Rarity" to 1. Then you can spawn him through Levels.txt.
Quote:Otherwise, though, I think it would be awesome for a similar mod to be created, except taking the "classic" thing a bit farther. Like, back to the time before spell timers and immunities, ...
I wanted the chars to remain 100% compatible with the original 1.10 patch :)
Quote:It happens to the best ;)
Welcome to the modding community, noobie.
Fed up with BNet? :P
More or less, yes :) Although the 1.10 features are great, especially for modders, I think that the finish on the original 1.10 patch isn't that hot ;)
Quote:I thought ravens coun't be targeted at all. This is a change in 1.10 that they need resists?
I think they are indeed "indestructible" until they run out of hits. I made the changes nevertheless, though.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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04-30-2004, 10:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2004, 10:49 PM by nobbie.)
The 1.10 "LoD" Classic Style MOD got a major update!
There are first of all TEN(!) new, original Superunique Boss Monsters now, which spawn with their minions in certain areas in Act 1, 4 and 5. "Flamespike the Crawler" already spawned in the game, but he has once been disabled because he caused many (HC) deaths to unsuspecting players. He's back again in the original location in the MOD, so beware :) Click on the text hyperlinks to view screenshots of the new Superuniques in Hell difficulty:
Quote:![[Image: D2X110_CSM_Flamespike.jpg]](
"Flamespike the Crawler" - a well-known foe from Act 1
ACT 1:
"Flamespike the Crawler" (Razor Spine) -- Near the Waypoint of the Inner Cloister
Special basic abilities: Fire enchanted, Cursed
![[Image: D2X110_CSM_The_Tormentor.jpg]](
"The Tormentor" in Act 4 - The one and only "Burning Soul"
ACT 4:
"Riftwraith the Cannibal" (Corpse Spitter) -- Near the Entrance to the Plains of Despair or the City of the Damned
Special basic abilities: Cold enchanted, Teleportation
"The Tormentor" (Burning Soul) -- In the Plains of Despair
Special basic abilities: Fire enchanted, Magic Resistant
"Taintbreeder" (Stygian Hag) -- In the Outer Steppes
Special basic abilities: Extra Fast
"Darkwing" (Venom Lord) -- In the City of the Damned
Special basic abilities: Extra Strong, Cursed
![[Image: D2X110_CSM_Hells_Belle.jpg]](
You think Succubi are easy to beat? Try "Hell's Belle" in the "Halls of Vaught"
ACT 5:
"Hell's Belle" (Hell Temptress) -- Near the Evil Urn in the Halls of Vaught
Special basic abilities: Fire enchanted, Cursed
"Blaze Ripper" (Death Brigadier) -- In the Frozen Tundra
Special basic abilities: Lightning enchanted, Extra Fast
"Magma Torquer" (Demon Sprite) -- Near the Entrance to the Ancient's Way (in the Frozen Tundra)
Special basic abilities: Extra Strong, Cursed
"Vinvear Molech" (Vile Witch) -- Near the Entrance to the Arreat Summit (in the Ancient's Way)
Special basic abilities: Cold enchanted, Extra Strong, Magic Resistant
"Axe Dweller" (Blood Lord) -- Near the Entrance to the Worldstone Keep Level 2 or 3
Special basic abilities: Fire enchanted, Magic Resistant
These superunique boss monsters have always been in the game. They just didn't spawn because the game makers decided that there are already plenty superunique bosses in Act 4 and Act 5 respectively (for treasure hunting). They are however very interesting creatures (with interesting names), and so they're now set free in this MOD :) All ten extra bosses spawn in the form in which they were originally designed. The Superuniques from Act 1 and 4 spawn in Classic Diablo II as well.
The second major improvement affect the Monsters, Runes and Items/Item Drops. These have again been revised and tweaked, especially with respect to the addition of the new Superuniques and the early game in general.
Last but no least. there are now seven fully equipped and skilled characters - one of each class. They are all level 99 (incl. their Merc (level 98)) and carry some of the best equipment in the game. Their skilling is rather "mainstream", i.e. Frozen Orb/Hydra/Thunderstorm Sorceress or Martial Arts Assassin with Death Sentry and max. Shadow Master. Don't miss to check out the Paladin with an "Exile" ethereal Vortex Shield, "Leviathan" armor and max. Holy Shield, which grant him almost 27K(!) defense!
You can download the new MOD as always here:
1.10 "LoD" Classic Style MOD
Have Fun! :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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Hi just a quick note to let you know how much i've been enjoying your mod the last few days and to point out something i've noticed.
"vinvear molech"(vile witch) i've had this monster spawn in crystaline passage near entrance to glacial trail as well as in ancient's way by exit to summit depending on if i'm playing through from arreat plateau or from frozen tundra :P :P :P
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Hey Nobbie.
I''ve also been enjoying this mod V much, thanks! Some friends and I had a lan party over the weekend and gave it a good workout with a variety of parties....lots of fun. Importantly I find that single player is a lot more enjoyable as well. Thanks for the hard work, and thanks for the return of Flamespike!
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Thanks, glad you like the Mod. Yes, "Vinvear Molech" spawns either In the Crystalline Passage, the Glacial Trail or the Ancient's Way depending on from where you come. This has been corrected in the Readme.txt. It has to do with the direct map editing which is required for the spawning Superuniques :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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I have a new addiction.
Rolling all the uniques and sets that I have no other possibility of ever seeing. I witnessed the birth of my very first SoJ while rolling a Nagel, I swear I had a tear in my eye.
Must... Resist... Urge... To... Twink.
On behalf of all the single players that are highly unlikely to ever hold a full set of anything, I thank you. I thank you if only for that giddy little thrill you get when you witness those elusive uniques first hand in the actual pixels.
But... Damn, chips are common as hell. I'm not even halfway through act 1 and I've already had to open a mule character for all the chips I'm getting. And, yes, I am aware of the irony of wasting so much time transferring little chips when you can make any gem out of two health potions. I hate myself.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
BattleTag: Schrau#2386