Making IST
Does anyone know what three runes you need to make an IST rune?
USWEST ----Rojo-Caliente >>ladder<<
Lvl -72 Durid
Lvl -24 Sorcress
2 Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst = Ist Rune

The recipe's ladder-only, meaning it won't work in non-ladder realms.
Ok thanks ......but one question would that be a perfect Amethyst or just a normal one ?
USWEST ----Rojo-Caliente >>ladder<<
Lvl -72 Durid
Lvl -24 Sorcress

While not complete, nor completely accurate (and sometimes hard to navigate), The Arreat Summit has quite a bit of D2 information and is a good "first cut' reference. The specific info you are looking for is on the cube page.


BTW, Who was it that used to use "Teach a man to make a fire, you warm him for a night. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." as part of his signature?

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Amethyst = amethyst. Standard quality. Not chipped, flawed, flawless or perfect.
Ok thanks for everyones help .....i shall make Ists now lol
cause i got like 6 mals and plenty of Amethysts
USWEST ----Rojo-Caliente >>ladder<<
Lvl -72 Durid
Lvl -24 Sorcress
Quote:BTW, Who was it that used to use "Teach a man to make a fire, you warm him for a night. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." as part of his signature?

I forget who had it, but as I recall it is a quote from Terry Pratchett. His books are full of such gems.

EDIT: Can't spell gud.

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