Has the alvl formula changed in 1.10?
There have been several instances of people claiming to find Pestilent Small Charms in the Pit. These have been in single player games, and an ATMA check shows they have ilvl of one of the expected values, 88. Check of the .txt files shows Pestilent is still alvl 88 and Small Charms are still qlvl 28.

I can't see how ilvl 88 Pestilent SCs are possible unless something internal changed. And these reports are from people I have no particular reason to distrust (at least, not yet).

I wouldn't know where to start to look at the code myself. If I was better at modding :P I guess I would modify MagicPrefix.txt so that each SC prefix had level=maxlevel and one prefix had each value 1-99, that would make it fairly simple to work out the alvl vs ilvl function. But if somebody has already got a testing framework in place I won't have to work out how to do that ;)

Any ideas? Anyone here found Pestilent SCs in the Pit on the realms?
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
Done that (both prefix and suffix tables). No change in the way that the alvl is calculated.

With these being single player games and some of the mods that people have been using in the single player games (typically to allow them to get a Diabloclone encounter) you need to be sure that nothing else was changed in how the items are generated. One of the favorite changes that I have noticed some giving to items to "improve" what drops is to give most of the items a magic_lvl=1.
Thanks Ruvanal. I was going to be surprised if it had changed. But this is very strange then. These are members of a SP community which takes pride in playing vanilla D2 by the book. Even if some of them have actually been playing a mod, it is hard to imagine what incentive they would have for offering up proof of this voluntarily :) So I think they genuinely believe they found these things playing vanilla 1.10.

Well, I will see what else I can find out.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
Not all mod makers list all the changes that they have done to the game. The type of change that I referred to is either not listed many times or only alluded to as being "improved the quality of the items that drop" form of a description.
From Diabloii.net
Quote:When an item is generated that has affixes the Alvl is calculated* from Ilvl and Qlvl as follows

if (Ilvl>99) then {Ilvl=99}
if (Qlvl>ilvl) then {Ilvl=Qlvl} ;** see note below
if (magic_lvl>0) then {Alvl=ilvl+magic_lvl}
if (Ilvl<(99-qlvl/2))
then {Alvl=Ilvl-Qlvl/2}
else {Alvl=2*ilvl-99}
If (Alvl>99) then {Alvl=99}

*all calculations use integers so there are no fractions at any step.
** this new Ilvl value is only used for the duration of this calculation. The Ilvl value that is stored in the items data file will remain unchanged.

Assume Hell Pit, since it wasn't clarified before.
Reference Little Magic Find Guide, ilvl=area level

regular monsters ilvl=85
Minions ilvl=85
Champions ilvl=87
Uniques ilvl=88

if (magic_lvl>0) then {Alvl=ilvl+magic_lvl} : >= 88 very possible here

else {Alvl=2*ilvl-99} : alvl=77 here (assumes ilvl=88)

These two lines are obiviously the source of the confusion. Since I don't know what the magic_lvl is and the reports are that this did happen; I can only guess that magic_lvl > 0, thus alvl=ilvl+magic_lvl; and thus alvl>=88 is very possible.

To clear up the confusion, what is the magic_lvl?
[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*
Diabloii.net cut out part of the orginal listing, try this one that is not missing some of the definitions (note that there are two sets of formulas, one for cube ilvl calculation and the second is the alvl formula).

Quote:To clear up the confusion, what is the magic_lvl?

from cited orginal listing
Quote:magic_lvl = magic level bonus on some items. Currently the only ones that have this are wands (normal and exceptional, but not the elite ones), staves, orbs (all with a value of 1) and circlets (circlet=3, Coronet=8, Tiara=13, Diadem=18).

The magic level is assigned to each item from the weapons.txt/armor.txt/misc.txt data tables. In a normal game all of the items except the ones listed above are set to have a zero value. Some modders in an effort to make all affixes appear in a linear manner will go in and change the zeros in that field to ones.

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