The Ultimate Poison Necro - need numbers
Ok, my friend and I were discussing what could possibly do more damage than a Hammerdin and we came up with a possibility...the ultimate Poison Necro. But I'm not certain our number crunching is accurate. Assuming the following godly equipment :

1. Perfect Death's Web - +2 skills, +2 PnB, -50 to Enemy Poison Resistance
2. Perfect Bramble - 50% to Poison Skill Damage
3. Trang Oul's Claws - 25% to Poison Skill Damage
4. Arachnid Mesh
5. +3 PnB Ammy
6. Homonculus
7. Shako

That would give us +12 to Poison Nova and Lower Resist, so we get (when fully synergized) a 4k Poison Nova and a -66 to all enemy resists.

So now we calculate Poison Damage : 4k X 175% = 7k.

Now for enemy resist. I assume a typical enemy in Hell has some form of Poison Resist, so we get 50 + 66 = 116 but - 26 (arbitrary number) to get -90 to enemy poison resist.

According to my calculations that's about 13.3k damage per 2 we get about 6.6k (rounding down) damage per second. Which unfortunately is about the same as a Hammerdin WITHOUT HotO...:(

Are my calculations correct? I would actually like to be proven wrong so I could find someone which could dethrone the overpowered Hammerdin from his damage-dealing throne. Yes, I know my calculations are also all approximate values...I'm none too good at math, hence my posting of this thread. ^_^
You may be able to find such a setup with higher damage numbers, however, keep in mind that the reason the hammerdin is "king" of the pubbies is not only because they get the highest damage on the LCS (lying character screen). While the necromancer has lower resist, nothing resists blessed hammer (except the wailing beasts in the act 3 temples. Yeah, that's right, there's more to act 3 than the travincial and durance).

Besides, everyone knows the untimate necro uses iron golem and corpse explosion, anyways.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
Quote:While the necromancer has lower resist, nothing resists blessed hammer (except the wailing beasts in the act 3 temples.

The Wailing Beasts are the only monster that's immune to BH. There are, however, several monsters that aren't immune but are still resistant.
If you're trying to work out the ultimate PN necro, then you're missing a few items, notably four 5/5 poison facets (particularly important because the hammerdin cannot match them).

You can get -25% resist from 3 of trang's set including the cantor trophy - for pure damage it may be better to have the trophy and troll belt than homonculus/arachnid.

A 3 to PN shield (if it's even possible?) may be better than homonculus for pure damage, especially if it can be rare and you've maxed lower resist. Ditto a circlet vs shako.

+poison/bone skills charms. Hammerdin has a limitation because +skills are much better than +tree for him.

And don't forget that PN is much much easier to use than hammer. I'd rather a godly PN necro over a godly hammerdin any day.
Hmm, you got a point about the facets...I didn't factor that in. And the Trang's. I'll have to recompute.

Not sure about PN being easier to use than BH get kinda used to BH after a while. And yeah the true godly shield would be +2 skills +3 Poison Explosion. ^_^

How much poison damage does each PnB charm add? I know each Combat Pally charm adds about 250 to BH damage.
Cyath,May 1 2004, 01:35 PM Wrote:And yeah the true godly shield would be +2 skills +3 Poison Explosion. ^_^
You mean +3PN? Or has PE suddenly become all the rage?
Why not +3 Poison and Bone instead of +2 necro on the head? And add in 10 + Poison and Bone grand charms+Annihilus
I'm suddenly feeling very, very poor.
"Would you like a Jelly Baby?"
Doctor Who
Why? I'm just helping fill in the dream gear. I don't actually have any of this. :P

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