Cheating on Ladder
Ok, I am not looking for items to help me cheat; I am happy as a clam with doing my own magic finding. I am looking for what cheats are actively around on Battle.Net LOD 1.10 Ladder. I would like to start possilbily trading and I am still very very skeptical about the legitimacy of items up for trade.

I know there is newer version of the maphack around.
But are there newer versions of Dupe Assist, Item Fake, or GrabIt.
Are there any others floating around, if so, what do they do?
Are there any scanners to detect dups, hacks, etc?

What exactly is Blizzards Realms anti-hacking hacking software doing?
My speculation is that it does nothing more than log the usage of a hacking programs, and associated CD-Key; for later deletion. BTW, Blizzard does not delete cd-keys nearly often enough, IMO. Start doing it every two weeks and make it hurt the hackers pocket book for real, not this, less often than a blue stuff they have going right now.

Could you reference the sources for me.
[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*
Well, one cheat allows you to take a WP immediately after hostiling. No 3rd party program needed. There's no dupe scanner (Except for Blizzard's Rust Storm), but the 1.09 maphack gave you the "Skill" of seeing all of the equipped equipment of someone (Except for their weapon switch). I'm not sure, but I'm fairly certain 1.10 maphack also has it.

I'm certain that there are bots, for "MFing", shopping, and spamming. Dupe abusers probably come and go, as exploits are discovered and patched. There are also the typical lamers with GrabIt. To add spice to the life of anyone in HC, there are chicken hacks which leave the game, if your HP falls below, say, 25%, or if you are hostiled. Why people with that even play HC, I can't imagine. There's also been a new maphack out since, say, the day after the patch?

Source? I know of the procedure for the first one, the bots have existed before, and work now (As the website spammers demonstrate), while GrabIt is also noticeable, just from casual playing.

I just roll my eyes, and stare at the condition of public bnet. Although, I guess, the more ignorant they are, the more duels I can get...

I have no resources other then what I have observed in games. Make what you will of it - I personally wouldn't want to sift through archives, or the like.
"One day, o-n-e day..."
I don't want this forum to link to any site containing cheats, or to have any information that would help somebody who was in search of cheats. Thanks.

Why can't we all just get along

Hi Griselda,

exactly my thoughts when I first read this one... but on the other hand, I thought (correctly, so far) that the Lurkers would not do anything like that.

Anyway, I was not sure if this was some "concealed" begging for cheats or really someone asking for information on what the cheats do and no more than that...

"Walking on a razors edge, balancing by a ledge...." (as I hear it)... Iron Maiden, The Evil that Men Do...

Somewhat fitting....

Anyway, this is not to say that the original poster is fishing for cheats, just trying to get under cover of a very well built bunker :-)

Take care,
"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Click on the WWW of my profile, that should answer any conserns you have.

Also, if you have a reasource link, just PM it to me, so I can read up on it.
That will keep it off the forums.
[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*
Thanks. I'm not worried about the Lurkers, but I am worried about the forum's lurkers. Clear as mud? :)

Why can't we all just get along

There is a program that allows picking up items. Seen it happen a few times, people claim to have picked up things that never dropped, and then they even shown it to me (namely, a BER rune). Now of course one could carry around a BER to tease people about it, but I am willing to accept his claim of just having found it while I have not seen it (I played a bone necro, ALT constantly pressed, he was right by me).

A friend also lost an anni thanks to something similar (he saw the person he was trading with a screen away, and the second he dropped the anni, it was picked up, to be replaced by a soulstone).

be wary. don't trade for expensive items.
Chameleon,May 5 2004, 02:18 AM Wrote:Ok, I am not looking for items to help me cheat; I am happy as a clam with doing my own magic finding. I am looking for what cheats are actively around on Battle.Net LOD 1.10 Ladder. I would like to start possilbily trading and I am still very very skeptical about the legitimacy of items up for trade.
To my knowledge, this is the state of the Ladder in 1.10 (I've been playing consistently since the patch release):

Maphack, GrabIt (or something just like it), bots (especially those darn spammer bots), and trigger type hacks are
quite common.

Item duping, however, has never been nearly as successful as it was pre patch. A couple of times, an exploit went public, and then
it got fixed. The items disappeared soon anyway due to the dupe scanner, but there were obviously a few people ripped off
during those times. I haven't heard of this happening for several months (doesn't mean it hasn't).

There is one notable exception: runes are not detected by the dupe scanner. There was a rash of rune duping
(before the hole was shut down) very early on after the patch, but given the high price of runes these days I highly
doubt they've been successfully duped in any significant numbers since.

Hacked items (white rings etc) I never hear about. Those probably don't worry you though, they are very easy to

So, if you're worried about legitimacy, I would think the biggest worry you should have is whether or not the item
you are trading for was obtained by using a bot. I have no way of gauging that probability. I do trade whenever I
want a specific item--no one has ever bragged about their bot (although for some reason using maphack is a reason to
tout your skill, what gives?) but I have no idea how widespread botted items are.

As always the only completely safe trade is one you make with yourself.

The state of the 1.10 Ladder is WAY more legit than non-ladder, but there are no guarantees.
Quote:There is one notable exception: runes are not detected by the dupe scanner. There was a rash of rune duping (before the hole was shut down) very early on after the patch, but given the high price of runes these days I highly doubt they've been successfully duped in any significant numbers since.

Duped runes can be detected by the dupe scanner, even if they're in runeworded items. However, the dupes can be "laundered" via the upgrade recipes. Upgraded runes, while just as illegit as the input dupes, aren't detectable.
FYI, other than what has been already stated, there is currently a trade hack out there.

In regards to trading, you should play privatly or with the Basin because I'm almost positive that 50-75% of all elites are from botters or people that use hacks like maphack.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*
Quote:As always the only completely safe trade is one you make with yourself.

Not true. Realms are so unstable, that even trades with yourself are not safe anymore.
It triggers actions so fast that no human could do. For example, bone necro firing a few spirits in your direction, town portaling, then going hostile (ad then the spirits kill you).

They came into being in 1.09 (used with GA at the time), and Blizzard failed to fix this for various spells.

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