Zealot Aura's
I've seen fanatacism, concentration, and holy freeze used on zealots, all to great effect.

What do you guys use?

Fanaticism is the best aura for Zealots who want to deal out physical damage, because you get increased AR and attack speed together with the increased damage!

Concentration is mostly used by hybrid Zealot/Hammerdin.

Holy Frost is fun if you want to play an Iceman(Frostadin), but you can get it from "Doom" or a merc.

If you want insane physical damage max Concentration, get a merc with the Might Aura and equip your pala with "Beast" which gives you level 9 fanticism. Level 20 Might increases dam by % 230, Concentration % 345 and Fanaticism %186 = % 761, combine that with the gloves from the Disciple set, which gives you + % 350 damage against demons and the damage goes insane.

good karma
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
unrealshadow13,May 9 2004, 09:59 AM Wrote:I've seen fanatacism, concentration, and holy freeze used on zealots, all to great effect.

What do you guys use?
I went for Holy Shock and Holy Freeze. Synergized with 20 points in Resist Lightning and Resist Cold, they both do good damage.

With a crescent moon phase blade, and enough IAS to hit 4 frame zeal without fanaticism, this is by far my most effective character. Holy Shock is my main aura, with Holy Freeze for lightning immunes and when things get really hairy.

With something that adds to max fire resist, this guy is virtually completely safe everywhere, and has pretty darn good killing speed. He even has a good solution for iron maiden, as a set of throwing knives on the switch can take care of enemies when Oblivion Knights are around.

He's no good for MF, as you can't sacrifice much in the way of gear and keep your offensive output to the level you need. But a very fun character.

I went for a defiance merc and relatively high defense with my gear, relying on ITD to hit.
Quote:Concentration is mostly used by hybrid Zealot/Hammerdin.

It could also be used if you want to help your party with more physical damage, since fanatacism only adds 1/2 its ED% to others. Unless it changed in 1.10.

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