Tech TV: Soon to be no more
Has anyone heard about Tech TV going bye-bye because of the bad monster (No I dont mean Bill Gates and MakeMeSoft)

Comcast has bought the cable station and is firiing all its members
TechTV Going bye bye

Its a good thing that Comcast didnt buy out Disney after all. It would truly NOT be a small world after all :blink:
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.
I now hate Comcast. :angry:

What will I do without my Leo and Pat fix? Or Kat and Jessica? ARGH! :(
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Don't forget Morgan and Adam! I always liked TechTV, even though they played reruns all the time. They were good reruns!


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