Help me with my Poisonmancer build.
20 Poison Dagger
20 Poison Explosion
20 Poison Nova
20 Lower Resist
8 into Prereqs

Where should I put the rest of my points?
U dont need 20 to low resist.

Look at low res her in the Necro curses table. Above lvl 10 u dont gain much to Low Resist and u will gain a few more points to Low Resist thiniking of skill items.

1. Put 1 point in Bone Armor and then putt the rest of ur point in Bone Wall/Prison depending on what u prefere.

2. Or u can go for another curse. Decrepify is a good curse if u need to get a away quick. But it all depends on if u play HC og SC.

But whatever u do. Dont max Low Resist. Thats a bummer. I went for 1 point in Bone Armor and the rest in Bone Prison. It worked great for me :)
Death smiles to us all, all a man can do is smile back...
Ill split the points between bonwall and bone pris.
No. Go for just one of them. Ur Bone Armor vil increase a great deal and Bone Prison can close down ur enemies so u dont get killed.
Death smiles to us all, all a man can do is smile back...
The only curses my poison Necromancer does not have are Attract and Confuse.

The only curse that was worth more than a single point in it was Dim Vision, to be able to blind the whole screen's worth of monsters. There are many times when there are ranged attackers behind mêlée attackers. You want to shut them down while you kill the mêlée attackers.

Life Tap and Decrepify will save your mercenary and companions on a regular basis, so they should be hot keyed too.
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

This all has been great help.

How about euiqment for this build? What should I use?
EQ: how rich are you?
Trang shield and glove give +dam/-res, Death's web is THE wand for the build, the armor either Bramble or Enigma. (Teleport-nova-Teleport seemed more effective than the additional 25-50% PD, but I have not seen poisonmancers too often so that my "obesrvations" might have been due to dirrerent eq.

A cheaper version is to go with the full Trang set, they are not that pricy these days (Ladder talking).

Poison facets tend to be the cheapest, why not socket everything with them?
(You need all the damage you can get to "keep up" with the fast-killing characters these days, and even this case your most notable contribution will be the Lower resist I am afraid to say.)
I'd get some revives by the way, if it is not against your policy, my bonemancer has them and they are a TON of fun.
I have access to trang shield and glove,(Well, the whole set, actualy) so thay will work.
I actualy wanted to go with Blackbog's Sharp and still have my poison dagger available to me.
And revives, like in revied monsters? I tried those ith my summon Nec, and HATED them.
Quote:And revives, like in revied monsters? I tried those ith my summon Nec, and HATED them.

Skilled players don't need them. I am not skilled however :)
If you max the poison tree, you won't have many points left over. IF you decide that you need tanks, revives are a lot more durable than skeletons (maxed SM and SKEL skeletons are obviously a lot sturdier, however a single-point revive can be a lifesaver) at least that's what I found so far.
If you're going to be putting only 1 point in most curses as ShadowHM suggested, Homonculus will give you a cool +4 all curses.
unrealshadow13,May 28 2004, 04:11 AM Wrote:If you're going to be putting only 1 point in most curses as ShadowHM suggested, Homonculus will give you a cool +4 all curses.
Dont forget Trang-Oul's Claws (Gloves).

Heavy Bracers Defense: 67-74 (varies)(Base Defense: 37-44)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 16
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Cold Resist +30%
+30 Defense
+25% Poison Skill Damage
+2 To Curses (Necromancer Only)
Death smiles to us all, all a man can do is smile back...

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