Have you been hit by malware?
Chief Fruity,Jun 5 2004, 12:18 AM Wrote:Someone posted a very good thread about some good, free porgrams that didn't contain any themselves.  I can't remember when it was, but wasn't more than a month and a half.  I got some of the stuff there, and have been using it to keep my computer clean since.
Here ya go

I used to have all kinds of issues with malware, but I got fed up and got tough on it. In addition to antivirus and a firewall, I also use Firefox and Thunderbird as my default browser and email client. I run AdAware and Spybot every week or so (in my experience it's always a good idea to run BOTH). I also make sure that Windows always has the latest security patches.

This might seem like a lot of effort, but in reality it only takes a few minutes per week. Since I started these new anti-malware protocols, I've never been hit with any sort of virus or instance of malware.

As for the KaZaA issue, I prefer Shareaza. Shareaza 2.0 was just released, and it became open source. It connects to eDonky and Gnutella, and it has very nice built-in support for Bit Torrent. The UI is also much slicker than KaZaA.
DeeBye,Jun 6 2004, 06:46 PM Wrote:As for the KaZaA issue, I prefer Shareaza.  Shareaza 2.0 was just released, and it became open source.  It connects to eDonky and Gnutella, and it has very nice built-in support for Bit Torrent.  The UI is also much slicker than KaZaA.
Dee, thanks for telling me about Shareaza. I downloaded it. It does have a better UI the Kazaa. There are a few quirks about it, but overall its better. I just dont understand what Bit Torrent is all about.

Oh good joy, I finally got my computer cleaned of all that crap. For the first time Adaware came up with a clean scan. :D :D
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.
Deadlyman,Jun 7 2004, 11:42 PM Wrote:Dee, thanks for telling me about Shareaza. I downloaded it. It does have a better UI the Kazaa. There are a few quirks about it, but overall its better. I just dont understand what Bit Torrent is all about.
Here is a nice explanation of Bit Torrent.

The World of Warcraft Beta clients were distributed via Bit Torrent. I've posted about it before in the World of Warcraft forum.
thanks deadly and deebye excactly :blink: what i need to hear and now im malware free! (only had like 3 or so )
"We need some sharp Object. Think, your formor self must have known of something that was sharp!"
"Here, this is sharp!"
"What is that! A butter knife? I will spread my evil and curruption with a Butter knife? What will we do, cover the place with butter so they all die of High Cholesterol?"
"We could try to"
"no you idiot we could NOT try"
Taken from "Hello Cthulhu" Page 12

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