Guild Wars
The game looks very interesting and of course there is a very strong Blizzard connection. (Arena has several of the programming staff who worked on Diablo and other Blizzard games and Gaile from is their Community Relations Manager).

Of course it might be a bit much taking another game on and it would be down to whether the mods here have enough interest in this game to want to do this

The game is basically a role-playing action game where people can interact in a wide community or split off and go to instanced adventures. Seems a bit like Diablo except with a persistent world replacing the BNet channel


Fansite kit:

Arena staff:
"Action"? You played the E3 demo right? :P

I'd recommend waiting for a beta at least. Plus I still think the main long-term game draw will be PvP. Non-random missions won't stay that entertaining forever, and there isn't half the fresh content that you'd find in a MMOG like WoW.
Quote:I'd recommend waiting for a beta at least

Oh yes definitely.

Still thinking about these things takes a long time and if there is interest now then at least we'll take a look at Beta

Quote:Non-random missions won't stay that entertaining forever

It lasted pretty well in Diablo2 :lol:

Quote:I still think the main long-term game draw will be PvP

PvP as a top level mode in a game that is absorbing for its grief-free PvE would be fine. Maxxing out a character after 3 weeks then having to hang around bored until someone showed up for a fight would not

Quote:there isn't half the fresh content that you'd find in a MMOG like WoW

True. The flipside of this is to ask whether the additional content of pay-to-use MMOs justifies the monthly fee.

I'm honestly undecided. I like it that in MMOs people are far less open about cheating and it seems to be rarer. That to some extent justifies the fee for me. Aside from that I've never played in a MMO or even heard of one where the actual game content added justifies the fee. I don't think Star Wars: Galaxies even came close

In any event, early days yet, I just thought I'd float the idea. There is also Flagship's game which although it probably won't be Beta for ages is likely to interest people here for the Blizzard connection so it could be a mistake to take on Guild Wars if we are going to start another new game next year for that one

Or, more briefly, I guess we should see if the game sucks before starting a new forum for it :lol:
I'm with FoxBat - we'll wait for a beta on this. If WoW and Guild Wars wind up coming out around the same time (unlikely), "there can be only one." THAT'LL make things interesting around here :)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Thanks Bolty :)
In the most recent issue of PC Gamer Magazine, they said Guild Wars would be released on August 2nd, less than two months away. Do you think that they will release an open-beta between now and then? I haven't had much experience in MMO betas, as in I've never really been into one/tried one out, but that seems to me like a very short beta period.
Release dates posted by gaming magazines and computer gaming stores are almost as meaningless as any release dates posted by the companies making the games themselves.
FoxBat,Jun 5 2004, 05:24 PM Wrote:there isn't half the fresh content that you'd find in a MMOG like WoW.
There will be expansions released every 6-9 months. You'll have to buy them to access the new areas/quests/etc (you never have to buy them to continue playing), but that isn't any different from other MMOs.

The expansions are the main reason they don't have to charge a monthly fee.

I daresay GW could have more fresh content than any other MMOG, but I don't really follow the frequency of MMOG expansions.
The error occurred on line -1.
An interesting marketing approach, the more frequent "expansions." This puts a slightly higher burden on the company to

1. Keep the bugs down to avoid losing client base
2. Make valid expansions, not merely "more of the same"

On the other hand, I think that the idea behind the game architecture makes the added content a lot like buying new modules in the P n P days of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

I'd venture to say that it will work for a while. The key is to ensure the basic game play is appealing. If that is achieved, the added content will sell itself.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Bolty,Jun 6 2004, 11:29 AM Wrote:I'm with FoxBat - we'll wait for a beta on this.  If WoW and Guild Wars wind up coming out around the same time (unlikely), "there can be only one."  THAT'LL make things interesting around here  :)

The Basin will likely have a Guild Wars guild up soon. Also, we've applied for an Alpha guild slot. We'll see how that goes.

As with any game, every Lurker is more than welcome to join us.
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
TPJ,Sep 28 2004, 03:28 PM Wrote:The Basin will likely have a Guild Wars guild up soon. Also, we've applied for an Alpha guild slot. We'll see how that goes.

As with any game, every Lurker is more than welcome to join us.
OK - It's Up!
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
TPJ,Oct 13 2004, 09:39 AM Wrote:OK - It's Up!
I will be playing in the upcoming WPE for guildwars, not sure if other lurkers are as well. Since the Basin has done some good organization and gotten a page together, and I'm interested in joining the alpha test, what's the best way to get active in the Lurker-Basin-GW community?
-< You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever >-
Magicbag,Oct 15 2004, 04:41 PM Wrote:I will be playing in the upcoming WPE for guildwars, not sure if other lurkers are as well.&nbsp; Since the Basin has done some good organization and gotten a page together, and I'm interested in joining the alpha test, what's the best way to get active in the Lurker-Basin-GW community?
I can't speak for the Bolty and the LL crew at-large, but you're welcome to join us during the event. I know our WoW admins are planning on trying to get the LL crew to join them on a specific server for that game, but since GW doesn't have that issue, it'll just be a matter of knowing a meeting place or toon name.
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
TPJ,Oct 15 2004, 05:07 PM Wrote:I can't speak for the Bolty and the LL crew at-large, but you're welcome to join us during the event. I know our WoW admins are planning on trying to get the LL crew to join them on a specific server for that game, but since GW doesn't have that issue, it'll just be a matter of knowing a meeting place or toon name.
Sounds great. Do you guys have plans for after WPE? Alpha or Beta? How is that accomplished, you mentioned an application?
-< You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever >-
Magicbag,Oct 15 2004, 06:11 PM Wrote:Sounds great.&nbsp; Do you guys have plans for after WPE?&nbsp; Alpha or Beta?&nbsp; How is that accomplished, you mentioned an application?
We applied for a guild spot (12 people) in their closed beta testing phase. We were accepted, but haven't started testing yet (still waiting on the NDAs to sign).

Most of us will be participating in the WPE, so I'm sure you will find plenty of us line during that timeframe. We'll all have the last name of Basin.
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
Brista,Jun 5 2004, 04:34 AM Wrote:The game looks very interesting and of course there is a very strong Blizzard connection. (Arena has several of the programming staff who worked on Diablo and other Blizzard games and Gaile from is their Community Relations Manager).

Of course it might be a bit much taking another game on and it would be down to whether the mods here have enough interest in this game to want to do this

The game is basically a role-playing action game where people can interact in a wide community or split off and go to instanced adventures. Seems a bit like Diablo except with a persistent world replacing the BNet channel


Fansite kit:

Arena staff:

Major Caveat, if time permits, future is uncertain . . .

However, the appeal to me of Guild Wars is that it is not as all absorbing as MMORPG, and has the chance to be consumable in in two to three hour bites by groups of adult who cannot invest massive time in to a massive On Line world.

We would not, be able to be ladder leaders, of course, since like Starcraft, that sort of "leetness" takes a bit of time to build and a certain obsession, uber PC's, Uber connections . . . optimizing all tools for the competitive edge.

So, I'd like to contribute to running such a forum here at the Lounge, but

I will miss the end of the month event due to other plans having priority
My estimate of investable time may be off. Mrs Occhi has plans for my time as well . . . can you say "soffets" and other such mundane words? :D

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Oct 26 2004, 09:57 AM Wrote:However, the appeal to me of Guild Wars is that it is not as all absorbing as MMORPG, and has the chance to be consumable in in two to three hour bites by groups of adult who cannot invest massive time in to a massive On Line world.[right][snapback]58238[/snapback][/right]

There are specific adventures designed into the game made specifically for people with items on their priority list other than gaming. There are 2v2 pickup games wherein you log in, the computer matches you up with a partner, and the two of you battle another pair for a short period of time. There are more coordinated versions wherein you and a partner of your choice (guild mate, etc.) do the same thing. These battles can be as short as 15 minutes. They are fast-paced battles similar to what you’d expect from a first-person shooter, but within a MMORPG type environment.

I’ll gladly share what I can after I read over the NDA.
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
Shall we start a temporary forum here prior to this weekend for GW discussion? I figure it's only fair, since we have the WoW one up during beta.

Anyone offering to moderate it?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Oct 26 2004, 06:41 PM Wrote:Shall we start a temporary forum here prior to this weekend for GW discussion?&nbsp; I figure it's only fair, since we have the WoW one up during beta.

Wow's release seems somehow impending, unlike GW's. :P

The fact that the game has no true beta aside from the "monthly pre-order event" gimmick is somewhat limiting too.

I may be shooting myself in the foot here, but given current lurker interest, realistically a thread or two in the lounge will probably suffice for the WPE. It's not like folks weren't posting before only because they weren't able to play the E3 event.
FoxBat,Oct 26 2004, 08:52 PM Wrote:realistically a thread or two in the lounge will probably suffice for the WPE
I would have to agree. There is probably going to be very little to actually discuss and, even if there is, I wouldn't waste the limited playing time posting a discussion of it. That can wait until we have the real release in our grubby little hands. The only reason I would think a temporary forum would be needed is if there is a Lurker Lounge guild set up for the event.

Does anyone else have the icon sitting in the middle of their screen so they can do a quick check every couple of hours to see if they started this one early too?
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

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