Undocumented Changes in the Patch
Pete linked to a thread on the official forums that had some good info on changes that weren't mentioned in the patch notes, but we Lurkers can do better than that thread, right? So, list any changes you've seen that weren't written in the patch notes here:


1. A fourth skill tier was added for alchemy, blacksmithing, mining, and leatherworking. Perusing the new fourth-tier alchemy recipes at the alchemy trainer turns up potions that give +40 to intelligence for 60 min and another that gives +40 to agility for 60 min. Some new blacksmithing recipes allow one to create plate items. Also, one can smelt mithril and truesilver now.

2. Lockpicking has been changed to a three tier tradeskill. My priestess had 202 lockpicking prior to the patch but now has 75/75 lockpicking. One has to spend skill points to get journeyman and expert lockpicking to go higher than 75.

3. The trainers don't show any new recipes for tailoring, enchanting, engineering, or cooking. A cursory look at the recipes that were already there show no changes to stats or ingredients, either. It's possible that some droppable recipes have been added, of course.


4. Dustwallow Marsh actually has a map now. (Too bad. I miss the field of green. :lol: )

5. A look around Undercity revealed no new quests and specifically no priest-only quests. If it turns out that this push doesn't have any priest-only quests in it, I'm going to be pissed.

6. The boat and blade vendors in Booty Bay still don't sell anything. However, the pirate supplier now sells parrots. Yay!


7. Wands got beat hard with the nerf stick -- or at least the ones at the vendors. I went to the wand vendor in UC to buy a wand with the gold I was given and all the wands had the same character lvl requirements as before but all their damage reduced by about a third. If this is true of all wands, this change is going to hurt a *lot*. I guess priests had better make sure to keep up their melee weapon skills, because if this change is true of all wands, their dps will no longer be comparable to melee weapons.

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