I have a gmail invitation up for grabs
The hammerdin joke has a bit of special significane for me, since the Paladin was/is the class I specialized/specialize in, and the hammerdin was my favorite build, next to the venerable Zealot.

Plus, that's just plain clever ^_^
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
You guys are starting to hurt my feelings :(

Keep those insults coming!
You are a loser.
You are my idol, I worship the ground you walk on, your posting makes my heart a flutter.
I would do anything to be with you, I would do anything to BE you. You are the master, I am but your humble and adoring servant, you are my GOD! Everyone should want to be like you, everyone should hang onto your every word, no, your every syllable.

I have seen heaven, and IT IS DEEBYE!
Damn fool psychopath.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Grarrrg,Jun 22 2004, 12:07 AM Wrote:You are a loser.
Your insult would mean more if you weren't leeching my avatar from my webhost. I fixed it for you.

edit: you changed your avatar very quickly. My hat goes off to you :)
Quote:edit: you changed your avatar very quickly. My hat goes off to you 


Well, I thought the first one, quick, simple, and to the point would be a good insult. Insult by way of your not worth the time to insult properly.

edit: heck, THAT would have been a better insult... "you are not worth insulting", of course the next step would just be not posting anything as you aren't worth the post, but its kind of hard to win a posting contest if one does not post....*rambles off into the sunset*

But then I thought up the second one, and, well, a paladin avatar just didn't seem right considering the text....
You know, up until today I was perfectly fine and happy with my life, but from now on I can hardly sleep at night because it's been proven that IF ANOTHER PERSON EXISTS WITH SUCH A DEGREE OF STUPIDITY AS YOUR OWN THE UNIVERSE WILL IMPLODE AND DISAPPEAR INTO NOTHINGNESS. I pray you never breed, or worse, volunteer for a cloning experiment.


I even used caps lock, come on ^_^
You remind me of Mel Lastman ! Self-important and prone to shooting your mouth off on topics you know little about. :P

*watches a mortally wounded DeeBye stagger off into the wilds of North York*
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

T'es rien qu'un ostie de gros Patapouffe sale qui s'roule dans sa propre marde à la journée longue pis qu'y aime ça en plus! T'es plus con que le Doc Mailloux!
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

DeeBye,Jun 21 2004, 10:57 PM Wrote:You guys are starting to hurt my feelings :(
What feelings? You are a hand puppet with delusions of time-car grandeur!

You like pokemon, and you can't resist WB teen dramas!

What's with that hat in you avatar? Is it your binkey?

Your hair is so messy, you make bigfoot look stylish.

You switch clothes with your wife and go dancing on the weekends cross-dressed. That isn't the bad part. You do it because you can't lead a whit to dance!! You're a dance follower, and a poor one at it.

((Great contest DeeBye, this is very fun))
What?? I can't insult DeeBye! Why, give that boy a gun, and charge him for health care, and he'd be just like an American!
You know, you remind me of me when I first started posting here.

Here's a link to a good insult site. I didn't make this one, though.
You are lame!
Some of these so-called "insults" are pretty weak. You're all a bunch of pansies, and it's hardly worth my time even reading this trash. I want you people to insult me, and all you're doing is offering me flowers and cake. My tea-drinking, doily-using, pinky-finger-up-in-the-air grandmother can compose a better insult than you lot.

Don't worry about offending me. I can take whatever watered down "insult" you can throw my way. I've been insulted by the best of them, and you people don't even come close. You're pathetic.

If I were to save a maggot or you from a lonesome island, I'd take the maggot for three reasons:
- it looks and smells better
- it has more brains
- it does something useful

I mean, look at you. You're so ugly that the mirror in which you're regarding yourself breaks into pieces. The monthly bill for mirrors is more than $800 for you. Which leads me to the question why your parents did not give you away when you were wee. Can't have something to do with your abilities! I mean - bread can mold, what can you?
Which is not to say you don't mean good! You may try, but you're so dumb that each attempt to say something intelligent ends up being a mockery.
If I had to resort to the gaming language you happen to speak adequately, I'd compare you to Wirt. Yeah, Wirt, although I'm not sure whether Griswold would have rescued YOU instead of just leaving you behind.

Since we settled how ugly and dumb you are, there's only one thing left to say:
Go away. Hide yourself in some forest. Try to have as little contact with humanity as possible, and DON'T breed another bantling that threatens universal peace!

Oh, one last thing: Troll.

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
You stole my pizza you jerk! You smell like a camel that's been nothing but chocolate ex-laxx wrapped in jalapeno peppers, stuffed with baked beans, twisted through 20 year old compost filled with eggs so old they've had grandchicken!

Your heckling reeks so bad, you make cesspool workers proud of their smell. When the ugly want to look good, they ask you to stand next to them.

When the vasectomy procedure was invented, doctors had one and only one reason, to stop the world from producing another you.

New designers of golf balls take after your pimple pocked marked head for the shape people most want to take a swing at with an iron club.

When squirrels go looking for nuts, they know to avoid your legs.

You take so long going poop in an outhouse, its been upgraded to a bathroom.
Quote:Some of these so-called "insults" are pretty weak. You're all a bunch of pansies, and it's hardly worth my time even reading this trash. I want you people to insult me, and all you're doing is offering me flowers and cake. My tea-drinking, doily-using, pinky-finger-up-in-the-air grandmother can compose a better insult than you lot.

I think you just won your own contest....
DeeBye, if looks could kill, we'd all have justice, but fortunately (or unfortunately, if they don't have enough sense to look away) for those around you, they can't, so just stop attempting to insult us in your insult thread and go back to what you know best - oh, wait I forgot... What exactly do you know best? Or rather, what exactly do you know?
Someone once said that they could write a book containing everything that Richard Nixon(?) knows, claiming that it would be the shortest book ever written. I can do better; I can write a book containing everything you both know, as it won't be any longer.
If my only hope to avoid hearing you was to watch every episode of American Idle for as long as the show was around, I would call up Simon and all the executives to whatever channel it's on, and personally donate everything in my name, after mortgaging my house twice rather than have to listen to your mindless, cretinous drivel for one more second.
Did you hear that they just discovered a new torture method? Apparantly, they tatoo your picture to the inside of people's eyelids in glow in the dark ink.
If Bill Gates were to give me 1 million dollars for every post of yours I read, I would instead turn myself into prison for a crime I didn't commit to prevent myself from ever having to accidentally stumble upon another idiotic post.
I've seen better sentences typed out by a quadripalegic monkey with Tourette Syndrome.
I'm not worried about offending you, I'm afraid you will be so angry you might come to my house and then I'll have to see you in person.
Quick, someone call animal control, oh, wait, nevermind, that's not a dog, it's just a very hairy person who likes to urinate in the bushes and smell piles on dung on the ground.
Here, this one is for you, Deebye: All about you.
You made this "competition" because you knew that you are fully unable to comprehend the awesomeness of a real battle: that of the greatest game ever, Full Contact Ping Pong, and are thus unable to judge it and get a real winner. Instead, you start this little nancy king competition, in which everyone wins, and you lose. I say everyone wins, as you are nobody. At least, no one worth knowing.

Do offending your sensibilities by saving the file on a host that doesn't allow the proper file type count as an insult?

/edit: Added the super image shown above (through the link)
//edit: I wrote this while talking on the phone. The grammar shows. Although I suppose poor grammar would only accentuate the point I was making (that of the idiocy of DeeBye, implying that he isn't worth a proofread).
Drasca,Jun 23 2004, 12:25 AM Wrote:You take so long going poop in an outhouse, its been upgraded to a bathroom.
More like downgraded to nuclear hazard.

I'm so sorry. I hurt just to write such trash. Maybe I'll go read a book. Or maybe I'll just play D2. Wicked fun contest, BeeBye, but it's a bit rough for us pacifists to participate.

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