The Best Game Ever?
I'd be inclined to agree that it ranks as one of the best single player games ever

I found it incredibly frustrating as a multiplayer game. Played the official campaign and the Hordes of the Underdark expansion with a friend and it drove me potty

Whenever one player activates a plot link the other player can not activate it

Since the person I was playing with was inclined to summarise lengthy instructions as "just kill things I think" then 10 minutes later say "hmm, think there WAS something about an amulet". After a few days of this I was biting my keyboard

Whenever we screwed up so badly we had to re-load it seems we had to load a save that was absolutely ancient and spend a very long time re-tracing our footsteps

About my last in-game experience was searching a large dungeon for an item which was actually in my mate's inventory and which he'd picked up and forgotten about (he'd given up doing "plot stuff" by that point so he had no idea what was and what was not important)

Now one could fault the player but I actually think that pretty well anyone would have to spend a lot of time organising and explaining to get through this game. A game so plot-driven should have mechanisms for sharing plot between players - at one point I spent 5 mins watching my friend just standing there while he interacted with something not shown to me before getting a Game Over screen. Very tedious, very frustrating
TaMeOlta,Jun 24 2004, 06:39 PM Wrote:Some of my personal favorites have been the Might and Magic series (except the very last one)
I actually thought it very refreshing, they FINALLY integrated the mouse into their game and the story wasn't much better/worse in M&M 8.

Just try to play M&M 8 and see what I mean, the game is a whole lot better when you forget about the game's mechanism :)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
A game so plot-driven should have mechanisms for sharing plot between players

It's been a long time, but I'm pretty sure there is one :P Actually, I can think of several such mechanisms. But if the person/people you are playing with aren't willing to go slow enough to let you see what's actually going on, you are always rushing from one point to the next trying to keep up and don't have time for reading. I had this problem even with RBD gamers, who are generally a pretty patient bunch as gamers go.
:) I can relate.

Quote:Whenever we screwed up so badly we had to re-load it seems we had to load a save that was absolutely ancient and spend a very long time re-tracing our footsteps
Oops, we accidently killed the Guardian of the Forests.

And, then my party would get duplicate hirelings and other strangeness, like either missing "needed" plot items or duplicated items. I also only played with 2 other people. I cannot imagine what it would be like with more.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

TaiDaishar,Jun 22 2004, 09:36 PM Wrote:
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Jun 22 2004, 09:06 PM]
TaiDaishar,Jun 22 2004, 05:56 PM Wrote:6) Starcraft (The story, it's all about the story)
Yes!! Finally! I know there is a huge fanbase of this game, but I've yet to meet someone who loves it for the story!

So, who's sexier: Sarah Kerrigan or The Queen of blades? ;)
For me, most games without a proper storyline aren't worth playing, the story can be the downfall or success of a game in my opinion.

Oh and The Queen of Blades hands down, you just can't beat spikes everywhere + stealth + one hit kills + emperor of the known universe + a dead sexy voice (more dead than sexy though) ;).
Kerrigan sexy?

Starcraft's story is great, so much stuff goes on and there's a ton of different groups fighting. I got so into the story I got a little depressed for a day when I saw that Kerrigan won.

After starcraft I noticed how bad the frozen throne story was when I couldn't get into it. Nothing that happened in the frozen throne part of the story mattered for the rest of the world, so I couldn't get into it when I saw that nothing big happens. The Sylvanis story mattered a bit, so I got into it more, but it was too bad afterwards when I saw that it was a copy of some of the Kerrigan Brood war missions.

As for favorite games, Diablo2/Lod and Civilization 2/Civ 2 test of time are my favorites, those kept me going for a year, each game lasts a long time, and there are a ton of different strategies to use. Warcraft, Starcraft, and the simcity type games were sort of fun for awhile, but nowhere up with the first two. Warcraft and starcraft go by too quickly and need really fast micromanagement, which I don't like, and the simcity types went on for too long and always got bboring after awhile.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Minionman,Jun 26 2004, 03:06 PM Wrote:Kerrigan sexy?
It's been too long since I played SC (oh, at least 2 years) so I honestly don't remember whether I found Kerrigan sexy or not. Bastila, on the other hand, is very, very sexy.

Hah. I reinstalled KotOR a few days ago, and decided to play a female this time (light side, scoundrel base, looking forward to abusing Stasis Field + Backstab, muaha) and I find myself having these... thoughts... every time Bastila and my character converse. :blink:

I know, I'm sick. :ph34r:

Taking a break now to catch this 'Decoy' movie on Scifi, seems interesting (what can go wrong with sorority girls + boobies + aliens?) - then I'm off to get T3-M4, little buddy! B)
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
I've been having a LOT of fun with this game so far! I play 3.5 tabletop D&D with my friends regularly and since I quite Diablo a LONG time ago, I just haven’t found a game to replace it. I was enjoying my spare time Diablo took up, but have started playing NWN GOLD EDITION and I even bought the Hordes of the Underdark because I LOVE Undermountian (a lot of my home-made adventures start in Waterdeep and some go into Undermountian or Skullport).

Believe it or not, I didn't like Baulder's Gate because of two reasons; 1.) The story was great, but the Text Options when you talk to an NPC were lame; 2.) There were three major bugs, all having to do with progressing further in the game, and I encountered every single one of them before certain patches fixed them so I had to restart numerous times. And they say each of those bugs was rare... what a crock of #$%&!

As for a Best Game Ever I heard, but have not tried, Sacred was pretty much a Diablo clone but MUCH MUCH MUCH better. As I have not tried it myself, I really can't say, however I got so sick of Diablo, that any mention of anything similar makes me nauseous.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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