quake was released in....1995.

that's 9 damn years ago

how to write like an fps'er

unique thing about these (first person shooters) is every 1/10 of a second you do a hand movement - that wonderful keyboard & mouse combo. wasd space. shift e r f c v z x q tab ctrl alt.

light figuring i would go...

half of all days

5 hours per day

that equals 11k hours. 11000. overworked to all hell.

(365 * 9 / 2 * 5...i forgot how it got to 11k)

both hands ache at moments. still more the mouse hand.

which seems kind of weird, you do more unique movement with that one?

would be that it's hanging in the air. less strain when relaxed?

right. and what i learn from all this? swearing. being angry. sweat factory.

not really. i didnt really learn swear words either.

teamplay? oh gimme a break

only lesson learned is all that was wasted. great lesson learned?

ah yes - and what does that have to do with my writing?

started to notice when i had most quick hand pains - was using shift.

for that capitzliation thing.

"why don't you write in ms word then?"

bloatware would be the answer to that.

other would be i can't configure it so it doesn't #$%& with my writing so much.

it doesn't show ms sans serif size 8 - that fav font - correctly. stupid page spacing.

but that's part of what bloatware is as well. uncontrollable useless #$%&.

and third would be i don't like things crashing. am very good at

overloading my comp. actually managed to crash ps4 for the first time

yesterday, figure it more has to do with my hardware breaking...

right, and notepad mr mr notepad dot exe never crashes.

my faithful servant. efficient. small. perfect in design.

ok, would enjoy if ctrl+s did save. about all.

then the greater question is - is writing easier to read with

all these rules? does..

courageous untroubled mocking violent - that is what wisdom wants us to be

read better/faster/easier than

Couragoues, untroubled, mocking and violent--that is what Wisdom wants us to be.


i am not a fast reader. don't read books (at all) like hyperspeed. so.......

who made these rules in the first place? how does japan do it?

do their signs (whatchamacallit) have capitals?

#$%& rules. just make your own.


* feels now like writing how my writing changed in some 4-5 stages. *

in short:

0-7 = didn't write or think much at all

7-15 = just listened to the teacher. well, i don't think i learned just about anything beyond 3rd grade

15 = found misery/ddr's website, when checking his forum noticed he said it all in small letters. since he was art god, i figured him for god completely.

15-19 = computergaming 90% of spare time. my language basically degenerated to nothing. didn't know punctuation or anything.

~19-20 = happened to find Sig. before that website, i could only say 'omg niec pic'. afterwards, well, i'll show if you're interested.

~20 =
* was ridiculed by pretentious nidwits you-know-where
* just chatted like loads on forums, about diablo II, but also modmaking
* when doing that modmaking found a love in checking stuff in digi dictionary/thesaurus
* suspended some times from the pretentious Sig, went back to devart, found a million more times inspiration and lovely people there. as ones mentioned below:

21 =
thanks to rykthia / shiver / st-barbie

i figured it's not how you write. actually, if you just write correctly, you don't write anything at all.

it's what you say. and what i noticed is all the time before (and up untill a week ago) i was afraid of doing wrong all the times. afraid of saying what i wanted to. it was all just a correct brabble of nothing. no beauty. just correctness.

(also, all my shyness is big flooping frucking gone. i can do anything. seriously. i dare 1000x more today than 6 months ago. i'm not even remotely who i was 1 week ago or 1 month ago. common sense can go kiss it where the sun don't shine, or somewhat.

"common sense is the set of prejudices aquired by age eighteen" - einstein)

at devart also found a sig with the gorgeous saying

"intellectual passion dries out sensuality" - leonardo da vinci

which really says everything. i would say except in really strong souls, souls that have the purpose of beauty not selfishness, this won't happen. i'm not that strong though.

knowledge corrupts.

btw: some science evidently says that "we don't change much after 18"

i found that a jolly big crock of nothingness. i felt like a teen up untill december 2003 (when i was 20 3/4), and i've changed so much that... that that statement can only be related to brainwashed people. i see it as it basically says
"we stop changing after 18"
"we stop thinking after 18"
"we stop being openminded after 18"
Lay off the crack, dude.
Quote:also, all my shyness is big flooping frucking gone. i can do anything. seriously. i dare 1000x more today than 6 months ago. i'm not even remotely who i was 1 week ago or 1 month ago. common sense can go kiss it where the sun don't shine, or somewhat.

Isn't this the same guy who adamantly said that his thought process hasn't changed since he was 7?

Point blank: What are the points of the posts? Any attempt of 'further enlightenment' from your posts is lost in the cryptic writing style. Are you documenting your life for the lurkerlounge? Is english not your native language?

Quote:* was ridiculed by pretentious nidwits you-know-where

Is this a jab at lurkerlounge members?

To save anymore time, I'll summarize my thoughts with this


Get yourself a blog.
> Is this a jab at lurkerlounge members?

gee no genious, a jab at

intellectual americans

brainwashed nimwits

ridicule since they think they are higher than others. evidently 7yr olds read this, but i dont think i see even 15 year olds posting.

whatever the kids learn is that you shouldn't try to be anything - since you can be ridiculed for that. just blend in. dont make mistakes - you get ridiculed for that. be odd enough - you're a troll, you're a flamer.

this really is the worst cesspool on the net.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." - nieztchse
Banned for thread posted: Jun 23 2004, 03:53 PM (US Central Time).
Point blank: What are the points of the posts?

A: To engage Lurkers in an endless circle of meaningless debate.

I would suggest making a humorous reply, or none at all. If we can't get a laugh out of these threads, they are simply a blight to the forum and should be left to scroll off the front pages as quickly as possible. For that is the most a troll like seas can be worth... a laugh at his expense. Nobody has ever won a debate against a circus clown.
One last thing to clear up:

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." - nieztchse

It's a man's last name. Capitalize it. Oh, and try to spell it right. N I E T Z S C H E.

As for what the quote is about, it is his view on perspectivism. It is not about an individual's thought process compared to the next. Great job out of context. Try books.

But keep on trucking seas. Good luck with life.


I apologize for the anger, but usage of quotes that are not understood in the correct context as a defense aggrivates me intensely. I've sent private messages to him before about it, to no avail.
Quote: "we stop changing after 18"
"we stop thinking after 18"
"we stop being openminded after 18"

Thanks for sharing your experience, although it seems like that only applies to folks like you. :)

It's true that if you write only with function and no thought, there's a bad piece of writing. But you have neither.

Oh wait, gone already? Nice having you around. Too bad you couldn't act half your age. Remember, a troll is regarded in longevity and you simply are a crappy troll, only to be thrown with yesterday's trash. ;)

Cheers. We hope you've appreciated our listening to your pseduointellectual rants. It was 5 minutes of cheap entertainment. About the payment? Yes, the money you owe us for reading all that rubbish? :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
[Image: annoyedmonkey.jpg]
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Ahahaha I finally got something out of this thread. Thank you, Warlocke :)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
I don't want to see the monkey in a picture taken a few moments after this one... :o
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Jun 23 2004, 03:59 PM] Ahahaha I finally got something out of this thread. Thank you, Warlocke :)
Hey, every thread should contain something constructive. Or, at least, something funny. :lol:

Will you be so appreciative when I run out of fresh images and have to start recycling them, though? That's the real question... :(
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
May I use that on my site? I promise to upload it to my own server for use if you say yes. :)
The monkey? Sure thing.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
*Mental Note* In a bad thread, add Warlocke to list of posters to always read from.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
WarLocke,Jun 23 2004, 08:49 PM Wrote:[Image: annoyedmonkey.jpg]
OK, when does the t-shirt hit the streets? Excellent! Also great would be a nice plaque or poster as a prop for the office cubicle (when I have one again) to point to at appropriate moments.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Did you really have to ban Seas, Lemmy? If he kept posting meaningless babble, we'd get to see more of WarLocke's images! :P

On a mostly-unrelated note: I think "Unicron Approves" has been the best one yet ^_^
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
I don't know, I liked flogging the deceased mammal of equestrian origin. Oh, and was it your image that was "Bump"?
Quote:Nobody has ever won a debate against a circus clown.

I did once.

But only after I had hit that rat, chuck-e-cheese, in the mouth and demanded my hat back.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

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