Interesting Items in World of Warcraft...
There are lots of interesting items out there in the World of Warcraft. I'm interested to hear what kind of crazy things other people have found. Personally, I find the fact that the best one-hander/shield combo I have right now on the Beta server is a rolling pin and a ship's steering wheel to be hilarious! I look like some sort of backwater gnome with this stuff! :lol:

[Image: ghetto_gnome.gif]
Mustachioed gnomes are known for their use of improvised weaponry of all kinds. Even plumber's wrenches have been used against unwary sewer-delvers.

[Image: wario.jpg]

The resemblance is uncanny.

Actually, my brother commented that my gnome looks like Mario earlier this morning. I agree, the resemblance IS uncanny! B)
Your gnome needs a mullet and a couple of broken down mechanostriders in his front yard. That would complete the ensemble.
Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator. Found from the boss of gnomeregan.
[Image: gigahat.jpg]
My Tauren's looking pretty cool in the full set of Chainmail armor I recently bought for him. Still need to buy Chainmail wrist-armor, though (a few silver shy for them; need to go kill more baddies around the Crossroads.) I'll try to get a screenie posted of him next time I get a chance to play WoW (hopefully this Friday ^_^ )
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Lem pickpocked this facinating cookbook off a mob and sent it to me.

[Image: cookbook.jpg]

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