Levelling up my level 96 char

I have a level 96 barbarian;it's been almost one year since he reached 96;I can't manage to reach 97,because he often dies in hell;if my char never dies,how many baal runs alone,and in a 8 players team,would it take to reach 97? 500? 1000 ? 10 000 ? I need a rough estimate,but accuracy is best :)
Are baal runs the best runs to get the most experience?
At 96 only hell Baal runs give some experience. I cant recall the exact numbers, but is less than 80,000 points per run in a full game (Baal included). Just make a run, write down the numbers, and divide the experience needed to reach 97 by the results.

Other areas are just out of the question at 96. Even frenzytaurs give less than 100 points :( Now, IMHO, this is a weak point in 1.10 because characters are build to make runs only, and others areas in game -that we may enjoy and want to play- become just a waste of time for experience purposes. It would be interesting if the game gives increased experience bonus for the number of monsters killed in a single game, as it will encourage players to stay in game longer and visit more than just one area.
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Why exactly do you WANT to get to a higher level? If its a year old, its not in Ladder; you won't be noticed and you wont get any prizes :huh: I'm sure that it won't be able to get that much more powerful in two levels...
Quote:Please don't  . . . anyone feed the troll. He will eventually go and hide under a bridge if he is just ignored. -Occhi
wow, that's so harsh! lol, how bad can this guy be?
"we have been sent to earth during this dark hour/
to help free the humans from the evil forces that are presently controlling them/
differentiate the holy men from the phony men/
only then will you see the patterns in the pandemonium"

- The Constructus Corporation
Quote:Please don't  . . . anyone feed the troll. He will eventually go and hide under a bridge if he is just ignored. -Occhi
But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
unrealshadow13,Aug 23 2004, 06:23 AM Wrote:Why exactly do you WANT to get to a higher level? If its a year old, its not in Ladder; you won't be noticed and you wont get any prizes :huh: I'm sure that it won't be able to get that much more powerful in two levels...
Why ?
First of all,it's my business.
Second,I use my level 96 barb to craft stuff;at 97 or 98,my char could improve the crafted things.
And at last but no least,I don't have the time to reach level 96 on Ladder (and the race to win a prize is over )
crumpuppet,Aug 23 2004, 08:21 AM Wrote:wow, that's so harsh! lol, how bad can this guy be?
Munkay was refering to Unrealshadow if I remember a post about him;the quote "Please don't . . . anyone feed the troll. He will eventually go and hide under a bridge if he is just ignored. -Occhi" is not for me,it's for unrealshadow,but I would understand if you were confused in case you didn't read this thread..
No, I read the thread (and a couple of other ones featuring unrealshadow), I knew Munkay was referring to him. Looks like a lot of old grudges. Anyway, doesn't matter, I don't want to get involved.

Back on topic:
1. How much better would your items be with a higher clvl?

2. How does this get determined?

I'm guessing it's got something to do with pre/suffix levels (if they even have levels), in correlation with your clvl. I've never really given this much thought, just always the higher the clvl, the better.
"we have been sent to earth during this dark hour/
to help free the humans from the evil forces that are presently controlling them/
differentiate the holy men from the phony men/
only then will you see the patterns in the pandemonium"

- The Constructus Corporation
crumpuppet,Aug 23 2004, 09:29 AM Wrote:Looks like a lot of old grudges.
No grudges here :)
Unreal is probably just bored and wants stimulus from other people combating him. I don't remember any grudges that could come into play since I've been here longer than him and I would have noticed ;)
[Image: KenyaSig.png]

[wcip Wrote:Angel,Jul 2 2004, 11:19 AM]
unrealshadow13,Jul 2 2004, 11:02 AM Wrote:I find that a sorceress serves me better when doing MF runs. I have yet to find a useful niche for werewolves... They are a slow killer (imo) and my old werewolf always got owned in pvp.
Does that mean someone else owns your werewolf? How is that possible? He's on *your* account, isn't he?
Nicator,Aug 23 2004, 01:59 AM Wrote:At 96 only hell Baal runs give some experience. I cant recall the exact numbers, but is less than 80,000 points per run in a full game (Baal included). Just make a run, write down the numbers, and divide the experience needed to reach 97 by the results.

Other areas are just out of the question at 96. Even frenzytaurs give less than 100 points :( Now, IMHO, this is a weak point in 1.10 because characters are build to make runs only, and others areas in game -that we may enjoy and want to play- become just a waste of time for experience purposes. It would be interesting if the game gives increased experience bonus for the number of monsters killed in a single game, as it will encourage players to stay in game longer and visit more than just one area.
According to the results I get (dividing the experience required by 80 000),it would take +5096 baal runs to reach level 97 :blink: ,which seems rather impossible to achieve (without dying once,at least);the number 5096 seems unbelievable;if it's right,I'll probably never reach level 97..and as my char is melee,he may well often die from oblivion knights.
crumpuppet,Aug 23 2004, 02:29 PM Wrote:No, I read the thread (and a couple of other ones featuring unrealshadow), I knew Munkay was referring to him. Looks like a lot of old grudges. Anyway, doesn't matter, I don't want to get involved.

Back on topic:
1. How much better would your items be with a higher clvl?

2. How does this get determined?

I'm guessing it's got something to do with pre/suffix levels (if they even have levels), in correlation with your clvl. I've never really given this much thought, just always the higher the clvl, the better.

1)I don't know;all I know is "the higher,the better",which makes me wonder what are the specific mods of +97 crafted items.

2)Idon't know :ph34r:
A level 99 item crafted by a level 99 char would make a level 99 crafted item;if I use a level 97 barb,it would make a level 98 crafted item,otherwise with a level 96 char,it would make a level 97 item.
Actually, higher levels are not always better. It depends on which affixes you want. However, the general "This affix is the best" affixes get improved odds at higher levels (like the high +life affix). Someone who knows more about this than I would be able to tell you better.

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