What should I play in the stress test?
@Deebye + Lissa: Thanks.

Can't believe I missed it.

Explore the sewers while you're at it. No, there aren't any quests there or anything particularly special, but it's still fun to look around at the often overlooked back entrance to Undercity. The bats fly in and out of part of the main sewer tunnel.
Tal,Sep 2 2004, 10:18 AM Wrote:I'd be surprised the Stress servers stay up longer than 5 minutes at a time truthfully...
Actually, the stress test servers have been remarkably stable and lag free (though they are down now). Hard to tell it's a stress test, apart from big crowds in the starting zones and empty spaces in the later zones (at least initially--I wound up in a deserted darkshore at lvl 3 and went back to tedrasill or whatever it's called).

I've been playing a night-elf hunter (currently lvl 11). Some of the interface is not entirely intuitive (took me an hour to figure out how to use a bow...and then half-an-hour to figure out that I really couldn't use a shield), but I'm sure that will be polished on release. I like the tag system for xp and loot, despite the odd accusation of kill-stealing from non-ranged attackers like Paladins -- even though I was trying my best to avoid tagging other peoples mobs, I can understand their frustration, and that seems like a bit of a problem.

The different areas are very nice, but I found the dwarf region was more interesting and faster to lvl up in than the night-elf island. Quests are effective in moving you along, though being on the compulsive side I hate taking every quest in sight and leaving many of them unfinished, but that unfortunately seems to be the best strategy.

Combat tactics for a hunter seem a bit monotonous so far (arcane shot + arrows from range to take off as many hps as possible then switch to raptor stike + melee at close range, and run if monster too tough -- usually 3+ lvls -- or you get aggro'd by too many -- usually 2+ at same lvl), but it's obviously just the beginning so maybe that will change. Not sure what hunters will really add to any group though compared with e.g. warriors, priests and mages. I am getting a little fed up with feeding my leopard constantly to keep it happy, and first aid has been a great skill.
Thecla,Sep 5 2004, 04:20 AM Wrote:I am getting a little fed up with feeding my leopard constantly to keep it happy, and first aid has been a great skill.
Keep in mind that Hunters were JUST finally added a few weeks ago. They are the class that will have the highest number of changes soon, sans Warlocks. They're very raw and unfinished at this point, with a number of bugs.

Feel free to use /suggests in game, although I don't know if Blizzard will be paying attention to them as much as beta tester /suggests, considering that most of the stress testers have not had much time in-game yet.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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