Minimum Character Level Requirements
I'm currently in the middle of running the characters in my Ladder Mule account through Act 2 Normal. The characters in that account have all of the waypoints, and the last character is the Duriel Mule.

I just did Duriel with the CLevel 15 Barbarian from the account. He had fun killing Duriel, since I haven't used any of his Skill points yet, and only used enough Attribute points to get his Strength to 60 for a plated belt.

Anyway, after killing Duriel, I tried using Tyrael's TP to go back to the tomb. The barb couldn't use it, saying "I can't". He could use his own TP back to the tomb, though. At CLevel 19, my Necro was able to use Tyrael's portal.

In Act 3, I had been taking the first Quest, for the +20 Life reward. When the Barb killed his first unique there, no Jade Figurine dropped. I had that happen with an earlier mule, that I decided to run through Act 3 for a bit. By the time the mule got to about CLevel 18, a Jade Figurine finally dropped.

Obviously, there are requirements for certain quests and portals, either minimum CLevel or quest completion being required. I've done some looking, and haven't seen much of anything expect the old "20*Difficulty" level requirement for A5Q5. Is this something that actually has NOT been documented yet?

I had thought the jade figurine drop had been made more random, assumably to make it more difficult.

I haven't seen it drop off the first unique for a while, though I do seem to get it off Sszark the Burning fairly often.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
The Horadric Malus quest requires clvl 8+.
channel1,Sep 18 2004, 06:44 PM Wrote:Anyway, after killing Duriel, I tried using Tyrael's TP to go back to the tomb.  The barb couldn't use it, saying "I can't".  He could use his own TP back to the tomb, though.  At CLevel 19, my Necro was able to use Tyrael's portal.
The barb has not totally completed the Summoner quest that is required to unlock the use of TPs into the last areas of Act 2. The final step in completing the Summoner is to go and talk to some of the NPCs in town to finish that quest. Some players that are being rushed just skip this and head straight into the tombs and then get tripped up by this.

Quote:In Act 3, I had been taking the first Quest, for the +20 Life reward. When the Barb killed his first unique there, no Jade Figurine dropped. I had that happen with an earlier mule, that I decided to run through Act 3 for a bit. By the time the mule got to about CLevel 18, a Jade Figurine finally dropped.

The Jade Figurine quest was never keyed to the first unique that you killed. It is keyed to drop off of the first unique that spawns in Act 3 for that game. A player that is normally playing through the game will typically spawn only monsters in the Spider Forest first and there are normally only 2 specials (unique or champion packs) that can occur there. This will mostly for that palyer have the apparent effect that the first unique that they do take out will end up being the one that has the Figurine. But if another player first takes a WP to some of the other later areas of the game prior to this, the Figurine may end up being spawned in some later section of the act and with some of these areas having more than a couple of specials in them, it could end up being rather time consuming to find where that firt unique finally did spawn at. I have in the past on rather regular occasions been causing the Figurine to end up dropping in Durance 2 due to being the first place in act 3 that was visited (WP in directly from another act causing that area to be the first that had its monsters generated). I have also done this in some of the other areas of act 3 when I was going to those areas first for some other business there.

Quote:Is this something that actually has NOT been documented yet?
No, because it is not something that is actually coded into the game. It is a somewhat understandable misinterpetation of the events you saw.
The barb has not totally completed the Summoner quest...
You're right. In fact, he hadn't done any of that quest. When I made this mule account, I ran all eight characters through to the Palace / Arcane / Valley waypoints in the same game. Guess my mind is starting to go.

I knew about the A3Q1 situation with the item dropping from the first unique that spawns, in fact I have been avoiding act 3 in this routine (running mules to Act 3) until I actually have the character who has beaten Duriel going into Act 3. I'm sure that there is still something funny going on there.

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