Autologin doesn't seem to be working
I'm a Firefox user, have version 0.9 (just haven't bothered with the 1.0 RC's yet). Anyway, I don't know if this is a Firefox only bug, but no matter what settings I try, everytime I come back to the boards I have to log in again. I've tried using the LogIn link and the quick log in boxes. I've tried with and without the remember me check box checked.

I suppose I really should test with IE, Netscape, and Opera since I have them all but I'm too lazy right now. This seems to be a cookie handling issue I would guess and I have my cookies turned on. Just something that I thought I would bring up to see if anyone else is seeing it besides my wife and I.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I have cleared the cookies as well. No difference. I guess I'll actually test some things now to see if it is in fact browser specific.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Well, it seems that it happens with IE as well.

I did the following seperately, one browser at a a time for the following.

I cleared all cookies for IE and Firefox with the browsers at my default homepage of about:blank.
I closed the browser.
I went to
I clicked on the forum link.
I clicked the LogIn link in the little "Welcome guest (login | register)" section.
I made sure that I had the remember me option checked.
I browsed to another page.
I came back and I was not logged in.
I cleared the cookies again (same process).
I logged into the site in the same fashion.
I closed the browser.
I came back to the boards and was not logged in.
I did the clear/login/close browser
I tried going right to same behavior, log in was not stored.

Again this happened with Firefox 0.9 and IE 6.0.280 with sp2 (IE SP2, not XP SP2).

So something is up. Security settings are set to allow cookies from everywhere right now as well.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It really does seem to be something screwy with the cookies - the "mark as read" buttons do not work right now and I can't set it to automatically open the fast reply button under the board settings in my control panel. There's just something goofy with the cookies. We all know upgrading forums does some odd things sometimes and it's never as easy as it should be. ;)

Edit: Also, the goto last unread doesn't really work either right now. It just brings up the starting post. Edit3: Apparently that's standard behavior for the outline view though so nevermind. :rolleyes:

Edit2: The "delete all cookies set by this board" button doesn't work either. Good thing I never trust that button to do things right anyway. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Safari has the same problem.
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
WoW PC's of significance
Vaimadarsa Pavis Hykim Jakaleel Odayla Odayla

Yep, it fails for me too. Tried clearing cookies as well.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Auto login doesn't work for me with Firefox, Opera, or Internet Explorer.

However, Bolty should get some rest before trying to fix this. :)
The error occurred on line -1.
Zippyy,Sep 26 2004, 03:36 PM Wrote:Auto login doesn't work for me with Firefox, Opera, or Internet Explorer.

However, Bolty should get some rest before trying to fix this.  :)
Auto login seems to be working for me in IE6 now.

However, I had to log in the first time with "Remember me" UNchecked, apparently to clear an incompatible cooke.


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