Holy Freeze Pally gear
Hello, I am new to xpack, but i have played classic forever, and I have no clue what gear I should aim for in xpack. :huh: . I have heard about some cheap runewords for a weapon. Maybe some sets or uniques I could find for cheap. I am really leaning towards cheap runewords though. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks
Well that depends on what kinda of pal you want to be there hammerdins, avengers, mages, frost, lighing and so forth, oh and rangers. With that being said I need to leave atm so I will tak to you laters.

"Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mustake"
Sirbub,Nov 8 2004, 11:26 AM Wrote:Well that depends on what kinda of pal you want to be there hammerdins, avengers, mages, frost, lighing and so forth, oh and rangers.  With that being said I need to leave atm so I will tak to you laters.


It really seems to be contagious, of late, that folks don't actually read the posts before answering. :(

Dynomite did enquire about Holy Freeze Paladins.

To Dynomite:

Holy Freeze can be used several ways now. You can use it as your 'slow the monsters down' aura, as in classic D2.

But most people synergize it by also placing points in Resist Cold (and sometimes Salvation) to give it a lot of damage boost too.

You can do this with a mêlée character, and swing a fast weapon. You can do this with a bow too (aka Ranger Paladin). A Wizendraw unique bow is nice for a Ranger. It is a normal level unique.

Useful inexpensive rune words include:

Ancient's Pledge shield (Ral/Ort/Tal)
Lore hat (Ort/Sol)
King's Grace sword or sceptre (Amn/Ral/Thul)

Check here for a complete list of rune words.

Sigon's set is extremely useful for a lower level character, albeit hard to complete with ease. The combination of belt and gloves is nice for the partial set bonus of speed and life steal. The same is true of Death's Disguise gloves and belt.

Many of the sets give a useful partial set bonus when only two or three parts of the set are equipped. Take a look here for some ideas.

Eventually, I am sure that there will be those who have made Paladins who use Holy Freeze who can chime in to give more suggestions. :)

Best wishes

And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Ahh but I did read the post but it bounced off my sleep deprived head like a rubber Scepter.

Somthing you might want to consider is a Frosty merc, you can get them in A2 defence. They can only go to lvl 10 holy freeze but its a nice option.

One thing to think about is enemy resist since frost zealots do elemental damage. If you want to look and mine or some of the other avenger posts (I know you wanted to be a frost zealet) there is a good section of back and forth about conviction and enemy resit and damage done to monsters. As of this post I havent seen alot of -enemy cold resist items, Wizendraw being the only one I know of ( If there are others please show me). On the othere hand if you wanted to make a lightning zealot there is rune words that perfectly soot them like Creasent Moon that has -35 lightning resist and a Griffen Eye (unique diadem) with about -20 lightning resist. What I am thinking and hoping it will work is puting Creasent Moon on Me and merc and Griffen on me and merc to total the resist of about -100 app(anyone else think this will work or not. Need more minds). The reasion I am talking aobut resist so much is in Nightmare lvl you will find more monsters that are one element immune or more and you would need a back up ie physical, another element and so on. On resist with act bosses in nm they have 50 resist on each element f/c/l/ and a funny thing, I have noticed is Mepf has 75 F/C/L resist but Big D and Baal still only have 50 in Hell not counting on all the other little buggers that have higher resist just to annoy you.

If you like me, when I get $100 I spend it 400 diffent ways before I deside on what I will really want. Dont get me wrong Frost Zealets are cool. Find out what you like and will want to play, keep reading the boards ,also remember you can never have too much knowledge and knowing is have the battle. :) ( Ugg bad GIJoe flash back)

"Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mustake"
Quote:As of this post I havent seen alot of -enemy cold resist items, Wizendraw being the only one I know of ( If there are others please show me).

IIRC, Doom runeword also has -% cold resist, so do Cold Facets.

Quote:What I am thinking and hoping it will work is puting Creasent Moon on Me and merc and Griffen on me and merc to total the resist of about -100 app(anyone else think this will work or not. Need more minds).

The -enemy resist will only work for the individual wearing the item. Your merc and your own -resist gear will not stack. You can stack -% resist items on yourself though, just add the %.

Also note that -% enemy resists will *not* break immunities, although conviction/lower resist can.
I have seen the mention of facets before but cant find them could some one explan what facets are, come from and made/dropped please.

Thx Baajikiil for telling me about doom.

"Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mustake"
Sirbub,Nov 8 2004, 05:44 PM Wrote:I have seen the mention of facets before but cant find them could some one explan what facets are, come from and made/dropped please.


General information about the Rainbow Facet jewels is found here.

I have yet to find one, but hope springs eternal eh? Someday a monster will drop one for me. :rolleyes:
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Sirbub,Nov 8 2004, 01:37 PM Wrote:Ahh but I did read the post but it bounced off my sleep deprived head like a rubber Scepter. 

  Somthing you might want to consider is a Frosty merc, you can get them in A2 defence.  They can only go to lvl 10 holy freeze but its a nice option.

  One thing to think about is enemy resist since frost zealots do elemental damage.  If you want to look and mine or some of the other avenger posts (I know you wanted to be a frost zealet) there is a good section of back and forth about conviction and enemy resit and damage done to monsters.  As of this post I havent seen alot of -enemy cold resist items, Wizendraw being the only one I know of ( If there are others please show me).  On the othere hand if you wanted to make a lightning zealot there is rune words that perfectly soot them like Creasent Moon that has -35 lightning resist and a Griffen Eye (unique diadem) with about -20 lightning resist.  What I am thinking and hoping it will work is puting Creasent Moon on Me and merc and Griffen on me and merc to total the resist of about -100 app(anyone else think this will work or not.  Need more minds).  The reasion I am talking aobut resist so much is in Nightmare lvl you will find more monsters that are one element immune or more and you would need a back up ie physical, another element and so on.  On resist with act bosses in nm they have 50 resist on each element f/c/l/ and a funny thing, I have noticed is Mepf has 75 F/C/L resist but Big D and Baal still only have 50 in Hell not counting on all the other little buggers that have higher resist just to annoy you.

  If you like me, when I get $100 I spend it 400 diffent ways before I deside on what I will really want.  Dont get me wrong Frost Zealets are cool.  Find out what you like and will want to play, keep reading the boards ,also remember you can never have too much knowledge and knowing is have the battle. :) ( Ugg bad GIJoe flash back)

Thanks for your feedback. As I have previously stated I have been playing d2 for a long time and I want to make a frost zealot and know how to build one. Just looking for item (mostly runeword) suggestions. Also cold immunity has no effect on holy freeze if I remember correctly, so no need for backup. :D
Dynomite,Nov 8 2004, 07:21 PM Wrote:  Also cold immunity has no effect on holy freeze if I remember correctly, so no need for backup. :D

Not quite. Holy Freeze has a cold damage component now (which is synergized by Resist Cold and, to a lesser extent, Salvation). You will not damage Cold Immunes with that component of the Holy Freeze aura. Therefor, most Holy Freeze Zealots chose to pump another skill as a backup - often Holy Shock is the choice. Do not forget that there are many Physical Immunes in Hell and those which are not out-and-out Physical Immune often have high Physical resist.

Added to that, many Bosses in Hell have dual immunity, so a tertiary form of damage is desirable.

So, while Holy Freeze will slow virtually all monsters down for you, it will not aid in damaging the Cold Immunes.

Query for other Lurkers: I have the nasty but faint recollection that there were actually some monsters in Hell that sped up in the presence of Holy Freeze. Hell Lords in the Halls of Pain/Anguish/Vaught? :unsure:
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Dynomite,Nov 8 2004, 07:21 PM Wrote:Thanks for your feedback.  As I have previously stated I have been playing d2 for a long time and I want to make a frost zealot and know how to build one.  Just looking for item (mostly runeword) suggestions.  Also cold immunity has no effect on holy freeze if I remember correctly, so no need for backup. :D

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is incorrect. What is correct is that holy freeze will slow enemies, regardless of cold immunity. However, the damage in the pulse and the damage added to your attacks are both affected by enemy resistance and immunity. In other words, when you run into a cold immune, you'd better at least have some decent physical damage backing up your cold attack. This is why the majority of elemental zealot guides these days (at least the ones I've seen) suggest investing points in sacrifice, to boost the pysical damage side of your attack. Another option would be to use vengeance when you run into those pesky immunes.


edit: for an 'old battle axe,' shadow can move quick when needed, and beat me to the punch
"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
Quote:Query for other Lurkers:  I have the nasty but faint recollection that there were actually some monsters in Hell that sped up in the presence of Holy Freeze.    Hell Lords in the Halls of Pain/Anguish/Vaught?    :unsure:

I'm fairly sure it is only the ice demon guys in act5(in the cave areas), and perhaps only in hell. Also, it was chill that sped them up, not holy freeze. The problem with them is that they have such a high natural cold resist(over 100%), that breaking their cold immunity to chill them is nearly impossible.

But you are right that minotaurs are a monster to note for holy freeze: the minotaurs in the WSK are immune to the slowing from holy freeze, as are several other monsters.
Baajikiil,Nov 8 2004, 06:13 PM Wrote:I'm fairly sure it is only the ice demon guys in act5(in the cave areas), and perhaps only in hell.  Also, it was chill that sped them up, not holy freeze.  The problem with them is that they have such a high natural cold resist(over 100%), that breaking their cold immunity to chill them is nearly impossible.

But you are right that minotaurs are a monster to note for holy freeze:  the minotaurs in the WSK are immune to the slowing from holy freeze, as are several other monsters.

The ice breath demons in hell do have a positive coldeffect. It happens that monsters with a non-negative coldeffect aren't at all affected by the holy freeze chill or area damage.

Those monsters have a base 150-190% cold resistance in hell (depending on the type). Conviction will never have more than -150% to resistances (-30% against immunes). Lower resists has a diminishing returns formula, so even at the impossible-to-reach slvl 99, you'd have only -71% (-14% against immunes). So even with both of those at slvl 99, any monster with 144% or more resistance will still be immune.

There doesn't seem to be any practical difference between their positive coldeffect and a zero coldeffect.
Thanks shadow I gess I better start picking up those jewels.

"Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mustake"
adeyke,Nov 8 2004, 09:05 PM Wrote:The ice breath demons in hell do have a positive coldeffect.  It happens that monsters with a non-negative coldeffect aren't at all affected by the holy freeze chill or area damage.

Those monsters have a base 150-190% cold resistance in hell (depending on the type).  Conviction will never have more than -150% to resistances (-30% against immunes).  Lower resists has a diminishing returns formula, so even at the impossible-to-reach slvl 99, you'd have only -71% (-14% against immunes).  So even with both of those at slvl 99, any monster with 144% or more resistance will still be immune.

There doesn't seem to be any practical difference between their positive coldeffect and a zero coldeffect.

Would that be the attribute listed as "Chill Effectiveness" at the Arreat Summit monster descriptions? i.e. "Chill Effectiveness" = reversed coldeffect?

Reviewing there, I see that Frozen Horrors of all types have listed a chill effectiveness of -33 and the Death Lord sub-type of Blood Lord has a chill effectiveness of 0.

And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Quote:I want to make a frost zealot and know how to build one

Well, basically the only weapon a frost zealot uses is doom. Only if you have enuff IAS use holy freeze as your main aura and you can use a different weapon. I have never made a frost zealot before, ask someone else on the stats and every thing.
Ok, I was mistaken then. I must have been thinking about how cannot be frozen items do not work vs holy freeze. The doom runeword looks pretty expensive and hard to attain, but yesterday I traded for a pretty nice scourge that will give alot of physical damage, with ias toboot. I will probably invest a few points in sacrifice if I am having a problem. Thanks for your responses. :)
MikethemizJR,Nov 9 2004, 04:48 PM Wrote:Well, basically the only weapon a frost zealot uses is doom. Only if you have enuff IAS use holy freeze as your main aura and you can use a different weapon.  I have never made a frost zealot before, ask someone else on the stats and every thing.

So you have never made a Frost Zealot, but you are qualified to tell us that the only weapon one uses is Doom. :blink:

Doom certainly is the top end weapon one could use. But access to the top end weapons is not the only criteria for making a character. It is entirely possible to make a successful character who can manage the entire game with lower level weapons. B)

And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

ShadowHM,Nov 9 2004, 11:28 AM Wrote:Would that be the attribute listed as "Chill Effectiveness" at the Arreat Summit monster descriptions?  i.e.  "Chill Effectiveness" = reversed coldeffect?

Reviewing there, I see that Frozen Horrors of all types have listed a chill effectiveness of -33 and the Death Lord sub-type of Blood Lord has a chill effectiveness of 0.

coldeffect is the internal name. The AS listing calls it "Chill Effectiveness" and reverses the sign (so on the AS, more positive means more chilling, while in the actual data file, more negative means more chilling).
adeyke,Nov 9 2004, 09:11 PM Wrote:coldeffect is the internal name.  The AS listing calls it "Chill Effectiveness" and reverses the sign (so on the AS, more positive means more chilling, while in the actual data file, more negative means more chilling).

Thanks adeyke :) Every l'il bit helps in comprehending that Arreat Summit information.

And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


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