Tips to aviod being pked
Here are a few tips I have come up with, some serious, some comical, to avoid being pked by any character.

1. Dont play public games. Public games, especially *run games (baal, tristram, etc) are big targets for pks. If you have no friends to play private runs with, then follow the rest of these tips.

2. Be careful of who you party with. If you are a low lvl char, and a 92 zon invites you to party, and she sends you a friendly tp to cats lvl 2, I would think twice before going down.

3. Watch the spam attacks. If someone (doesnt really matter what character class) spams attacks at you or in your direction (bone spirit / spear / arrows / hammers / glacial spike / ice blast, etc) watch for the Tp+hostile. It can happen real quick, so keep your eyes open.

4. Don't type while playing. This is how most people die / get pked. They are sitting, usually leeching exp, and are running their mouth and rambling on, when all of a sudden they die. This is a no brainer. Watch your life at all times if u are not in town.

5. Don't fall for stupid schemes. If someone says they can teach you how to teleport around town, take tps to different acts that shouldnt be reachable, or anything really out of the ordinary (let me kill you so i can dupe ur itemz) your best bet is just to ignore their stupidity.

6. Don't get rushed unless you are prepared for harder difficulty. A lvl 9 should not be in hell, i dont care what anyone says. 1 hit kill. Enough said.

follow these steps and you just might reach lvl 80. who knows, maybe if you are lucky you will see 90.


PS: I play hardcore only cuz im such a tuff guy. ;)
[Image: DakkonBlackblade.jpg]

"My power is as vast as the plains, my strength is that of mountains. Each wave that crashes upon the shore thunders like blood in my veins." - Dakkon Blackblade, Memoirs
Well, it is not exactly hard to get to level 80, but here are some ways I thought up of not getting pk'ed.

1. When dueling, watch the other players duel. If they nk other people, dont duel them.

2. Always try to stay near town when dueling. If you die far away, it is hard to get your body back if they are nkers.

3. In public games, Do not go around insulting people. Stay in a good position in that game and they will not hostile you.

Thats all I can think of

Sounds like a softie to me. "Dueling" on HC is pretty much limited to people talking trash. There are no more legit HC duels unless u enter tournaments. Half the people are using TPPK, which is just so fair to the rest of us legits. I dont play softcore anymore at all, havnt for years, just no challenge to the game IMO if you can die and keep playing...whats the point of dying, just give the character unlimited life. HC is the way to be, you just have to think on a higher level to make it.

Dont get me wrong, I know a lot of people playing softcore, mostly the ones who hate losing items when they die, but what challenge is there in the game? hmm, sounds like a good idea for a poll coming on here.

[Image: DakkonBlackblade.jpg]

"My power is as vast as the plains, my strength is that of mountains. Each wave that crashes upon the shore thunders like blood in my veins." - Dakkon Blackblade, Memoirs
AngryMob,Nov 11 2004, 09:16 PM Wrote:but what challenge is there in the game? hmm, sounds like a good idea for a poll coming on here.

Sounds more like a troll to me.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Dueling in public games... Don't do it. :)

If someone hostiles you, leave the game and rejoin. Press the escape key, and use the arrow keys. :o No ifs, ands or buts. If they're still there when you come back go afk and get something to eat. Most pkers have short attention spans and will go somewhere else.

Oh yea, another thing for new players. Just because someone is lower level than you doesn't mean they can't kill you. Someone could be half your level and be able to kill you in a few hits. Someone decked out in good player vs player gear has a huge advantage over someone that doesn't
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