Where can I find or how can I get Sigons stuff
When I play Diablo 2 and I see people walking around in Sigons armor, I love the look of it. I really want some, I know that the defences arent the highest, only a few points better than my current armor, but I dont care. I just want to collect if not all, most of the set.

So Im asking you other lurkers to tell me what types of stuff people would want in return for the armor. Gold, perfect gems, ect. Should I create a room with a title similar to "I need Sigons Stuff" or somthing like. Or where I can find it in the game in a certain quest.


from the forum rules:

"Prevent duplicate postings.
In other words, before you go and post about a topic, make sure that the topic hasn't already been discussed within the last few days' worth of postings. The Lounge forum also has a search engine if you're asking a rather rare or esoteric question. That's what the archives are for in the technical or strategy forums - to allow for searches for old material. After you've looked around and could not find anything related to your question/topic, fire away!"

One thread about Sigon's would have been enough.

Also, this is not a trade forum, and item evaluation is also not done here.

So, I doub't you'll get an answer different from "play the game, and good luck finding some Sigon's equipment" - or find other stuff and try to trade for it. But, again, I don't think someone is coming up with an answer like "X perfect gems will buy you Y part of the Sigon set".

That aside, welcome to the lounge!

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Patrick_A,Nov 13 2004, 12:51 AM Wrote:When I play Diablo 2 and I see people walking around in Sigons armor, I love the look of it.  I really want some, I know that the defences arent the highest, only a few points better than my current armor, but I dont care.  I just want to collect if not all, most of the set. 

So Im asking you other lurkers to tell me what types of stuff people would want in return for the armor. Gold, perfect gems, ect.  Should I create a room with a title similar to "I need Sigons Stuff" or somthing like.  Or where I can find it in the game in a certain quest. 


just run normal highcouncil. last time i was doing that i found 3 sigs shields in about 15 mins. i didnt need them so i went and traded them for a perfect skull each. you sould be able to pick up any part for few perfect gems or in you are in LOD low lev crafting runes.
Only play PoE now.

This much I know about Sigons. I found both boots and gloves from Act IV normal difficulty, outer steppes. And in the same game too. Since then I haven't encountered any of those in any game. Later I found about half dozen Sigon's Gothic Plates from Acts II and III, nightmare.

Lord_Olf,Nov 13 2004, 03:42 AM Wrote:Hail,

from the forum rules:

"Prevent duplicate postings.
In other words, before you go and post about a topic, make sure that the topic hasn't already been discussed within the last few days' worth of postings. The Lounge forum also has a search engine if you're asking a rather rare or esoteric question. That's what the archives are for in the technical or strategy forums - to allow for searches for old material. After you've looked around and could not find anything related to your question/topic, fire away!"

One thread about Sigon's would have been enough.

Also, this is not a trade forum, and item evaluation is also not done here.

So, I doub't you'll get an answer different from "play the game, and good luck finding some Sigon's equipment" - or find other stuff and try to trade for it. But, again, I don't think someone is coming up with an answer like "X perfect gems will buy you Y part of the Sigon set".

That aside, welcome to the lounge!

Take care,


Lord_Olf, I did what you said to do, I searched for Sigons in the search engine, ans the results were useless! All but 1, people like you have replied with useless information about the rules and FAQ's that I dont care about.
Patrick_A,Nov 19 2004, 01:06 AM Wrote:useless information about the rules and FAQ's that I dont care about.

Hi there,

If you don't care, then maybe these aren't the forums for you.

I suggest you read them carefully before making any further posts; that way, you can make the decision over whether or not you stay. Otherwise, you may find it taken for you.
You don't know what you're talking about.

well, lfd pretty much summed it up.

If you don't care about this forum's rules, it might be the wrong forum for you.

All I did was to let you know what might make your stay here easier - also in a quite gentle way, I might add. Sorry for the inconvenience...

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Ho ho ho...
Slowly now.

variant 1:

All that he was saying was: 'and FAQ's that I don't care about.'

He was NOT saying 'and the FAQ, which I don't care about.'
If we take the time to write out what he said, we will see that it was actually
'and frequently asked questions I do not care about.' Which means that he doesn't care about all of the frequently asked questions (nor do I).
So - it's perfectly ok if someone isn't interested in ALL frequently asked questions, and I doubt you are. ;)

variant 2:

He was referring to the pointers to the rules and to the pointers to the FAQ when he said:
'with useless information about the rules and FAQ's that I dont care about.'

Then, your threat that he might get banned seems to be in place here.

variant 3:

He was referring to his search results, and that most of the results were irrelevant, thus he 'didn't care':
'I searched for Sigons in the search engine, ans the results were useless! All but 1, people like you have replied with useless information about the rules and FAQ's that I dont care about.'

I know the chances for this are kinda slim, but we can't be so sure yet.
And furthermore, isn't it sad that he got mainly results in which people only directed to the search engine and the rules and the FAQ, instead of results that were on the topic 'sigons' ? I mean, I know that this could be due to the search words he typed, but then again, this thread looks like it's would bring up such pointers in a search for 'sigons', too. So wouldn't it be best to just ignore people that (it seems) we cannot stand, instead of constantly showing them the rules and telling them to adapt? :huh: I'm just speculating here.
By all means I seriously pondered whether I should really post this, after I finished writing. My post tends to fall in the same category, but perhaps it does help a bit, so I thought it maybe worth it.
Anyways, let's see what he says.

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
Fragbait,Nov 19 2004, 11:32 AM Wrote:I know the chances for this are kinda slim


Quote:So wouldn't it be best to just ignore people that (it seems) we cannot stand, instead of constantly showing them the rules and telling them to adapt?

I thought about that too, but it seems that quite often people who genuinely haven't meant to upset the applecart take the advice as it is meant, go off and read the rules, and become useful contributors. Conversely, those who *aren't* interested in fitting in quickly leave, occasionally in a pretty fireworks show ;-)

Quote:By all means I seriously pondered whether I should really post this, after I finished writing. My post tends to fall in the same category, but perhaps it does help a bit, so I thought it&nbsp; maybe worth it.

Absolutely (and ditto this and my other post, ad infinitum); I guess it's more a problem when lots of people all jump on a poster who may have made an innocent mistake, and I applaud your rationality in considering multiple meanings behind a post, even if I think it's rather optimistic given the crash-landing onto the forums made by the original poster ;-)
You don't know what you're talking about.

I found Sigon's Plated Belt last weekend. While I was searching for Sigon's Tower Shield, I decided to deal with Mephisto, Diablo and Baal while I was at it. Then I found the Belt. I don't remember which one of them it actually dropped it, but I think it was Baal. I'm not sure if you have a better chance if you go elsewhere.

Hey, I have an idea...
You could not only beat him like a puppy who's peed on the rug, but also maybe help him out, like...answering his question. Then, he doesn't get the idea that these forums are full of assholes who merely wave the rulebook and pop veins in their foreheads. True, this isn't a trade forum etc but, you don't need to be so anal retentive as to not help a guy out occassionaly, even if he did 'break the rules *gasp*'. That's merely my two-cents though.

PS. Good job 'Lucky Barbarian', '-Tempus-', and 'Fragbait' (for at least giving him the benefit of the doubt :P)

Flame away, as it's obviously in your nature.

BTW: I don't really know where to find Sigon drops, it would be easier to just trade for it. If you play on US East give me your account name and I'll give you pieces if I find them.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
ima_nerd,Nov 22 2004, 06:47 PM Wrote:Hey, I have an idea...
You could not only beat him like a puppy who's peed on the rug, but also maybe help him out, like...answering his question. Then, he doesn't get the idea that these forums are full of assholes who merely wave the rulebook and pop veins in their foreheads. True, this isn't a trade forum etc but, you don't need to be so anal retentive as to not help a guy out occassionaly, even if he did 'break the rules *gasp*'. That's merely my two-cents though.

PS. Good job 'Lucky Barbarian', '-Tempus-', and 'Fragbait' (for at least giving him the benefit of the doubt :P)

Flame away, as it's obviously in your nature.

BTW: I don't really know where to find Sigon drops, it would be easier to just trade for it. If you play on US East give me your account name and I'll give you pieces if I find them.

And here is an idea for you:

Read the responses before jumping in ! His first question was:

Quote:So Im asking you other lurkers to tell me what types of stuff people would want in return for the armor. Gold, perfect gems, ect.

The answer to that was given by Lord Olf (and most politely too). We don't make trade evaluations here.

The second question was:

Quote:Should I create a room with a title similar to "I need Sigons Stuff" or somthing like.

Now that question didn't deserve an answer, did it? He could have tried that without bothering with a post.

The last question was:

Quote:Or where I can find it in the game in a certain quest.

The answer to that is "No". You just have to keep playing. He was told that too, also by Lord Olf.

The rest of the posts, including those by Lucky Barbarian, Tempus and Fragbait amounted to the same answer.

It is evident that you do not understand how a forum works. A forum is like a community centre. It is hosted by the 'admins', but the community is what makes it work. Evey community is different, with different goals as well as standards.

Those who come to hang out at the community centre accept a contract, just by entering the room. They behave according to community standards. If they don't like the standards, they leave or get chased out.

The administrators here are volunteers. They are not paid to be the bouncer at the door, checking for ID and credentials. The community supports them by giving lessons or reminders of what the standards are, in order to save them the effort and time needed to get some newcomers to behave. We would not BE members here for long if we flouted the rules. We don't mind teaching them to newcomers, but we do get annoyed at those who refuse to learn. I can think of a fairly lengthy list of folks who arrived and made mistakes, but altered their behaviour to become valuable members of the community.

So, for some recent examples:

We have the likes of AngryMob, who has decided he would rather belly-up to a different bar, and feels he will be more comfortable there. And we have the likes of MEAT, who wore his flame-proof suit until he decided that he wanted to live with the rules here.
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Don't get me wrong, I do think the rules should be followed, I just don't agree with flaming everyone who makes a mistake. It's not going to be the end of the world (or these forums) if you answer a guys question...I guess I'm not as uptight about the rules as I should be. I don't see the rules as a strict guidline to follow to the letter, but as a general guide, so sue me

Lord Olf: Respectful; reminded him of the rules, answered his question, and welcomed him to the lounge.

Ifd: Kinda a jackass (stress on 'kinda'). If you searched for something, like Sigons set for example, and all you got was a list of rules and FAQs that don't help you, would you give a #$%& about what you found? I doubt it. That doesn't mean he hates the rules etc, it means his search was fruitless and he didn't care about what he did find because it wasn't helping him in his current situation.

EDIT: Spelling and Grammar.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune

ima_nerd,Nov 23 2004, 01:47 AM Wrote:Flame away, as it's obviously in your nature.

since you're obviuosly referring to lfd's and my responses: First of all, you call that flaming? If that's flaming, my fridge is Hell on Earth...

All I did was give him some helpful hints - on how to post here, and as to his question. You might have a point if I'd have ranted above someone's grammar or lack of paragraphs in a post. But I didn't, and I don't make the rules here, remember?

So, I spent my valuable time to point them out to someone, trying to be helpful... sure, keep the blame coming! As you seem to know what's in my nature, I guess you must be right.

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
ima_nerd,Nov 23 2004, 12:00 PM Wrote:Ifd:

It's a lower-case L, not an I.

ima_nerd,Nov 23 2004, 12:00 PM Wrote:Kinda a jackass (stress on 'kinda').

If that's how you feel about my response, I can assure you that you would've had an aneurysm had it been somebody like Pete who'd replied. ;-)

ima_nerd,Nov 23 2004, 12:00 PM Wrote:If you searched for something, like Sigons set for example, and all you got was a list of rules and FAQs that don't help you, would you give a #$%& about what you found? I doubt it. That doesn't mean he hates the rules etc, it means his search was fruitless and he didn't care about what he did find because it wasn't helping him in his current situation.[right][snapback]60934[/snapback][/right]

That's your interpretation of his "which I don't care about" line. Mine is the other one, which seems much more likely given the poster's short history on the forums. Posting across multiple forums on a topic that is explicitly banned from discussion isn't the way to earn yourself the benefit of the doubt.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Lord Olf: Read my post next time, I specifically named you for doing a good job.

lfd: Sorry for the mispell, it won't happen again :). Notice please that I said 'kinda', italicized it, and pointed out the italicizing (spelling/word existence?) meaning that you were only a wee, little tiny jackass about it. Anywho...no hard feelings, just saying what I think.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune

ima_nerd,Nov 24 2004, 01:30 AM Wrote:Lord Olf: Read my post next time, I specifically named you for doing a good job.


I did read your post - before you edited it. The original version read differently.

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Wow. That's strange. I edited it about 5 minutes after I posted. Weird that you read it right in those 5 minutes. Anywho, it is edited and I recognized you then, good job. :)
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
Something to keep in mind is that if we make exceptions and start answering people's questions about trading or item value "just this once", it will encourage other posters to do the same ("I know you don't do this here, but just as a quick favor..."). The end result would be that there would be nowhere to draw the line.

I really don't even like leaving these sorts of threads around at all. I'd prefer to delete them, because there's a chance that people will contact the poster through the private messaging system or on battle.net to give them the requested items. If that happens, I can guarantee that the poster will be back with another request the next time they want something. I don't delete them for two reasons only-

1. Deleting threads inevitably leads to endless "what happened to my thread" threads. I could try to avoid that by sending email or a private message to the user, but that takes time, and often the users don't know to check their private messages. If they disagree, they're likely to want to make a stink about it on the forums anyway.

2. Leaving the threads up with the "no trading" replies that they get (thanks, everyone!) will serve to illustrate our policy for newcomers. That way, people who do actually take the time to look around are more likely to understand how things work before they begin posting.

The fact that this poster started more than one thread, on two different forums, did not particularly impress me either. Plus, it's not like you need to invest a lifetime into Diablo 2 to come across a full set of Sigon's. Sheesh.
Why can't we all just get along

Holly @$#%, If I would of known that this post would have sturred up such an arguement, I wount have posted it! But seriously. About the "I dont care" part was me not caring about the results that I found concerning "Sigons". I wasnt calling your idea of using the search engine useless, I have used it many times - It helps.

Thank you for your help: ima_nerd, Lucky Barbarian, -Tempus-, and Fragbait. You people are the help I was looking for when I joined here. Especially ima_nerd, thanks for defending me while I was not here, haha.

And to Griselda. The only reason I posted more than one thread in two differant forums is because that was my first posts and I didnt know what was happening. And what actually made me mad was you were saying about me investing a whole lifetime into Diablo 2, when you have no room to talk, you spend a lifetime helping to manage these forums. Same goes to Lord_Olf, it seems he spend all night and day on these forums, 03:10 AM, 06:20 AM? What, did you wake up at 6:20, or did you pull an all-nighter to continue complaining? I dont even own the damn game, I go over to my friend's house on weekends occasionaly...

And what are you doing talking about spelling and grammar and argueing about what is talked about in English Language Arts, this forum is about Diablo only, try using the search engine. - Sound familure?
-I know Im a bad speller..


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