Potion Barb
Hi I used to lurk here, but I haven't for like a year now. I had an account but I forgot what it was, and I never posted. Anyway, I'm back into D2, and I'm done adgusting to the patch. I'd like to know the mechanics for a couple of skills; find potion, and frenzy. Is it possible to use find potion to find a throwing potion, like strangling gas or fulminating? Also, can you use Frenzy or Double Throw to throw throwing potions? Thanks in advance.
afk47,Nov 14 2004, 10:48 AM Wrote:Hi I used to lurk here, but I haven't for like a year now. I had an account but I forgot what it was, and I never posted. Anyway, I'm back into D2, and I'm done adgusting to the patch. I'd like to know the mechanics for a couple of skills; find potion, and frenzy. Is it possible to use find potion to find a throwing potion, like strangling gas or fulminating? Also, can you use Frenzy or Double Throw to throw throwing potions? Thanks in advance.

The find potion skill will only ever give red, blues, and purples.

Frenzy is a mêlée skill, so it won't work with throwing potions. Double throw, however, will.
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