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11-23-2004, 07:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2005, 01:24 AM by MongoJerry.)
Servers that Lurkers are playing on
I'll keep an updated list here of the servers that Lurkers are playing on. If you have new information, place it in a post in this thread and I'll update this first post.
PvP West (Horde): Tichondrius (Amazon Basin server) - Guild name: Lurking Loungers<>
- Guildmaster: MongoJerry<>
[st]PvP (Horde & Alliance): Magtheridon server
PvP (Alliance): Archimonde
PvE (Alliance): Stormrage (Amazon Basin server)- Guild name: Lurkers<>
- Guildmaster: Tal<>
[st]PvE (Horde): Terenas- Guild name: Lurkers<>
- Guildmaster: Gnollguy<>
[st]PvE (Horde): Kilrogg- Guild name: Lurkers<>
- Guildmaster: Unholysirlin<>
[st]RP Pacific (Alliance): Cenarion Circle
Lurkers chat channel
To keep track of one another, join the channel "Lurkers" in whatever server you're on. To do so, type:
/join Lurkers
The game will tell you what channel number the Lurkers channel is. For example, it might tell you that it's in channel number 5. In that case, to post in the Lurkers channel, type:
/5 Hi! Anyone home?
To see a list of people in the Lurkers channel, type (if the Lurker channel is channel #5 for you):
/chatlist 5
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I've hopped onto the Magtheridon server (PvP East), which currently has a Low serverload as of this post. I'll grab a charter for the guild when I visit TB to pick up some weaponskills.
P.S. Will this thread be regularly purged of replies (to make it easier to read)?
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Artega,Nov 23 2004, 08:45 PM Wrote:I've hopped onto the Magtheridon server (PvP East), which currently has a Low serverload as of this post. I'll grab a charter for the guild when I visit TB to pick up some weaponskills.
P.S. Will this thread be regularly purged of replies (to make it easier to read)?
There myself, since Blizzard has locked me out of the rest of the servers. :P 20 minute wait time? Go piss on an electric fence.
Hope to see you online; mayhap we can quest together or something. Rolande, Human Paladin.
Roland *The Gunslinger*
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11-24-2004, 02:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 02:36 AM by Ajax.)
MongoJerry,Nov 22 2004, 11:15 PM Wrote:As Ghostinger pointed out, the list of servers is out. I'll keep an updated list here of the servers that Lurkers are playing on. If you have new information, place it in a post in this thread and I'll update this first post.
To start things off, the Amazon Basin has officially chosen its two servers:
PvP Horde West: Tichondrius
PvE Alliance East: Stormrage
P.S. I can sticky things now!
Well, I'm sitting here pouting because I had class today until 1600 and couldn't hit the EB to pick up a copy until then. And of course they sold out in the morning :-)
Anyway, my main character will be Alliance on Archimonde (PvP Central). This is because my brother and his guild are over there, and they is just good people!
Of course, not ignoring my Lurking heritage I will be doing Horde on Tichondrius. I'm not much a fan of PvE, despite the desire to game with as many Lurkers as I can. :-)
Happy gaming all!
P.S. Artega: looks like I won't be squishing you after all! :P
Edit: It also is a good idea (albeit an obvious one) to remind people to put their often-played characters in their signatures. That way people are reminded where you play every time you post, and that data is reviewable in the Members' Profiles section of the Lounge. Just a thought!
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Artega,Nov 23 2004, 06:45 PM Wrote:P.S. Will this thread be regularly purged of replies (to make it easier to read)?
My hope is to keep the first post up to date with the relevant information given in the later posts. If necessary, though, we could purge the thread at some point.
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More like the other way around :P
Either way, I'll at least be able to kill some Alliance scum that also happen to be Lurkers :)
Lounging Lurkers vs. Lurking Loungers, anyone? :)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cowâ¢. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
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11-24-2004, 03:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 03:37 AM by Bolty.)
Ajax,Nov 23 2004, 09:34 PM Wrote:Edit:Â It also is a good idea (albeit an obvious one) to remind people to put their often-played characters in their signatures.
[right][snapback]61027[/snapback][/right] That's a superb idea, Artega! I have added a World of Warcraft characters section to everyone's User Profile. An entirely optional field, if you fill it out, it will list your characters as you wish underneath your profile info on each post. See under my avatar for an example.
Thoughts/opinions on this, anyone? It only appears in the post info if you put info there yourself, so if you don't play WoW it won't appear.
Oh, and if you're not aware, you can now enter your WoW char info under the My Controls link up at the top of the forum, then go to Edit Profile info.
P.S. Invision Board 2.0 is neat - this couldn't be done in 1.1. :)
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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11-24-2004, 03:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 03:49 AM by LochnarITB.)
This is a test. This is only a test. This is a test of the Lurker Lounge character information display. In the event of a real emergency, a GM would have been paged and all would be made well.
[edit] The WoW character info displays but the account info doesn't. Should it?
Freshman Diablo
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LochnarITB,Nov 23 2004, 10:42 PM Wrote:The WoW character info displays but the account info doesn't. Should it?
[right][snapback]61040[/snapback][/right] Well, it never did in the past (because it couldn't be done in 1.1), and unless there's a large outcry I see no need to add that in now. If you add TOO much extra profile info, then each post will get to be a mile long vertically.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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Bolty,Nov 23 2004, 07:35 PM Wrote:That's a superb idea, Artega!
P.S. Invision Board 2.0 is neat - this couldn't be done in 1.1. :)
Um, Bolty I love you and all for being the Alpha point of the LurkerLounge. could you mistake a hansome human paladin for an oversized tauren punching-bag? :-)
My idea!!! Mine!!!! :-P
This is also my test of char info :-)
Out here,
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Bolty,Nov 23 2004, 10:20 PM Wrote:unless there's a large outcry
[right][snapback]61048[/snapback][/right] No outcry here. I saw the Bnet info box when I put in my Wow stuff and didn't remember if it was there before so I asked for clarification.
Freshman Diablo
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Ajax,Nov 24 2004, 01:20 AM Wrote:Um, Bolty I love you and all for being the Alpha point of the LurkerLounge. could you mistake a hansome human paladin for an oversized tauren punching-bag? :-)
My idea!!! Mine!!!! :-P
This is also my test of char info :-)
Yeah. I was gonna point that out, but if Bolty wants to think I'm a genius, why dissuade him from thinking that? We all know it's true, anyway.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cowâ¢. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
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11-24-2004, 02:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 02:27 PM by Ajax.)
Artega,Nov 23 2004, 11:56 PM Wrote:Yeah. I was gonna point that out, but if Bolty wants to think I'm a genius, why dissuade him from thinking that? We all know it's true, anyway.
All these years I wanted to contribute something useful to the Lounge, and a Tauren gets the credit for it!!! This is WAR!!!!:D
Seriously Artega, I have to admit that the Tauren, IMHO are the most honorable race of the Horde given the backstory. I mean, the Orcs invaded Azeroth (the excuse that they were possessed by demons hasn't been an acceptable legal excuse in any court for the last two millenia or something). The trolls, they're so foul Stromgaurd was fighting them before the horde even showed up in Azeroth. And don't get me started on the Undead...they aren't even up-front with the Horde! You guys see the alchemy section of the Undercity? They got a Dwarf, a Human and a Tauren in cages SOBBING because they're going to be viviscted. All part of the Undead's attempt to create a better plauge of undeath which will wipe out both Horde and Alliance.
If all the gnomes and trolls killed each other off, and the Horde and Alliance united to scour Azeroth of the Undead...I could live with peace in WoW. I wouldn't trust the orcs but I could live in peace...
Still waiting for my copy of WoW....
lol. *sob* :P
Edit: grammar AND HTML. doh! doh!
Out here,
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I'm on Tichondrius... ZNassin -> Troll Priest , played for about an hour, then client crashed. waited 3 times in the 30 minute queue, everytime crashing out whe I got it. only level 3 at the moment.
PS. I was on these boards during diablo2, I don't remember my original account info, oh well.
Znassin - Lvl59 Troll Priest (almost there! 
Tichondrius Server
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11-24-2004, 09:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2004, 11:36 PM by Dyntheos.)
I'm on the RP Pacific Server Cenarius. Playing Alliance NE Priest.
[edit] that should read Pacific Server not Central as I dim wittidly put in first up[/edit]
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Dyntheos,Nov 24 2004, 03:50 PM Wrote:I'm on the RP Central Server Cenarius. Playing Alliance NE Priest.
I wonder how many folks are having the troubles my son is having in Central servers. He is on Alleria, Normal, and we keep experiencing "server down" or "still retrieving character list" screens.
Geee, this reminds me of the good old days: when D II first hit the streets. Here's to Blizz, consistent! :D Hell, if your games are good, the whole world wants to play them . . . and that, I think, is what is likely causing the clog.
So, RP versus Normal. I am sorely tempted . . . but I have to make a single choice.
What makes RP a better choice, in your mind?
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
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Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
All Central and East servers are crapping out currently. Or almost all them.
I have to admit the nay-sayers were right when they said WoW probably was going to not work well when it went live.
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Ghostiger,Nov 24 2004, 04:41 PM Wrote:All Central and East servers are crapping out currently. Or almost all them.
I have to admit the nay-sayers were right when they said WoW probably was going to not work well when it went live.
[right][snapback]61151[/snapback][/right] It works fine. It's just that everyone and their brother have chosen the Central and East servers to setup the big fancy guilds. Choose a Mountain or a Pacific server until that mess gets straightened out and it's generally better. Admittedly, still not perfect (item DB lag is back on at least Cenarion Circle), but I've had absolutely no problems at all playing on Spinebreaker - no item DB lag, no drops, no disconnects, no queues, no high ping; nothing but smooth-as-silk play. The game is quite playable and as far as MMORPG launches go, people are able to actually create accounts and play the game. Much better launch than a lot of the more recent MMORPGS (although I still don't consider WoW a true MMORPG; it's an MMORPGLite).
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Ajax,Nov 24 2004, 09:14 AM Wrote:All these years I wanted to contribute something useful to the Lounge, and a Tauren gets the credit for it!!! This is WAR!!!!:D
Sorry there, Ajax. I shall bestow upon thee the title of "Suggestion Giver" and I apologize profusely. :)
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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Bolty,Nov 23 2004, 09:35 PM Wrote:That's a superb idea, Artega! I have added a World of Warcraft characters section to everyone's User Profile. An entirely optional field, if you fill it out, it will list your characters as you wish underneath your profile info on each post. See under my avatar for an example.
Thoughts/opinions on this, anyone? It only appears in the post info if you put info there yourself, so if you don't play WoW it won't appear.
Oh, and if you're not aware, you can now enter your WoW char info under the My Controls link up at the top of the forum, then go to Edit Profile info.
P.S. Invision Board 2.0 is neat - this couldn't be done in 1.1. :)
Is there anyway that we can get some sort of formatting for it? Like you can have a box for the server name (and the type of server). Then under that you can have a spot for char, race, and class (possibly level as well). And then it would format something like this (server names, locations and types are not correct, these aren't actually my chars either):
Server: Terenas (Mountain PvP)
MarnTruehorn - Tauren Hunter L1
Gralk - Orc Warlock L5
Server: Stormrage (East PvE)
Amina - Human Warlock L58
Baldor - Dwarf Paladin L34
Matral - Troll Priest L60
Some that will be more legible than what we get now where it doesn't care about carriage returns or line breaks, or any formatting really.
Limit it to Say 4 servers and just 3 chars per server or something so you don't go overboard, but you could easily get all the mains and alts listed. I'm a little bit of an information format freak sometimes and what it currently does bugs me. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.