staying in game?
I have heard of people who used to play everquest and would leave there characters logged in all the time. I'm just kind of wondering if people are doing this with WoW too or are liekly to start doing it. It strikes me that if people start doing this, that it could make some of the servers really jammed up. All it will do really is make the queue situation worse. Probably not an issue if you play on one of the less busy servers, but it could be an issue on the more popular ones.

I don't actually own the game and so can't notice for myself if people are doing this. Of course, since I can't play, it also doesn't really affect me. Still, I was curious and so I'm asking. I'm also wondering how the rest state stuff would work with this. I figure that if they leave there character in a town then when they come back it should at least be rested. I don't know if you can get to well rested while being logged in, but it doesn't seem like leaving their characters logged in for extended periods while they are gone would really hurt their progress any.
If you're afk for longer than about an hour (not really sure the length) it logs you out on its own. So I don't think this is a problem unless someone makes a script or something to have their character do something every halfh our (not even sure if that's possible).
swirly,Dec 1 2004, 09:20 AM Wrote:I have heard of people who used to play everquest and would leave there characters logged in all the time.  I'm just kind of wondering if people are doing this with WoW too or are liekly to start doing it.  It strikes me that if people start doing this, that it could make some of the servers really jammed up.  All it will do really is make the queue situation worse.  Probably not an issue if you play on one of the less busy servers, but it could be an issue on the more popular ones.

I don't actually own the game and so can't notice for myself if people are doing this.  Of course, since I can't play, it also doesn't really affect me.  Still, I was curious and so I'm asking.  I'm also wondering how the rest state stuff would work with this.  I figure that if they leave there character in a town then when they come back it should at least be rested.  I don't know if you can get to well rested while being logged in, but it doesn't seem like leaving their characters logged in for extended periods while they are gone would really hurt their progress any.

That wasn't people wanting to leave their characters logged in. It was a game mechanic. You had to have a character actually logged in to the server to sell things in the Bazaar (auction house with 500+ avatars at once).

To clarify that: you would put your character in a stall within the Bazaar, hit /trade, and people would be able to purchase items from you like you were an NPC vendor.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Rinnhart,Dec 1 2004, 03:35 PM Wrote:You had to have a character actually logged in to the server to sell things in the Bazaar (auction house with 500+ avatars at once).[right][snapback]61682[/snapback][/right]

As a possibly interesting side note, this is still true in EQ2. Though you sell from your own home (via a searchable NPC broker or via people actually visiting your home), you have to be logged in to do that. And you can't craft or anything while in your home really, so what happens is that people leave themselves logged in while they're not working on anything else, with their shops open.
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
Roane,Dec 1 2004, 01:04 PM Wrote:As a possibly interesting side note, this is still true in EQ2.&nbsp; Though you sell from your own home (via a searchable NPC broker or via people actually visiting your home), you have to be logged in to do that.&nbsp; And you can't craft or anything while in your home really, so what happens is that people leave themselves logged in while they're not working on anything else, with their shops open.

Ugh. It's a terrible system, really, though I believe they did get a fairly large boost in subscriptions when the original Bazaar opened.

Guess it's the Bottom Line, as usual.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

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