need help with plugin...stash/hireling
I've just begun my addiction again to D2 thanks to nobbies mod...but I'm trying to get the Zhoulomcrist increased stash and added hireling spots (rings ammy etc...) to work....I have the game.dll and client.dll files in place, or I believe I do, but there's a data folder that's also supposed to be put somewhere, and simply putting it into the "Diablo II" folder doesn't work, apparently it needs to be somewhere else or something....I saw where someone said they're being able to use these...or atleast the increased stash size plugin, but can't find the spot now, or figure out how to get it in....anybody out there that can help?

The instructions for what to do with the data folder are....

4. Copy the data folder into your Mod, or Diablo II directory.
5. Use the -direct -txt method and let 'er rip.

If that helps any?

thanks in advance for anyone that can help...and a big thanks to nobbie for that wonderful mod job!

charlie aka rascal_rascal_99
Put the Data folder into your Diablo II installation directory (or the directory where you installed the mod, of course).

Go back to your desktop ....

Right-click on your Diablo II (or special mod) shortcut.

Scroll down to "properties" and select.

Select the "shortcut" tab.

In the "target" box, you want to cut this and past it over what you have there (substituting your own installation directory if you did not use the default):
"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt Diablo II

This tells the Diablo II main program that it is being run in direct text mode, so that it will search for, find, and use the text files located in the data directory rather than searching through the MPQ files for the default data.

[edit] Yes, I can see that there was a slight typo that I didn't catch, thank you! ^^;;;

However, the extra "Diablo II" at the end was there when the shortcut was origionally made, on my computer ... It works just fine, as I have used it for several years now, and have never had any problems or issues with it's functionality.
Skie_M,Jan 13 2005, 09:32 PM Wrote:[b]"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt Diablo II[/b[

You have errors in your vbcode and a superfluous "Diablo II":

"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt

assuming you installed D2 in C:\Program Files\Diablo II, of course.
You don't know what you're talking about.

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