XP Formula
I've found from various sites and my own testing that the formula of (MobLevel*5) + 45 is accurate and correct for equal level mobs.

However, I've been unable to establish how unequal level mobs (both greater and lower levels) calculate the XP given. If anyone knows this calculation and can post it, i'd appreciate it. If you don't know and are interested, if you could record your current level, the level of the mob you kill, and how much XP it awards when you kill it solo and unrested. I may be able to use that information to figure out how it's calculated. Right now the data I have doesn't lead me to any solution.

Thanks in advance.
I will take down some data for you next time I do a "kill quest".
vor_lord,Jan 14 2005, 10:33 AM Wrote:I will take down some data for you next time I do a "kill quest".

As promised. However, there is apparently a range involved. I have listed each unique number (but not the times that number occurred).

Note that I am putting down non-rested values.

At my level of 31:

30 = 183
31 = 200

At my level of 32:
30 = 168, 170, 171
31 = 187, 188, 184
32 = 204, 205
33 = 214, 215
35 = 236
vor_lord,Jan 16 2005, 02:41 AM Wrote:As promised.  However, there is apparently a range involved.  I have listed each unique number (but not the times that number occurred).

Note that I am putting down non-rested values.

At my level of 31:

30 = 183
31 = 200

At my level of 32:
30 = 168, 170, 171
31 = 187, 188, 184
32 = 204, 205
33 = 214, 215
35 = 236

I've never noticed there being a range before, although in each case, it seems nought more then a few points. Perhaps your a hunter and the range comes from your pet smacking the monster first? or maybe a warlock doing the same.

The same level is the most surprising to have a range. as 31*5 = 155 + 45 = 200. and 32 * 5 + 45 = 205 (hehe, smurt!) which you have both those numbers listed, and generally I've found that to be mostly correct. As well, someone has posted that the formula for higher levels is 5% of what the mobs originally worth for every level above you it is... so 5% of 205 = 10.25 205 + 10.25 = 215.25 (round down) 215. This seems correct. Although the level 35 result seems to indicate that it rounds accurately, not always down.

There still doesn't seem to be any discernible calculation that works consistently among different levels for lower level creatures though.

Sooooo, thus, I've come down to the final bit of data needed is to figure out how it calculates Exp for lower level mobs.

Same Level Mobs : (MobLevel * 5) + 45 = XP Rewarded
Higher Level Mobs: ((MobLevel * 5) + 45) + (MobLevel - CharLevel)((MobLevel * 5) + 45) * .05)

I hope I wrote that second formula correctly....

((32 * 5) + 45) + (35 - 32)((32 * 5) + 45) * .05) = ...
205 + 3(205*.05) = 205 + 3 * 10.25 = 205 + 30.75 = 235.75 rounded = 236.

So... appears correct by my own twisted mind :P
Syra,Jan 18 2005, 08:53 AM Wrote:I've never noticed there being a range before, although in each case, it seems nought more then a few points.  Perhaps your a hunter and the range comes from your pet smacking the monster first?  or maybe a warlock doing the same.

The same level is the most surprising to have a range.  as 31*5 = 155 + 45 = 200.  and 32 * 5 + 45 = 205 (hehe, smurt!) which you have both those numbers listed, and generally I've found that to be mostly correct.  As well, someone has posted that the formula for higher levels is 5% of what the mobs originally worth for every level above you it is... so 5% of 205 = 10.25  205 + 10.25 = 215.25 (round down) 215.  This seems correct.  Although the level 35 result seems to indicate that it rounds accurately, not always down.

There still doesn't seem to be any discernible calculation that works consistently among different levels for lower level creatures though.

Sooooo, thus, I've come down to the final bit of data needed is to figure out how it calculates Exp for lower level mobs.

Same Level Mobs : (MobLevel * 5) + 45  = XP Rewarded
Higher Level Mobs: ((MobLevel * 5) + 45) + (MobLevel - CharLevel)((MobLevel * 5) + 45) * .05)

I hope I wrote that second formula correctly....

((32 * 5) + 45) + (35 - 32)((32 * 5) + 45) * .05) = ...
205 + 3(205*.05) = 205 + 3 * 10.25 = 205 + 30.75 = 235.75 rounded = 236.

So... appears correct by my own twisted mind :P

Is there any evidence that the number of HP the mob actually has, which IIRC is a value within a particular range for a particular mob, is accounted for in the forumula?


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Occhidiangela,Jan 19 2005, 09:45 AM Wrote:Is there any evidence that the number of HP the mob actually has, which IIRC is a value within a particular range for a particular mob, is accounted for in the forumula?



Hmmm. I will take another set of data this time and record that (can I? I can see percentages but absolute value of HP? have to check...)

Oh, and I am a paladin, so no pet damage possibilities.
Syra,Jan 18 2005, 08:53 AM Wrote:Same Level Mobs : (MobLevel * 5) + 45  = XP Rewarded
Higher Level Mobs: ((MobLevel * 5) + 45) + (MobLevel - CharLevel)((MobLevel * 5) + 45) * .05)
Last night, I noticed something that didn't fit this. I was partying with some Lurkers. One was Flyndar (mjdoom). He is 2 levels higher than my character. However, the question of xp from the baddies came up. He reported that he was getting more xp than I was from kills. Is there some further calculation that adjusts party xp other than a straight split of the experience? I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be based on damage as he was the healer and I was blasting with my mage. Is it possibly adjusted so that the xp represents the same percentage of level up for each character? What I mean by this is that one person's level up (not points until level but that entire level up) might be 1000 and the other 1200. Would the higher level character get 1.2 times the xp from a kill? Like I said, what I saw didn't make sense for a straight split so there has to be something else being factored in. Any ideas?

[edit] I forgot to point out that the level of the baddies we discussed xp for was the same or higher for Flyndar and always higher for my mage. But, I guess that doesn't matter, does it? It would just mean that Flyndar's xp should be even less if there was a penalty for lower level bad guys.
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[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

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LochnarITB,Jan 19 2005, 01:59 PM Wrote:Last night, I noticed something that didn't fit this.  I was partying with some Lurkers.  One was Flyndar (mjdoom).  He is 2 levels higher than my character.  However, the question of xp from the baddies came up.  He reported that he was getting more xp than I was from kills.  Is there some further calculation that adjusts party xp other than a straight split of the experience?  I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be based on damage as he was the healer and I was blasting with my mage.  Is it possibly adjusted so that the xp represents the same percentage of level up for each character?  What I mean by this is that one person's level up (not points until level but that entire level up) might be 1000 and the other 1200.  Would the higher level character get 1.2 times the xp from a kill?  Like I said, what I saw didn't make sense for a straight split so there has to be something else being factored in.  Any ideas?

[edit] I forgot to point out that the level of the baddies we discussed xp for was the same or higher for Flyndar and always higher for my mage.  But, I guess that doesn't matter, does it?  It would just mean that Flyndar's xp should be even less if there was a penalty for lower level bad guys.

If you are partied with someone at a higher level, you receive a penalty of exp. For example, if you party up with someone 15 levels above you, you will likely get no exp. I don't believe it is affected by how much exp you need for a level up, rather it is a difference of character levels.

There is a radius of effect (just like for the split to apply).

Also, if a high level helps you kill a monster, you will get very little exp for it also, even if not partied.

It would be extremely interesting to figure out how those formulas work as well.
Occhidiangela,Jan 19 2005, 10:45 AM Wrote:Is there any evidence that the number of HP the mob actually has, which IIRC is a value within a particular range for a particular mob, is accounted for in the forumula?

As far as I know, the amount of HP a mob of a given type and level has is constant. If you are fighting murlocs, level 20 and level 21 murlocs will have different HP, but all the level 20 murlocs (of the same type) should have the same health.

However, this data is from the MobHealth AddOn, which estimates mob health based on the health percentage and damage numbers the client receives (the server does not send you actual mob health values). It seems to be quite precise and consistent, but could still be wrong, plus this rule may not apply to all mob types. But it seems to me that Blizzard would make things easier on their databases by saying "All level X mobs named Y have Z health."
Xanthix,Jan 20 2005, 10:22 AM Wrote:As far as I know, the amount of HP a mob of a given type and level has is constant. If you are fighting murlocs, level 20 and level 21 murlocs will have different HP, but all the level 20 murlocs (of the same type) should have the same health.

However, this data is from the MobHealth AddOn, which estimates mob health based on the health percentage and damage numbers the client receives (the server does not send you actual mob health values). It seems to be quite precise and consistent, but could still be wrong, plus this rule may not apply to all mob types. But it seems to me that Blizzard would make things easier on their databases by saying "All level X mobs named Y have Z health."

As you have pointed out my attempts to gather mob HP data exactly failed as there is no way to see that directly that I can tell. If I was a programmer at Blizzard, I would have done it as you say above.
Xanthix,Jan 20 2005, 01:22 PM Wrote:As far as I know, the amount of HP a mob of a given type and level has is constant. If you are fighting murlocs, level 20 and level 21 murlocs will have different HP, but all the level 20 murlocs (of the same type) should have the same health.

However, this data is from the MobHealth AddOn, which estimates mob health based on the health percentage and damage numbers the client receives (the server does not send you actual mob health values). It seems to be quite precise and consistent, but could still be wrong, plus this rule may not apply to all mob types. But it seems to me that Blizzard would make things easier on their databases by saying "All level X mobs named Y have Z health."

During the early part of the beta, the health of the mobs was available as it was always sent to the client. It was change to be obscured when some UI mods popped up that were displaying this to the players. At that time, all mobs of a set level and type always had a fixed hit point value as you described. I see it as unlikely that they bother to change that set up any since then, only the change to try obscure it to the players appears to have been done.
Still working on this. While it's possibly pointless, I've been using the data in a UI mod that will tell me how much experience I'll get for killing a mob before I expend the effort to kill it.

Hopefully, once everything is demystified, it'll be useful in determining even XP granted when in groups, the intended effect, being to be able to say for this mob we get 140xp, but we power through them quick with little down time. This one is worth 200, but, it takes a bit and sometimes we have to rest ... etc, more informative then truly useful :P

I think what I'm going to do is have the mod 'guess' at lower levels the XP value, and based on how much experience I actuallly get tell the mod whether it was correct or not. If it was not correct, it'll adjust it's guess and then try again next time. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it to learn the XP formula for lower level mobs for me. :D
Occhidiangela,Jan 19 2005, 09:45 AM Wrote:Is there any evidence that the number of HP the mob actually has, which IIRC is a value within a particular range for a particular mob, is accounted for in the forumula?

Well, not likely directly. Or at least, there must be an additional factor, because spellcaster mobs tend to have far fewer hit points than melee mobs and yet the exp one gets from them are similar.

Quote:Last night, I noticed something that didn't fit this.  I was partying with some Lurkers.

Among other things, there is also a group experience bonus. That is, when you are in a group, you get your split of the mob's experience plus a small bonus for making the kill in a group. This was designed to encourage grouping up, of course. You can see how many points you get for your group bonus by looking at your Combat Log.

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