Yes I know I have too much time.
I have been using a small app called Samurize for a while. It's kind of like DesktopX, it lets you configure some small scripts and plugins for various uses.
In anticipation of eu WoW I whipped up this little baby.

(YES I ripped all images from the official WoW website and icons from spell/talent trees.. BUT I am not distributing it to anyone so there.. Pfft! :shuriken:)

[Image: shot.jpg]

The cursor hovers over a slideable bar that runs under the main window. Hover, and it rolls out. Loose focus and it slides back in. The icon with a small number in one corner is the mail (pop) checker. New # mail = represented with the number. And the swedish tv channels that we (me & wifey) have are there for convenience. Who really has the energy to reach for the tv-guide anyway?

I am going to add some more sliders but I don't want to clutter it too much.
Probably once I get WoW I'll try to include some nice dynamic statistics there. Hopefully.. :)

Sorry for the spam, but I was actually rather pleased with the way this turned out.
And YES, I think the artist for the design on deserves a cookie.

- Al
[Image: 104024yQmrG.png][Image: 201194cOrXg.png]
Wow, that's pretty neat....and yes, you do have too much time on your hands :P
Interesting program. I'm poking around the website right now. Thanks for giving me a distraction from packing up the belongings for the trek back to college.

Its good to see your mod in the 'screenshots' part of the website.



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