Destroying rough stone?
Alright, so here is the situation. I often find myself with a full inventory. I'll be heading back to town and run across a mineral patch that I'd like to mine, like a copper vein for instance. Now I can take the copper ore because I already have some in my inventory and the stack isn't full. I have no use for the rough stone though and no room for it in my inventory. The problem is that if I don't take the rough stone then when I mine that patch again I'll just get the same rough stone and no copper ore. I can't take it and put it in my inventory then destroy it because I have no space. So does anyone know of a way to destroy an item from the loot screen without moving it to a bag first?

P.S. wasn't sure to put this in general or in here, but figure that a way to destory something without bagging it first might be considered a game mechanic or something similiar.
There's no way that I know of. Just make some inventory room by dragging off the cheapest item in your inventory out of the bag to destroy it and then pick up the rough stone. That's about all you can do.
MongoJerry,Jan 14 2005, 04:08 PM Wrote:There's no way that I know of.  Just make some inventory room by dragging off the cheapest item in your inventory out of the bag to destroy it and then pick up the rough stone.  That's about all you can do.

Yeah, thats what I'm afraid of. I was hoping that maybe there was a way to make a macro to do it or something. Some hidden way to do it that skips the inventory step. Wishful thinking I suppose. The problem is that by the time I'm headed back to camp I've generally already dumped everything I am willing to dump so that I can stay out longer. So what has been happening is that I'll mine the node, take the piece of ore, leave the stone, and move on. Not getting the most out of the node, but its something I guess. Of course if its a really rare node for me then I might find room. Guess its all a matter of priorities. One could even say that blizzard intended it that way, they always have liked making the player choose between items. : )
Yeah, I know, it's tough. Just get bigger bags and be vicious about what you actually carry with you and what you leave in the bank. The more inventory room you have, the more cash you'll make on each trip out of town. I always try to have at least my main 16-slot bag completely empty when I leave town, and if I can make even more room, so much the better.
Actually its pretty easy to destroy only part of rough stone. Shift click on a stack as if you are splitting it, enter a desired number, and just drag that stone into empty space and click as if you are deleting it. The game will permit you to delete only that split portion of the stack, and you can loot the other rough stone.
lemekim,Jan 15 2005, 02:11 AM Wrote:Actually its pretty easy to destroy only part of rough stone. Shift click on a stack as if you are splitting it, enter a desired number, and just drag that stone into empty space and click as if you are deleting it. The game will permit you to delete only that split portion of the stack, and you can loot the other rough stone.

That of course assumes you are carrying any rough stone at all. Of course if I plan on mining copper, I plan on losing at least two slots because rough stone comes up all the time when you mine it. But it still doesn't help you mine the node a second time if you had no rough stone the rest of your inventory is full and you hit on some while mining the node.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Gnollguy,Jan 15 2005, 06:14 PM Wrote:That of course assumes you are carrying any rough stone at all.  Of course if I plan on mining copper, I plan on losing at least two slots because rough stone comes up all the time when you mine it.  But it still doesn't help you mine the node a second time if you had no rough stone the rest of your inventory is full and you hit on some while mining the node.

If you are a miner, you are usually a blacksmith or an engineer as well. Even if you aren't, you will usually have some rough stone somewhere (probably in the bank), since you need it to make items or send to people or whatnot. So instead of keeping it in the bank you can keep it in your inventory, and use that stack to pile on extra rough stone if needed.
lemekim,Jan 15 2005, 12:21 PM Wrote:If you are a miner, you are usually a blacksmith or an engineer as well. Even if you aren't, you will usually have some rough stone somewhere (probably in the bank), since you need it to make items or send to people or whatnot. So instead of keeping it in the bank you can keep it in your inventory, and use that stack to pile on extra rough stone if needed.

The character I have the problem with is a miner/engineer. I need copper and course stone to make the ammo I currently use. Rough stone though isn't needed for anything that I make anymore. So thus I generally drop it once I get it cause it doesn't even sell well. So yeah, I don't keep rough stone anywhere cause it has become completely useless to me.
swirly,Jan 15 2005, 02:33 PM Wrote:The character I have the problem with is a miner/engineer.  I need copper and course stone to make the ammo I currently use.  Rough stone though isn't needed for anything that I make anymore.  So thus I generally drop it once I get it cause it doesn't even sell well.  So yeah, I don't keep rough stone anywhere cause it has become completely useless to me.

Keep it if you can... I'm also a miner/engineer, and I find I can make some pretty nice cash using greyed out recipes to eat up my lower level surplus supplies. In the case of rough stone when it has become vendor trash, the easiest thing to do is keep some linen cloth around, and turn that rough stone into rough dynamite. This will net you some decent silver.
Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children, is increased with tales, so is the other.

"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon
Aye, when I was an engineer, I always kept a stack of rough stone in my bank, even though I was approaching the cap for engineering. Normally it is pretty useless really, but once in a while you will run into something that will require it, and you would wish you had some =).

Of course, if you decide not to keep the rough stone at all, then you are really out of luck. You could destroy thing with little value like blacksmithing hammer - this will give you one more slot and will cost under a silver to replace. In emergency, you could also destroy hearthstone, but that's really stretching it.
lemekim,Jan 15 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:In emergency, you could also destroy hearthstone, but that's really stretching it.

How do you get a hearthstone back if you destroy it?
You don't =\

But you can just talk to the Innkeeper and he will give you a new one for free. Naturally you would only do it if you were withing easy walking distance of your inn (which you probably aren't, thats why its such a drastic measure)

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