Emotional Impact of Game Stories
Well, Microsoft better program that Milo thing to recognize a wide variety of profanity in as many languages as possible, because chances are it's what it's going to be hearing for most of its life.

The swear-o-meter, ironically, is not a good measure of game quality. I swear equally loudly whenever a game is really good or is really pissing me off. The worst thing a game can do, I guess, is leave me indifferent.

I don't have much to add to the "emotional" discussion tho. I stopped feeling involved with characters and stories (no matter the medium) long ago, while games and movies and books can keep me hooked for hours if they're good, I really don't get much feeling of "involvement". I'm likely to react more to the "meta" aspect of the story (hey, ever heard of a freaking Phoenix Down, Cloud?), I'm less likely to hate the villain than it is to get pissed at the hero for failing due to plot-induced stupidity (a.k.a. grabbing the idiot ball) and so on. Oh well^_^

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