
The new runewords brought me back to D2 and for the first time I'm trying to make my shapeshifter Druids go for HC-Hell. I do have some questions after having read the guides. At the moment I'm building a Fury-WW with points in Oaksage.

1. I usually use Act2 Mercs but am open to suggestions, which Merc would you recommend?.

2. What is the best method/equipment (Merc?) for dealing with PIs?

3. How do I handle the Chaos Sanctuary/monsters who have IM as a curse?

4. Stick with maces or invest a few points in Dex for weaponchoice?

Thanks in advance

good karma
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Assur,Jan 27 2005, 10:38 PM Wrote:2. What is the best method/equipment (Merc?) for dealing with PIs?
The cold damage on a HF merc will very gradually take down PIs. Rabies and Fire Claws should do well enough. Anything to give you amp will help too.
Quote:3. How do I handle the Chaos Sanctuary/monsters who have IM as a curse?
Same way every other melee build does. Get a ranged char to help you out (Javazons work wonders). Or, if you're using a Buriza for a weapon, you can just use that untransformed.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
When I saw Oblivion Knights cast IM, I backed away from them and let my minions kill the Knight. If it was the griz and he died killing the knight, I just summoned another one.

I like the Might merc from NM act II for the synergy. The cold ones are great until you get to hell and then you seem to see a lot of immunes.
Quote:1. I usually use Act2 Mercs but am open to suggestions, which Merc would you recommend?.

Assuming you are using Oak sage, act2 mercs will probably give you the most benefit. Might and holy freeze are the prime contenders. Both help you survive--might helps you kill faster as well as leach more per hit, and freeze will slow down the rate you take damage. Defiance is not recommended, unless you have some very high defense gear to use at higher levels.

Note that holy freeze *will* slow down cold immunes, it just won't damage them(some monsters, including Baal and Diablo are immune to holy freeze though).

Quote:2. What is the best method/equipment (Merc?) for dealing with PIs?

Any unique with decrep or amp would do the trick for most monsters. Popular ones are atma's or the Reapers toll. Also, a high elemental damage weapon can do the trick. Many elite uniques have tons of elemental damage, and fury can apply it rapidly. Fire claws require too many points(or great + skill gear) to be effective, and none of the elemental skills are worth anything unsynergised.

An elemental merc(act3) can handle phys immunes, but not very well, and are very fragile. Rogues can do well if given a high base damage bow. Neither offer you a great benefit in regular play though. Also, the unsynergised cold damage of a holy freeze merc is laughable in hell. Don't even consider holy freeze for that purpose.

It's often best for a shifter to simply skip phys immunes, only killing those he absolutely has to. Open wounds can handle the infrequent unavoidable unique who spawns phys immune.

Quote:3. How do I handle the Chaos Sanctuary/monsters who have IM as a curse?

Very carefully. Usually, I combat cast a bear to the back of a Knight pack, and use it to distract the mage's curses. Then I stay at the fringes and kill enough knights so that I can charge the mages. I stop using fury when fighting them, and stick with only feral rage. Alternately, use a low physical/high elemental damage weapon for the sanctuary.

My mercs tend to die alot in there, but I figure that the curse he soaked up is one less curse cast on me.

Quote:4. Stick with maces or invest a few points in Dex for weaponchoice?
It depends on what weapons you can expect to have in your future. Plan it out. Do you want to be able to use an IK maul? It's one of the best easily attainable weapons for a shifter. Tons of strength to use though. A buriza can carry you through all of hell, at that point just put enough to use a ballista. A ribcracker is also a great choice, very low requirements, and is one of the best possible were weapons once upgraded.

I don't think that one route is better than the others. More dex will also help your AR, a chronic problem for many shifters. But if you have a solution for AR, more life can only help. There are plenty of weapons in both groups(dex or no dex) that are viable for end game hell.

I play HC only, and always go with no dex unless I already have a weapon in mind that requires some.


Thanks for all the information. I've decided to go for a Holy Frost Merc. I haven't decided on an endgame weapon yet, so at the moment I'm pumping strength/vitality 2/2 and saving the final point for an investment into dex if I get a good weapon, I only have Bonesnap, Stormrider and a +3 shifter skills circlet at the moment, I don't think that will be enough for Hell :blush:

One last question, should I get a Grizzly as an InstaMeatshield, or is that a luxury?

good karma
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Quote:One last question, should I get a Grizzly as an InstaMeatshield, or is that a luxury?

Both ways are viable, but having the bear does add a nice tactical option to your arsenal. I've played melee druids with and without grizzly, and I find that having the option of a "InstaMeatshield" to be very useful. If you are using Oak, your bear becomes *very* sturdy in hell, and can tank effectively, even with only 1 point.

Many tactics involving combat casting your grizzly to distract or break up foes become available. Not to mention the benefit of having something else stunning/knocking back monsters all the time. I usually can use the grizzly to get a reading on a pack of enemies: If the grizzly goes down too fast, It's time to run. Also, if the couple of monsters I let get past the grizzly are really putting a beating on me, I know it's time to regroup as well.

I think it's well worth the few points, especially in HC play.
[quote=Baajikiil,Feb 7 2005, 03:02 PM]
I think it's well worth the few points, especially in HC play.


Thanks, since I am playing HC I'll get myself a teddy.

good karma
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”

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