Question about cubing cruels
The AS gives these formulae for cubing. At ilvl's 25 & 30 how can a cruel be made? Is the ilvl info for these wrong?

3 Standard Gems (normal) and 1 Socketed Weapon (Any Type) = 1 Socketed Magic Weapon (of same type)
This takes a socketed weapon and makes it a magic socketed weapon with a random number of sockets. This allows you to get new magic bonuses on an otherwise non magical weapon. The original weapon properties will be removed (rerolled) when the new weapon is created. ilvl = 30. It gets 1-2 sockets.

3 Chipped Gems + 1 Magic Weapon = Socketed Magic Weapon
This adds sockets to a magic weapon. The original magic weapon properties will be removed (rerolled) when the new weapon is created. If you use this formula with a weapon that is not normally socketed such as a Javelin, this recipe will create a new magical weapon without any sockets. ilvl=25 magic weapon with 1-2 sockets.

3 Flawless Gems + 1 Magic Weapon = Socketed Magic Weapon
This adds sockets to a magic weapon. The original magic weapon properties will be removed (rerolled) when the new weapon is created. If you use this formula with a weapon that is not normally socketed such as a Javelin, this recipe will create a new magical weapon without any sockets. ilvl=30 magic weapon with 1-2 sockets.
Here is a link to a nice summary on the topic:
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Yeah, I read that, and got excited about cubing some assasin katars to see what I could get for my Blade Furysin. (already found an etherial cruel with +3 lightning sentry and +1 blade fury) one of the exceptional or elete claws or talons. However, when I read my copy of the cube receipies from AS, it indicated that the ilvls were so low (25 & 30) that I doubted that it could make cruels. So, my question really is, is this AS info garbage, or is the other message wrong? Dont wanna waste a bunch of gems on an impossibility.


ShadowHM,Feb 1 2005, 05:52 PM Wrote:Here is a link to a nice summary on the topic:
Schuey,Feb 1 2005, 04:30 PM Wrote:Yeah, I read that, and got excited about cubing some assasin katars to see what I could get for my Blade Furysin.  (already found an etherial cruel with +3 lightning sentry and +1 blade fury) one of the exceptional or elete claws or talons.  However, when I read my copy of the cube receipies from AS, it indicated that the ilvls were so low (25 & 30) that I doubted that it could make cruels.  So, my question really is, is this AS info garbage, or is the other message wrong?  Dont wanna waste a bunch of gems on an impossibility.


Every affix has a minimum alvl (affix level) required for it to spawn. This alvl is calculated from both the ilvl and the qlvl of the item. The qlvl is a fixed value determined by the base item. All shorts swords are qlvl 1, all unearthed wands are qlvl 86, etc. Because of the different qlvls, different items will have different alvls at the same ilvl. On some weapons, the qlvl is so high that, regardless of how low the ilvl is, it'll always have a sufficient alvl for the cruel affix.

So the AS is correct there. The recipes do give ilvl 25 and 30. However, for some base items, this is still sufficient for cruel.
adeyke,Feb 2 2005, 12:30 AM Wrote:Every affix has a minimum alvl (affix level) required for it to spawn.  This alvl is calculated from both the ilvl and the qlvl of the item.  The qlvl is a fixed value determined by the base item.  All shorts swords are qlvl 1, all unearthed wands are qlvl 86, etc.  Because of the different qlvls, different items will have different alvls at the same ilvl.  On some weapons, the qlvl is so high that, regardless of how low the ilvl is, it'll always have a sufficient alvl for the cruel affix.

So the AS is correct there.  The recipes do give ilvl 25 and 30.  However, for some base items, this is still sufficient for cruel.

So let me see if I have this right. Cruel is alvl 51. If the recipe fixes the item's ilvl at 30, the item type's qlvl would have to be at least 75 (as looked up in the spreadsheet) to get an alvl 51 affix. So this would rule out any claws other than feral claws, runic talons, or a scissors suwayyah. On the scissors suwayyah the grandmaster's prefix would also be available.
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protoshoggoth,Feb 2 2005, 05:44 AM Wrote:So let me see if I have this right.  Cruel is alvl 51.  If the recipe fixes the item's ilvl at 30, the item type's qlvl would have to be at least 75 (as looked up in the spreadsheet) to get an alvl 51 affix.  So this would rule out any claws other than feral claws, runic talons, or a scissors suwayyah.  On the scissors suwayyah the grandmaster's prefix would also be available.


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