acidjax,Feb 20 2005, 05:45 PM Wrote:They were not crit hits.  They were non-crit hits that hit for higher then the listed maximum wand damage.

The reason I guess the stat to be agi is because when you add agi, it increases your ranged attack power.  When you mouse-over the ranged attack power it will tell you that it is increasing ranged dps by X.  When you increase your agi, the amount it displays on mouse-over will increase.  Furthermore, all the blue and purple cloth sets add agi.

Obviously agi boosting wand damage is nothing more then a guess until testing is done.  For the time being I've observed numerous times where my non-crit wand damage has hit for higher then the listed maximum damage value (which does not factor in dps increase from attack power mouse-over).  Either there exists numerous monsters with negative resists or stats are boosting wand damage and the listed display damage is incorrect.
That's interesting. I've never had my wand do more than the listed damage without a crit. It's done less than the minimum damage (due to partial resists) on occasion, but never more than the maximum damage.

I don't think the agility on set items indicates much other than the poor itemization of cloth items. There are cloth quest items that even add strength. No caster in his or her right mind is ever going to sacrifice stamina/intellect/spirit for agility or strength.
playingtokrush,Feb 21 2005, 12:17 AM Wrote:That's interesting.  I've never had my wand do more than the listed damage without a crit.  It's done less than the minimum damage (due to partial resists) on occasion, but never more than the maximum damage.

Warlock's Curse of the Elements or Curse of Shadow (reducing respective resistances by 75) combined with a wand of the appropriate type?

Common reports seem to be that resistance < 0 increases damage over max without crits, don't see why it wouldn't work with wand damage.
I haven't really paid attention... is there any visual indication of a crit other than the unusually high damage displayed?
Less QQ more Pew Pew
Malakar,Feb 21 2005, 02:02 PM Wrote:I haven't really paid attention... is there any visual indication of a crit other than the unusually high damage displayed?
Your combat log will say if it was a crit or not and iirc, the font itself in the floating overhead display becomes larger on a crit.
Intolerant monkey.
malphigian,Feb 21 2005, 11:02 AM Wrote:Warlock's Curse of the Elements or Curse of Shadow (reducing respective resistances by 75) combined with a wand of the appropriate type?

Common reports seem to be that resistance < 0 increases damage over max without crits, don't see why it wouldn't work with wand damage.
If he's a warlock using resistance-reducing curses, I don't see why he'd be led to believe that agility affects wand damage.

My mage, with nothing to reduce resistances, has never had a wand do more than the maximum listed damage other than on a crit. Neither has my warlock, but he doesn't have either of those curses yet.

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