Level capped PvP characters
So, from all of the rambling I've been doing about PvP, some of you might know that I play on a PvP server. As of now, I'm just nearing level 30. Some of the pvp experiences I've had have been good, some have been not so good. It can be great fun, and it can be very frustrating.

But who of you have played high level PvP characters? I'm a bit confused as to how things go down in such situations. Because I've been hanging around the official forums for my server, and it seems that every other person there is some level 50-60 who has been with the same guild for over ten years, across half a dozen or so online games, only tolerating the puny 'pve' stuff, so they can level and find equipment, so as to go into tremendous battles with other scary people who have been with the same guild for ten years across half a dozen or so other online games.

It's frightening. It's like these people all know eachother, and all hate eachother, and the only reason they play is so that they can co-ordinate raids, kill everyone in sight, and flame eachother on the message boards.

Did I just pick the single server with all of the creepy pvp nerds, or is the majority of level-capped pvp-server action like this?

There seems to be maybe four or five ENORMOUS guilds in each faction, who do everything they can to embroil everybody in the server into mercillessly killing eachother at all times, because, of course, pvp is the ONLY reason to play on a pvp server.

So am I seeing an accurate potrayal here? Or are these just the random Forum Warriors who feel the need to be the greatest ever and kill everyone?

Because, well, I tend to like good pvp. But if I'm gonna hit level 60, and then proceed to do nothing but steamroll/get steamrolled by enemy guilds... FOREVER, then I'm not going to play on a pvp server anymore. Because that is pointless.
You're seeing an enormous self-selection effect: People who post to the official forums *AND* post to the forums corresponding to their server. Most normal people don't do either and even fewer do both.

Neriad, my priestess, just hit level 60 (woohoo!) on Tichonderous, and right now, there's very little difference for me between a PvP server and a PvE server, because I keep getting dragged into various high-level instance parties (kicking and screaming, I'm sure). I occationally get involved in some skirmishes on the way to various instances (Mind Controling people and making them jump into the lava in Blackrock Mountain is *fun!*), but for the most part, I'm running instances to try to boost up my equipment. I do occationally do some outdoor quests, though, and I still have small-party skirmishes there. That's just me, though, since I'm a person who tends to dabble in PvP but mostly concentrate on PvE. If you like PvP, there are plenty of battleground areas where you can get in small fights or large raid groups if you're into that sort of thing.
Some people enjoy the raid game, some people like creating new characters or working on their trade skills, and some people like to post about how they "lol steamrollered wtf" the other faction. I think you'll find some of each of those on any server. You don't have to go to saturday night fights unless you want to, there are other things to do, and will be more one some new content is released.
Speaking of battlegrounds, you can go to Tarren Mill on almost any PvP server and have a medium- to large-scale fight there inside of 15 minutes. Assuming the Alliance aren't there, go about killing (or just training, if you can't kill them) the Southshore guards and gank any Alliance you happen to see in the area. They'll whine for help from their stronger guildies, who will come kill TM guards and gank Horde, who will then do the same. Ten minutes later, you have 20 people on each side volleying back and forth.

Just imagine what this will be like while people wait to be teleported into Alterac Valley.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
They only win because they zerg and they dont win half as much as they talk it up on forums.

I played Shadowbane and DaoCs Mordred server with(against really) plenty of these guys.

1-They win a lot in the early life of a server because they level up quicker than most.
2-Then they win quite a bit because they always work on a large group(often with voice com).
3- Then when other guild catch up and spart beating then they say "this games sucks because of <insert random reason> and move on.

The more impressive guilds are ussually the ones of 8-25 friends(ussually college age). Get a few smart friendss with no RL responsibility and lots of time they tend to to rather incredible feats relative to the game.

Anyway, I wouldnt worry about the mega PvP guilds at all. Sturmgrenadier (which seems more mature than most PvP guilds) is currently on my server.and I dont notice them all that much.

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