D2 trivia generation for "quiz"
whathuh,Feb 16 2005, 04:45 PM Wrote:Stacking Javs on another non starter stack should work
Any cube involving a buckler works.
reroll any starter item with 3 gems.  You can get very high amounts with wands and staves.
Yes, there are a lot of them, aren't there? I probably should have been more restrictive (e.g. "also given a cube and some gold can you make a profit from your character's starting equipment just staying in town and dealing with the shops?")

One of my favs is converting any diamond chip found into good cash by the Savage polearm recipe (along with a newbie staff or $151 cheapie, ye olde cracked sash, and the spendy part: a kris) because the base polearm is randomly selected up to Partizen (that is, the resale value is quite good when it chooses to give you an exceptional polearm). This recipe pretty much guarantees a new player in act 2 normal a good weapon for their merc (any diamond works, so you'll get lots of attempts the moment you hit act 2, as you can shop buy Kris' there)
"He's got demons? Cool!" -- Gonzo, Muppet Treasure Island

"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits
whathuh,Feb 16 2005, 10:31 AM Wrote:I do believe that is you socket those items (runewords) and it increases the net value of the item.  Also possible is cubing?  If you can only 'mess' by using the items bought, then I'm stumped. (unless of course someone else sold the necesary runes/gems/jewels)

I think that what "you did" was buy a short staff, a sash, a kris, and you added a chipped diamond in the Cube. You then cubed a savage pole arm. Investment lest than 1000 gold, sale price always over 1000.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Crystalion,Feb 9 2005, 12:31 PM Wrote:Trivia Question: you buy a couple items from a shop, mess with them a little, and then sell it back to the shop at a profit! What did you do?

I recall there was a bug in the original 1.10 release (no idea if it has been fixed since on the realms) where you could equip a weapon with the Grinding prefix on a high level char and it would then sell for more than you paid for it (because in the shop it displays as if it was on a level 1 char). You had to sell it using the "Sell Item" interface (rather than dragging and dropping) which made it too inconvenient to really farm it, but I think it would satisfy this question.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
Crystalion,Feb 9 2005, 09:17 AM Wrote:Trivia Question: Diablo does not reward failure! When all three bosses are dead and the final seal is opened, all of the monsters in the Chaos Sanctuary die--or do they? In this case Diablo has so P.O.ed that some of his servants didn't commit suicide that he killed them personally... what happened?
Leftover Conversion monsters. Possible a bug with revive, but I dont remember that ever happening.
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.
Thrugg,Feb 17 2005, 05:42 PM Wrote:I recall there was a bug in the original 1.10 release (no idea if it has been fixed since on the realms) where you could equip a weapon with the Grinding prefix on a high level char and it would then sell for more than you paid for it (because in the shop it displays as if it was on a level 1 char).  You had to sell it using the "Sell Item" interface (rather than dragging and dropping) which made it too inconvenient to really farm it, but I think it would satisfy this question.

As I understand it, shortly after this exploit became common knowledge, they patched it serverside. There were already several "grinding" bots out there. Not efficient for farming manually, but made gold quickly for botters.

I don't really understand the need for a grinding bot, unless you set up a gamble routine along with it. Then you could grind your way into some nice stuff. I bet Pindlebots would be more lucrative anyway.
Crystalion,Feb 9 2005, 06:13 AM Wrote:Trivia Question: a Necromancer raises an army and returns to town... he is aghast when, mere seconds later, his army falls to dust, littering the town streets. He asks Anya what happened, but she doesn't seem to have anything useful to say. What did happen?
Another possibility is that he had put no points into Raise Skeleton, but still had his starting wand on (or any wand that grants +Raise Skeleton or +Raise Skeleton Mage), had previously activated a skill shrine (giving him +2 to Raise Skeleton/Raise Skeleton Mage), raised 2 skeletons, removed his wand, gone to town, and then the skill shrine expires. The skill shrine allows you to keep those two skeletons, as the game still thinks you have 2 points in that skill. (This is one point where the user interface/character screen is smarter than the game, because it still doesn't let you use these skills after removing the wand)
Crystalion,Feb 9 2005, 06:13 AM Wrote:Trivia Question: a Necromancer raises an army and returns to town... he is aghast when, mere seconds later, his army falls to dust, littering the town streets. He asks Anya what happened, but she doesn't seem to have anything useful to say. What did happen?
Another possibility is that all his minions came from items, he poisoned an enemy, walked into town, the enemy died, and he leveled up.

This is assuming, of course, that one can get experience for his/her kills while in town. I have not tested this as of yet.

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