Does anyone have experience using nLite?

I assembled a computer for my folks using spare parts I had lying around in closets and drawers. My dad has mentioned to me that every time I email him new pictures he has to delete old stuff to make room for them. My folks are presently using a Pentium 2 (might even be a Pentium Pro, I can't recall) with 64 MB RAM and a 1.2 GB HDD. I figured that since I have everything I need to make them a better computer I would just go ahead and do so.

Here's what I frankensteined together:
Pentium 3 500 MHz
Proprietary HP motherboard
256 MB PC-100 RAM
52/24/52 CD-RW
5 GB HDD (will be swapped with a 20 GB HDD soon)

It's not pretty. All of the drive bays are different colours. It goes from grey to beige to black. It works swimmingly though, and is a significant upgrade over what they currently have.

I'm kinda stuck on the OS. Right now the frankenputer is running Windows 98SE, but I'd really, really like to install XP on it. My folks try hard, but they aren't the most computer-savy people in the world. I'd like to provide them with a more secure OS than 98SE, and I do happen to have an unused legitimate copy of XP Pro. It makes sense that I'd install XP right?

I've heard about using nLite to create very slimmed-down installations of XP. I've just never actually used it. The frankenputer I assembled for them isn't the most powerful one in the world, but it exceeds all of the minimum installation requirements. I'd like to go one better and use nLite to create a XP installation disk that removes unneeded Windows components, but I have no idea how to do so. I'm looking to give them an XP machine that boots and responds faster than their old 98SE machine. They don't need 100 screensavers, 200 themes, and who knows what else. They just need a computer that can browse the internet and receive email.

Help PLZ!
This is not the answer to your question, but it is relevant. If you are looking to make their computer more secure, install




Of course teach them how to use them. Sygate can be a bit mysterious, but none of them are hard to master.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
Alram,Feb 13 2005, 02:37 AM Wrote:This is not the answer to your question, but it is relevant.  If you are looking to make their computer more secure, install




Of course teach them how to use them.  Sygate can be a bit mysterious, but none of them are hard to master.

Thanks, but I already planned on installing Firefox and Thunderbird. For a firewall, it's a toss-up between Kerio 2.1.5 and ZoneAlarm. I like AVG for antivirus, and I'll add a bookmark to just in case.

Can you help me with my nLite question?
DeeBye,Feb 13 2005, 02:05 AM Wrote:Can you help me with my nLite question?
Sorry. I don't know about nLite. I went to their site and it does look interesting.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
This is kicking my ass.

I've been attempting to install the new (used) 20 GB drive and Windows XP with varying degrees of success. Here's what I've done. See if you can spot my mess-ups.

1: P3 came with a generic 32x CD-ROM (slave) and a CD-R/W (master). It was running Windows 98SE.
2: I usurped the CD-R/W for my main computer. I simply disconnected the IDE and power cable. I left the 32x as-is.
3: I obtained another CD-R/W, so I installed it in the P3 in place of the 32x. I set the jumper to "slave" and plugged in the power cable. I used it to install stuff from a CD-R, so I knew it worked well enough.
4: The P3 was running Windows 98SE the whole time. It's what was installed on it when I got it.
5: I got a new (used) 20 GB harddrive. I pulled the old 5 GB drive and plugged the 20 GB in in its place. I was sure to set the jumper on the 20 GB to "master".
6: I was ready to install Windows XP, so I checked the P3's BIOS to ensure that it could boot from CD. It could.
7: I popped in the XP CD, and booted the P3. I got a "NTLDR is missing" error message.
8: I Googled, and it led me to this.
9: I tried creating a Win 98SE Startup diskette, but all of my 4+ year old 3.5" floppies are toast. I haven't used them in years so they are useless.
10: I was not able to boot from the XP CD, no matter how many times I tried.
11: After a stroke of genius (!), I re-installed the 5 GB drive as a "master" and installed the 20 GB drive as a "slave".
12: I booted to Windows 98SE on the 5 GB drive and plopped in the XP CD.
13: I installed Windows XP Pro on the 5 GB drive. It detected the 20 GB drive just fine.
14: I pulled out the 5 GB drive and installed the 20 GB drive in its place.

15: I realised I had the CD-R/W drive set as "slave", since that's what the the drive preceding it was set to. There was no way I could boot off of this drive.

16: I set the jumper to "master", and I booted from the CD just swimmingly. I'm in the process of formatting the 20 GB right now.
17: I am a dumbass who just wasted about 5 hours.
Why not just strip Windows XP yourself? I never use nlight and it probably has nice stuff, but its pretty easy to just turn off the much of Windows unwanted functionality. Look at Blackviper if your not sure of what isnt needed,

I did that to my parents rather modest PC and its works quite smooth now for browsing and non-gaming needs, which is all they want.
Ghostiger,Feb 18 2005, 12:37 PM Wrote:Why not just strip Windows XP yourself? I never use nlight and it probably has nice stuff, but its pretty easy to just turn off the much of Windows unwanted functionality.

That's exactly what I did :)

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