Last chance for my Warrior - need help with respec
Like the topic says, I'm about to give up on my Warrior - to be precise, a Level 32 Troll Warrior on Laughing Skull. Since he was my first character, I completely and utterly messed up his talents, so I'm already planning to respec...but to be honest I don't really enjoy playing Warriors THAT much, so I'll probably be grinding with him to get items for my lower level characters. That being said, it would be a crying shame to give up a Level 32 character (especially my first one ^_^) so I am looking at a possible way to save him :

Goals :

1. Kill green mobs super efficiently

2. Low emphasis on PvP

3. Maximize damage (I'll be cooking and first aiding to minimize downtime)

4. Be able to solo well (since grinding is basically soloing...)

I have about 10 gold stored up, so I'll be able to purchase some gear for the respec, plus I have guild members to help me out on that end. But besides that I have no idea what to do - go Fury or Arms? Dual or two-hand? Advice of any sort will be appreciated. ^_^
Grinding on greens sounds like a job for the fury tree. Flurry is a very good talent (though you can't max it until 39) and Bloodthirst would be nice too. Two hander or dual wield doesn't matter a whole lot, really just a matter of preference in this case, and you can be way less choosy about weapons in a fury build since you aren't specializing and you don't need the slowest weapon possible. To maximise damage start in battle stance and charge in, then rend, demo, and battle shout if it needs a refresh, switch to zerker stance when you have minimal rage (assuming no tac mastery until level 45-50) and start sundering or heroic striking and use berserker rage every single time it is available. Save just enough rage so that execute will take the last 20% in one hit. Grind on humanoids who drop cloth, and try to find low armor monsters. At your current level the centaurs in Thousand Needles might be right up your alley, fairly good silk drops and low chance of adds.

Talent wise if you go fury you'll definately want to take cruelty, enrage, and improved execute. The choice between blood craze and improved battle shout is tougher, but since you area troll I'd probably suggest going with blood craze and dropping leftover points in battle shout. I'm not sure about the choice between imp. demo, unbridled wrath, and booming voice. Initally I thought unbridled wrath would be a nice complement, especially if you dual wield but since you won't have a good way to turn rage into damage other than execute, one of the shout bonuses might be better.
This is my current build, having used it since Level 47:

34/17 Fury/Arms

Cruelty - 5
Improved Demoralizing Shout - 5
Piercing Howl - 1
Unbridled Wrath - 5
Improved Execute - 2
Improved Intercept - 2
Death Wish - 1
Enrage - 5
Flurry - 5
Improved Berserker Rage - 2
Bloodthirst - 1

Deflection - 3
Improved Rend - 3
Tactical Mastery - 5
Anger Management - 1
Deep Wounds - 3
Impale - 2

It's served me well, grinding. Probably not quite as effective as a Mortal Strike build for PvP, but since you said you weren't concerned about PvP, I doubt that matters much.

I'd STRONGLY suggest Unbridled Wrath over Improved Battle Shout. While the increase to Battle Shout is quite nice (+241 Power versus something like +193 Power at lvl 60), it doesn't affect Ranged Power, and it hurts your rage generation. UW is simply superior in most cases, though Rogues will certainly love you if you get Battle Shout.

Do yourself a favor and don't get Blood Craze. At lvl 60, I regenerate something around 87 HP/tick. That would be 13.05 HP/tick (assuming my math is correct), amounting to a grand total of 78.30 HP regenerated over the six ticks Blood Craze is effective for - most definitely much less than the amount of damage you would have been critted for. With the troll racials, it becomes 25% regen (over the six-tick period, anyway), which would amount to 130.50 HP regenerated. Those three TPs would be MUCH better spent in Unbridled Wrath.

You'll lack an instant rage-to-damage attack until you pick up Whirlwind at Lv.36, but Sunder Armor works pretty well as a rage-sink, and it also "passively" increases your DPS.

You could PROBABLY drop Piercing Howl (and Improved Demo if you don't find it necessary) for something like Booming Voice or even Improved Slam (some people swear by Slam, but I've found it to be pretty much useless if you're fighting more than one target at a time) if it floats your boat. Piercing Howl is a very useful escape skill, though.

ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Don't give up your Warrior! :)

Warriors are a fine soloing-class that are perfect as item collectors (to supply new, low-level chars with above-standard gear) and resource collectors (to supply your new chars with either resources or excellent gear per level). You could make him, for example, a Mining/Skinning or Mining/Blacksmithing (Weapon or Armor) Artisan. Resources (metal, leather etc) and self-made high-end (Plate!) gear sell very well in auction houses, so that you can earn money quickly for the level 40 mounts of your new chars.

As far as skilling for this purpose goes, I'd too recommend a Fury/Arms build (with a big damage 2-hand weapon). Here's my Warrior's talent plan (for level 60):

Quote:30 Fury / 21 Arms - Offensive Warrior Build

Fury Mastery

Cruelty 5/5 - Increases your chance to get a Critical Strike with melee weapons by 5%
Improved Demoralizing Shout 5/5 - Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 25%
Unbridled Wrath 4/5 - Gives you a 32% chance to generate an additional Rage point when you deal melee damage
Piercing Howl 1/1 - Causes all enemies near the warrior to be dazed for 6 sec.
Improved Battle Shout 4/5 - Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Battle Shout by 20%
Enrage 5/5 - Gives you a 40% melee damage bonus for 4 swings any time you are the victim of a critical strike
Death Wish 1/1 - When activated, increases your Physical Damage by 20% and makes you immune to Fear effects, but lowers your defense against all types of damage by 20%. Lasts 30 sec.
Flurry 5/5 - Increases your Attack Speed by 30% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike

Fury Total: 30

Arms Mastery

Deflection 5/5 - Increases your Parry chance by 5%
Improved Rend 3/3 - Increases the bleed damage done by your Rend ability by 35%
Tactical Mastery 5/5 - You retain up to 25 of your Rage points when you change stances
Improved Overpower 2/2 - Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%
Anger Management 1/1 - Increases the time required for your Rage to decay while out of combat by 30%
Deep Wounds 3/3 - Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 60% of your melee weapon's average damage over 12 sec.
Impale 2/2 - [Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your abilities in Battle, Defensive, and Berserker stance by 20%

Arms Total: 21

Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60

If I were you, I'd level up my Warrior to level 40 now to get the mount for fast traveling and wearing Plate armor, and then work on two Artisan level professions. After that, I'd still level him up once in a while, so that you eventually reach level 60 for safe gathering of the best resources in the dangerous areas of Azeroth.

Also keep in mind that level 60 is not the final word for WOW chars. Expect the next "Hero" class update soon with many more levels, skills and items/resources beyond 60. If you then have a level 60 Warrior at hand for collecting high-end gear and resources, it's certainly a worthy time investment.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
If it makes any difference, my warrior just got to level 40, and I respec'd from defensive to MS, and I love it. I really like the class a lot better now. You might want to try going to 40 before abandoning it.
Less QQ more Pew Pew
Boutros,Feb 28 2005, 02:57 AM Wrote:Two hander or dual wield doesn't matter a whole lot, really just a matter of preference in this case, and you can be way less choosy about weapons in a fury build since you aren't specializing and you don't need the slowest weapon possible.
Is that so? I'd imagine bloodthirst would be most effective with a slow 2h weapon. Is it not based off of mainhand weapon damage for dual wield?

If it does work the way it's described, then that'd probably be one of the most important efficiency concerns for grinding on greens. Maximizing the damage bonus you get after a successful kill would be amplified by getting more frequent kills by killing easy greens.
Less QQ more Pew Pew
Cyath,Feb 28 2005, 01:21 AM Wrote:Like the topic says, I'm about to give up on my Warrior - to be precise, a Level 32 Troll Warrior on Laughing Skull. Since he was my first character, I completely and utterly messed up his talents, so I'm already planning to respec...but to be honest I don't really enjoy playing Warriors THAT much, so I'll probably be grinding with him to get items for my lower level characters. That being said, it would be a crying shame to give up a Level 32 character (especially my first one ^_^) so I am looking at a possible way to save him :

Goals :

1. Kill green mobs super efficiently

2. Low emphasis on PvP

3. Maximize damage (I'll be cooking and first aiding to minimize downtime)

4. Be able to solo well (since grinding is basically soloing...)

I have about 10 gold stored up, so I'll be able to purchase some gear for the respec, plus I have guild members to help me out on that end. But besides that I have no idea what to do - go Fury or Arms? Dual or two-hand? Advice of any sort will be appreciated. ^_^

Interesting. I have a 30 Warrior, first char, mostly defensive spec, except the extra crit, and I have no real problem whacking greens. She does pretty much only green quests solo, groups for anything yellow, and has a great time. 1-hander/shield is what she's using, and while she's no DPS machine, she can handle 2 greens at a time pretty much whenever you want. Interesting that you say you're having trouble soloing.

She does have 10% crit, and with her blue hammer, crits are up in the 250-300 range, and execute will often hit over 300, so that's how she kills, she pounds them into mush till she gets a crit, then execute below 20%. 2 at a time, cleave kicks in some, and she's just flat tough enough to kill one while the other beats on her. She's always got bandages on her, for after the fight, and a few heal pots for emergencies, but rarely used, usually used when a 3rd mob shows up.

I see where I could have built her better, but my leather/skin craft keeps her in enough money to keep her going well, and fix most of her problems. I just respecced her, but I mainly changed her from 'scattered talent points' to even more defensive than she was. I'm leveling a druid atm, so I pull her out for instances with friends, and other assorted help missions. I'll be back to her in a week or two.

Caveat: I wouldn't say she's a FAST killer, but steady as she goes, she just pounds them into mush as they come, 1 or 2 at a time. Keshi's at her best tanking for a rogue or a mage. I tell the mage or rogue "I'll hold them, you kill them". She's never had trouble finding another for a duo. :P But, as I said before, she solos fine, too.

And, the last piece of advice is: go level another class and let your warrior rest. He may be fresh and fun again when you come back.

The first thing I would recommend is to get yourself a nice two handed weapon. There's a quest you can get that's warrior specific and will earn you a nice Whirlwind weapon. I'd recommend the axe since it's the highest damage per swing, which works well with warrior skills. You would need help at your level since you have to kill level 39s to complete the quest, but it's worth begging for :)

This alone will probably change your opinion on the warrior.

Then I'd recommend speccing as far into arms as you can. You can probably get sweeping strikes at your level and mortal strike at level 40.

Once you have sweeping strikes and a nice slow two hander, I recommend grabbing two easy green enemies, beat on them until you get about 80 rage, then activate sweeping strikes and smash the cleave button until you're out of rage.

Sweeping strikes makes your attacks hit an additional enemy, same with cleave. However, when combined you end up hitting both of your targets TWICE with each cleave, which makes it extremeley devastating.
Blood thirst is so bad.

I'm level 55 now and a bonafide rogue-lite warrior. I value armor and then stamina, but put a lot of energy into acquiring +agility equipment. My crit rate sits at 15% unbuffed, though I can easily push it over 20% with the right tools for the job.

I'm currently spec'd into flurry. My build looks like this

5 - Improved Deflection
2 - Improved Charge
5 - Tactical Mastery (This is a must have ability. If your warrior does not have this he basically is missing a leg.)
1 - Anger Management
2 - Improved Overpower

5 - Improved Cruelty
5 - Improved demoralizing shout
1 - Piercing Howl
4 - Unbridled Wrath
2 - Improved Execute (better than I thought it was)
5 - Enrage
1 - Deathwish
2 - Improved Intercept
5 - Flurry

I have one point floating at the moment. I've been spec'd into a full on MS build, which I liked but found a little slow-paced, and a protection style build as well, which is something like playing a turtle.

In all honesty this build is the most hybridized of all talent set ups. You do actually have things that help you a great deal when tanking instances compared to the MS builds, but not so much as a true prot spec warrrior. You are however not the best at soloing multiple green mobs - That lies in the sweeping strike / cleave cheese, which relies on using a big, slow two hander.
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
Wow, quite a lot of replies to this post...ok, I've found most of the advice to be useful, and I do want to hit 40 so I can get MS, but at 32 40 seems kind of far away...especially at the speed at level. ^_^

I don't really have a problem with greens per se, it's just that my kill speed is very slow. I am currently leaning more towards Arms since I have a Corpse Maker and the Fury tree doesn't seem to hold much attraction for me....but at Level 32 I will not be able to get MS for some time, as I said.

I should clear one thing up though - I will probably respec again (and perhaps once more, to a defensive spec for instances) at higher levels once my Warrior is decent, so I basically just need a respec which is grindworthy now. I've already written off the gold as a worthwhile investment.

Also, where is a good place to grind at Level 32? The centaurs in Thousand Needles, while a good suggestion, get kind of old after a while (and the 24s are grey to me) Any other suggestions?
If you want for your warrior to be fun again and to kill fast, you first and most need a good weapon. If you don't mind other people helping you (and you can find someone to do so) you can complete the Whirlwind warrior quest and get essentially a lvl 35 blue two hander at level 32, which should really help out in damage department. Other options would be to buy a weapon at Auction House or visit an instance (Razorfen Krawl has a nice lvl 29 two-handed blue axe).

It wouldn't hurt to update the rest of his gear as well - more stamina and armor means more damage you can take, and more strength and agility means more damage to dish out.

Secondly, since you are 32, you really can't take advantage of Flurry or some other talents that favor dual-wield, so I would suggest picking a slow two-hander, and get these talents (I assume you might want to respec later on for dual-wield):

Cruelty - 5
Imp. Demoralizing Shout - 5
Piercing Howl - 1 (AoE Snare is just too useful)
Imp. Battle Shout - 5
Enrage - 5
Deathwish - 1
And either Unbridled Wrath or Imp. Execute - 1 (and put more once you level up) - the reason being that you don't really have any real reason to go dual-wield yet, and with two-handers Unbridled Wrath is kinda a waste. I don't expect you having rage problems against green mobs anyway.

But again, at this point talents really don't play a large role, and it's all about having a good weapon and in part good gear.
Cyath,Feb 28 2005, 07:34 PM Wrote:Also, where is a good place to grind at Level 32? The centaurs in Thousand Needles, while a good suggestion, get kind of old after a while (and the 24s are grey to me) Any other suggestions?
I'd say Ashenvale, Hillsbrad Foothills, and Wetlands would all offer decent green mobs for you to grind: satyrs in Ashenvale, yetis or syndicate in Hillsbrad, and Dragonmaw orcs in Wetlands.
Cyath,Feb 28 2005, 04:34 PM Wrote:Wow, quite a lot of replies to this post...ok, I've found most of the advice to be useful, and I do want to hit 40 so I can get MS, but at 32 40 seems kind of far away...especially at the speed at level. ^_^

I don't really have a problem with greens per se, it's just that my kill speed is very slow. I am currently leaning more towards Arms since I have a Corpse Maker and the Fury tree doesn't seem to hold much attraction for me....but at Level 32 I will not be able to get MS for some time, as I said.

I should clear one thing up though - I will probably respec again (and perhaps once more, to a defensive spec for instances) at higher levels once my Warrior is decent, so I basically just need a respec which is grindworthy now. I've already written off the gold as a worthwhile investment.

Also, where is a good place to grind at Level 32? The centaurs in Thousand Needles, while a good suggestion, get kind of old after a while (and the 24s are grey to me) Any other suggestions?

The Galak Centaurs west of the great lift should be closer to 28. Once you get to 34 or so the level 30 Burning Blade at Thunder Axe Fortress in Desolace or the level 30 Sydicate at Northfold Manor in Arathi should be pretty good.
Cyath,Mar 1 2005, 01:34 AM Wrote:Also, where is a good place to grind at Level 32? The centaurs in Thousand Needles, while a good suggestion, get kind of old after a while (and the 24s are grey to me) Any other suggestions?

This are some good places from level 30 to 40+ (for Horde Warriors):


- As you've said: Thousand Needles (level 25-35, basically all areas), also great for the common Iron resoures. The Centaurs are interesting for their frequent Silk drops, but are useless for a level 30+ character who wants to get experience fast. A general tip: Always do all available quests in an area as they yield the best experience gains over time.

- Hillsbrad Foothills (Western Strand (29-32), Eastern Strand (29-31), Purgation Isle (30-35), Dun Garok (27-30 Elite(!), great drops from the Elite Dwarves here!)

- Alterac Mountains (30-40, basically all areas), also great for Mining due to the common Iron and Mithril resources

- Arathi Highlands (30-40, basically all areas)


- Desolace (35-40+, basically all areas)


- Dustwallow Marsh (35-45+, basically all areas), no(!) Mining resources here, "The Wyrmborg" has the entrance to Onyxia's Lair with level 41+ Elite monsters
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
You are probably going to eventually want to do one of four builds:

1. 31/20 Fury/Arms - Bloodthirst + Impale.

2. 30/21 Fury/Arms - Flurry + Sweeping Strikes.

3. 20/31 Fury/Arms - Enrage + Mortal Strike

4. 5/31/15 Fury/Arms/Prot - Cruelty, Mortal Strike, Last Stand/SB/Revenge

The latter build is becoming very favoured on the WoW Warrior boards as a nice compromise between "essential" PvE tanking skills and PvE soloing skills (MS).
Artega,Feb 28 2005, 06:08 AM Wrote:I'd STRONGLY suggest Unbridled Wrath over Improved Battle Shout. While the increase to Battle Shout is quite nice (+241 Power versus something like +193 Power at lvl 60), it doesn't affect Ranged Power, and it hurts your rage generation. UW is simply superior in most cases ...
I'm assuming you dual wield, right? Even then, improved battle shout does improve rage generation a bit with the extra damage you do. Not as much as UW, but it also improves damage straight up, which makes up for some of the lack of rage.

I fail to see the point in dual wielding on a warrior anyway.

With slow weapons, you get extra rage on last hits, because the rage generation is based on the damage you would have done if the mob had enough hp left to take it. When grinding on green mobs where you can quickly go to the next one, that'd make up for some of the extra rage generation that UW gives. Besides, if you go arms, you can get Anger Management which rivals UW for rage generation.

I fail to see the appeal of flurry or why people like to DW with flurry. Flurry gives you additional speed for 3 swings, right? Then how is it any better for DW? You crit more often, but for less damage and use up flurry faster, so it should be about the same.

I don't like the idea of my damage being highly based on crit chance when agility gear doesn't improve my AP like strength, and I still need stamina.

That doesn't even take into account Sweeping Strikes. That skill is ungodly for grinding on greens. With a 3.9 speed weapon, you take full advantage of it, dealing DOUBLE damage about 2/3 of the time. That skill alone beats out flurry in my book, which will give you only 30% more damage 30-60% of the time. Yes, you can get both, but only at level 60.
Less QQ more Pew Pew
I use the Doomsaw. Only dual when I feel like joking around in PvP or when I want to be able to quickly switch to my board.

UW makes a difference, no matter what speed your weapon is, and it's outright superior to Blood Craze in every way.

Pretty much every Warrior skill out there leans towards big, slow two-handed weapons. Flurry's speed increase will be very noticeable when using a big, slow weapon rather than two fast weapons. MS will do more damage with a slow weapon than a fast one. SS will do better with a slow weapon. Dualling really isn't good for anything but rage generation and #$%&s and giggles. If you want to be a blender, roll a Blade Fury Rogue.

STR+STA is generally the better idea. However, I switch out some of my tanking gear for damage gear while PvPing. I usually use the Helm of Valor when tanking or grinding or whatever, but it gets switched out for the Ragefury Eyepatch (+2% crit on equip) for PvP, since Armor makes much less of a difference out there.

I also use the Vambraces of the Sadist (TIMMAH! drops them), which add +1% crit, and Reiver Claws, which add another 1% crit. After this, I'll use Elixirs of the Mongoose (+2% crit and +25 AGI for an hour, which is just over +3% crit) and wind up having close to 25% crit while in Zerker stance. This is basically critting every other hit on plate and most mail targets, and critting almost literally EVERY hit on cloth and leather targets.

Raziel: I'd strongly suggest going 34/17 Fury/Arms, rather than 31/20. This way you can snag the lovely Improved Berserker Rage and complete Improved Intercept, and you only lose a little Deflection for a tradeoff, which can be easily made up with +Defense gear.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.

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