Poison Necro Build.
I 'm thinking of building a poison necro, and I would appreciate your suggestions.
I have some issues i would like to discuss about this build.

First of all, to get a feel of how it will work, I downloaded a character editor and items file that works for single player only. I thought it would be wise to test the build before i go through the agonizing process of making it on Battle-Net.
So i made a lvl 70 poison necro about to start NM Baal runs ,using the following:

A)- Skills. (77 skill points total )

20 poison dagger
20 poison explosion
20 poison nova
1 decrepify
9 lower resist

the remaiming are wasted points necessary as pre-requisites.

1 teeth
1 corpse explosion
1 amplify damage
1 weaken
1 iron maiden
1 terror
1 life tap

B) - Gear

- Armor: Bramble Boneweave (runeword)
- Shield: Homunculus
-Weapon: Black Bog / Call to Arms Knout ( I use Cta to BO then switch to Black Bog /

-Boots: Marrowalk
-Ammy: Mara's Kaleidoscope
-Rings: Ravenfrost/ Manald heal
-Gloves: Trang Oul's
-Helm: Delirium Demon Visage ( Runeword )
-Belt: T-gods
-Charms: there is only one charm in his inventory ( Annihilus)

C) - Stats ( total 355 points )
The following are the basic stats ( magical boosts not included )

str 75
dex 120
vit 190
enr 50

As you can see, i didnt put any points into Bone shield or wall. I dont plan plan to engage in melee combat , eventhough my poison dagger does 21- 27 k damage over a 5 second period.
My poison explosion does up to 51 k damage over 5 seconds !!!!! ( unfortunately, its useless in duels )
The problem I'm having is with poison Nova. it only does 7k damage :( .

So the dilemma is that the two skills that are usefull in PvM do awesome damage, while the one skill that would be usefull for pvp is doing crappy damage.

I considered trying to ammend him and puting some points in Bone armor and wall ( for synergies) and go for a melee mancer instead, but the problem is that with the many new runewords we're seeing today, melee characters like paladins ane barbs are doing insane damage. even with maxed Bone Armor and its synergies, i will still die in one hit. ( what hope would i have against ...say a BotD wielding berserker or zealot ?).

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanx :)
DarkPriest,Mar 10 2005, 02:45 AM Wrote:Any help would be appreciated.

Thanx  :)

I cannot help with suggestions about PvP.

However, for PvM, Dim Vision is a very useful curse. Poisoning monsters who are not able to see you to retaliate is a Good Thing™. I would recommend about 10 points (with skill adders).

You did not mention a mercenary. Both Life Tap and Decrepify are valuable for keeping one alive, although it is likely that you do not need more than one base point in them for this purpose.

But what are you going to use to kill the many Poison Immunes in Hell? Or are you planning to focus mostly on PvP?
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


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