Exalted in Stormwind?
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I finally got exalted in stormwind 2 days ago. I was going to post it but the forums were down. anyways, after doing about 943+ runs on the repeatable quest "lost supplies" i finally made it.


and also I had an interesting chat with a GM. It really cracked me up.




i'm surprised not even GM's knows it's possible to get exalted. for those of you trying also best of luck!

edit: i just want to give special thanks to my friend unsere and cytokinesis who encouraged me along the way. and to adilia who loaned me the money to buy the mount. thanks guys i love y'all!

edit: here's a picture of my morrowgrains. i've been gathering them with my alt for over a month now. you need 5 morrowgrain per quest and each quest will give me 25 points. so i need to get 2400 more ! but it'll be fun


edit: new links to the pictures

mount pics:

conversation with gm:

Cenarius Alliance

Liscentia 80 Death Knight (450 Herbalism 425 Inscription)
Mysteryium 80 Shaman (450 Skinning 441 Leatherworking)
Tutelin 80 Priest (413 Enchanting 420 Tailoring)
Frozzen 73 Mage (Tailoring 375 Enchanting 375)
Obstinate 71 Hunter (375 Herbalism 375 Alchemy)
Squabbles 70 Warlock (Tailoring 375 Leatherworking 291)
Niniuin 70 Paladin (Herbailism 375 Alchemy 375)
Thunderous 66 Warrior (Mining 375 Tailoring 360)
A gnome on a horse :o ........ now i've seen everything
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
Very nice! I've tried to find some sort of repeatable quest for trolls, so I can get a rapter mount, but I haven't had any luck.
Has anyone found a repeater for Ironforge? My gnomes (when they finally get that high ;) ) would much rather have a ram at some point than a Thunder Chicken of Doom.
Intolerant monkey.
Here is the WoW forum reputation FAQ. Very informative. According to it there are currently no repeatable quests for Trolls or Dwarves. Presumably the patch will fix this and make it easier to hit Exalted in general.

Heh! I was going to start trying this last night. Being an alchemist, I was continually sidetracked by all the yellow dots on the mini-map. :huh: When I did finally find a chest, I ran over and turned it in. I am using BadRep that comes with cosmos. That shows each level of rep as a single point. I was not yet revered in SW. I checked the change in rep for turning in one (you can only carry one at a time) and it showed .00025. If the rep gain stayed the same, it would have been over 4000 repetitions to get exalted. If it works the same as other rep, each step, honored->revered->exalted, cuts the rep gain in half. It would have taken over 8000 times at level 60. As was said, the trick is to do it as soon as the quests become available. Also, the SoS Lost Supplies quest has to be done solely by the character. The barrel you pickup is bind on pickup. However, the morrowgrain quest can be done by having other characters farm and pass it back to the desired character. I certainly hope they do make the process easier. I want a cat. They also have the opportunity to create a gold sink with this. If they would remove faction requirements on epic mounts, it would encourage people to sink 900/1000g into epic mounts. I would consider buying an epic mount if that were the case.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Guess I better get moving on this Morrowgrain quests then if I wanna get a cat again. Any of our Night elf friends that would like to help me in this worthy endeavour? ;)
I think you have a point there.

Tying the games grandest money sink int with faction building probably isnt the best idea.

It would be better if there were 2 seperate but valuable rewards.
Xanthix,Mar 14 2005, 10:17 PM Wrote:According to it there are currently no repeatable quests for Trolls or Dwarves.
Bah. How aggravating. Thanks Xanthix.
Intolerant monkey.

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