Confused about item *Poof*
Hello lurkers,

I have recently re-entered the open market world of trading on the ladder with great trepidation. Prevously, all trading was done with a select group of players that I trusted to be legit, and had been playing with them for a few years. No longer available, as they have moved on from D2.

On the current LOD 1.10 ladder, what will the effects be if I had an item with duped rune inside of it.

Now, my searching has been full of confusion. Lurkerlounge, AB, and google just turned up confusion, instead of clarity.

How does Rust storm work?
The speculation is that it does a check when a player leaves a game, duped runes are detected and deleted. The *Poof* factor but runes that are inside the stash are protected from this?

What happens to the items if a duped rune existed inside of the runeword?
Once again, more confusion, stories of the entire item being deleted are countered by just may stories of the single duped rune being deleted only. The only pattern I was able to discern was that if the last and only the last rune was a dupe, then the it alone will be delete and the item will be preserved. Otherwise, if the duped rune was not the last the entire item will be deleted.

[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*
The runeworded items become "iths" and the one (or more) runes that were duped are removed elaving only the legitemate portion of the item. In most cases this renders the item as useless and the hel+tp scroll recepy is needed in order to re-create the rune word.

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