Molten Core: Baron Geddon
Great writeup, loved the screenshots, and grats on the belt. A few comments/tips/whatever...

Gear: The number 1 stat for the main tank during this fight is Fire Resistance. Baron Geddon's damage is almost completely fire. The gear can make all the difference in the world to the main tank. Additionally, once you gear up the rest of the raid they'll be able to resist Living Bomb or his Ignite Mana.

Positioning: There are two methods to positioning the raid for this fight. The first is to scatter into a wide circle around the room with Geddon in the center. This can make things a bit difficult since you have to readjust a bit and ensure that everyone is within dispelling range of a priest/paladin. The benefit to spreading out like this is that if someone becomes The Bomb and doesn't get away from his buddies quickly, he'll only blow a small section of the raid up. The second method (which I'm pressing for in my guild on our next run) is to jump into one big pile and send the Maintank forth to hold Geddon. The pro to this is that no matter what, everyone is in range of every healer/dispeller. The drawback is one bad Bomb can wipe the raid. This should only be attempted once you're sure you can trust people to watch their debuffs (or the whispers from that mod).

Resurrections: It's possible to have a priest or shaman running laps around the cavern, staying out of combat, and throwing rezzes on those who've run to the edge and been blown sky high by the Bomb. This could help you out a lot in terms of manpower over the duration of the fight.

As with all things, bang your head against this fight enough and eventually it just "clicks". Some things can only be learned by experience, and after a while you'll be looking at people throwing crazy midair heals on the people who are getting blown up, the tank saying "Hey, I want to try and stay in his fire for those pulses!" etc. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll have it refined to a science. Remembr, at one time Van Cleef was rough. B)

One quick question. Why is every Rebirth you report on accompanied by a timer before resurrection?
See you in Town,
Look at the date on the original post. :)

March 21, 2005. This was a write up of one of the earliest Baron Geddon kills, ever. This was back when there was a bug with rezzes and you had to wait for the whole release timer.

This was not a post about a guild just now getting to Geddon, this is almost a year old and the thread got rezzed because of it's relevance to another issue that cropped up again recently. Easy thing to miss though.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Zarathustra,Jan 16 2006, 08:12 AM Wrote:Positioning:  There are two methods to positioning the raid for this fight.  The first is to scatter into a wide circle around the room with Geddon in the center.  This can make things a bit difficult since you have to readjust a bit and ensure that everyone is within dispelling range of a priest/paladin.  The benefit to spreading out like this is that if someone becomes The Bomb and doesn't get away from his buddies quickly, he'll only blow a small section of the raid up.  The second method (which I'm pressing for in my guild on our next run) is to jump into one big pile and send the Maintank forth to hold Geddon.  The pro to this is that no matter what, everyone is in range of every healer/dispeller.  The drawback is one bad Bomb can wipe the raid.  This should only be attempted once you're sure you can trust people to watch their debuffs (or the whispers from that mod).

Nah, we tried the grouping up idea twice and quickly abandoned it, because it requires both the tank to stay in the pulses (Possible if the tank is geared out, but our tanks weren't almost a year ago) and for all 40 people in the raid to be paying attention during the whole fight. I'm not one to take unnecessary risks when one doesn't have to such as: Will someone's cat jump on a person's keyboard while they have The Bomb? Will someone get disconnected while they have the bomb? Will someone make an emergency run to the bathroom right before the fight and not tell anybody "because it was going to be fast?" Will someone get lagged when they have The Bomb or just plain not notice that they have it?

Nah, spreading around in an arc is much better. You just have to have the individual parties clustered together so that they get the dispells and sheilds of their priests. Clustering up the entire raid is just asking for something to go horribly wrong.

Quote:Resurrections:  It's possible to have a priest or shaman running laps around the cavern, staying out of combat, and throwing rezzes on those who've run to the edge and been blown sky high by the Bomb.  This could help you out a lot in terms of manpower over the duration of the fight.

Yes, I mentioned that we did that. However, Blizzard does not like out of combat rezzing and is working on a fix for it, so we should all get used to the idea of not using OOC rezzers in the future.

Quote:Remembr, at one time Van Cleef was rough.

I still have a beef with that bastard and derive great pleasure every time I kill him. Still, it's hard to get complete satisfaction from killing such a watered down version of him. The beta 1 version of Van Cleef was hard. That's the guy I want to beat into a pulp.

Quote:One quick question.  Why is every Rebirth you report on accompanied by a timer before resurrection?

The same reason that a Belt of Transcendence and a pair of Gauntlets of Wrath dropped. This was written back in March of last year. At the time, all resurrection spells used the resurrection timer. Since we had already died many times during the run, all of our resurrection timers were several minutes long. Luckily, Blizzard later changed it so that you can resurrect immediately, if someone casts a resurrection spell on you.

Plus, they changed the loot tables in Molten Core so that the only tier 2 set items that drop there are the tier 2 leggings off Ragnaros. Onyxia was made to drop only the tier 2 set helms and all other tier 2 set pieces were given to bosses in Blackwing Lair. Because I already had my Belt of Transcendence from this early Molten Core run, I believe I was the first one on the server (definitely the first on the Horde) to own a three piece Transcendence set.
MongoJerry,Jan 16 2006, 05:19 PM Wrote:it requires both the tank to stay in the pulses (Possible if the tank is geared out, but our tanks weren't almost a year ago)[right][snapback]99468[/snapback][/right]

We have had a tank with 315 fire resist and good stamina go down when he tried to stay in the pulses. It's possible to heal a well-equipped tank thru the pulse attack, but if they fail to resist one of the final pulses, it can be very easy to lose them. I recommend running out of the AOE range, at least after the first few pulses.
We use the "everyone stands in one big group" strategy, and we haven't found it any less effective than spreading out. The tank moves out of the way during the pulses, then moves back in range when they're finished.

Grouping up (tighter the better) creates more space for people to run into when they are the bomb actually reducing the chances of collateral damage - as long as people are paying attention. (And there's not much more you need to focus on in the Geddon fight). Plus the entire raid is in range of every dispeller for Ignite Mana. Plus its refreshingly quick to set up for.

MongoJerry,Jan 16 2006, 04:19 PM Wrote:Nah, we tried the grouping up idea twice and quickly abandoned it, because it requires both the tank to stay in the pulses (Possible if the tank is geared out, but our tanks weren't almost a year ago) and for all 40 people in the raid to be paying attention during the whole fight.[right][snapback]99468[/snapback][/right]

We do Geddon with everyone clumped up all the time now. It doesn't require the tank to be in the pulses since Geddon is stationary while he's doing that. And as far as people not paying attention in the Core, they'll quickly find that someone waiting in the wings would be happy to have their spot.

The requirement for people to pay attention is actually a boon if you ask me. It keeps things exciting in an instance that's relatively mundane. Our best time so far is 4:58 and we're looking to improve upon that for the very reason that our current clears are just going through the motions.
See you in Town,
We do two piles that way one noob/disco doesn't wipe us, but dispelling is still easy.
oldmandennis,Jan 24 2006, 06:00 PM Wrote:We do two piles that way one noob/disco doesn't wipe us, but dispelling is still easy.

We use two piles; one with melee, and one ranged/healers. Each group has its' own "bomb spot" (sorta like an elephant graveyard) which people being da bomb runs to. Melee bomb-spot has one ooc-resser, ranged has two. All priests dispel themselves, while two priests share dispelling of the other raid members.
Meshuggah,Feb 8 2006, 03:26 AM Wrote:Melee bomb-spot has one ooc-resser, ranged has two.

Get ready for that not to work any more, then.
You don't know what you're talking about.
lfd,Feb 8 2006, 07:56 AM Wrote:Get ready for that not to work any more, then.

On the bright side, once you know the encounter, an OOC rezzer is only icing on the cake. You can pre- heal and shield the bomb as easily as you can post- rez them.

It's just that the rezzing is a nice aid when you are learning the other aspects of the encounter, such as the positioning, the pulsed AOE, the mana burn debuff, etc.
Bolty,Mar 22 2005, 12:46 AM Wrote:It's pretty amazing to think that a year from now, this will all be old hat - that guilds will run these raid instances on a regular basis, and that some may dare think it "easy."

Really impressive, Mongo!


Ah, I remember when I read that, somewhere in Egypt at the time, WoW not even activated yet :).
And yesterday our raid alliance wiped at Razorgore for the first time (three times, man this fight is utter chaos for noobies). A lot has happened in that (almost) year, we are at Majordomo in Molten Core at the moment, attempting Ragnaros and, to our great satisfaction, we have killed Onyxia three times by now. No wipes after the first kill, looks like she really is on farm status right after you get her down for the first time.

And I play too much WoW to regularly post here :P.

a big cheerio to the LL people
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

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